Meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.
Attendance: Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.
Guests: Dan Ahunen, Bonnie Dressen, Jessica Dorsey, Paul Klassen, Deb Pomroy, Roxanne Scranton, Ted Wallace
Clerk’s Report: Wallace presented the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting on December 10, 2019. Motion to approve by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0
Treasurer’s Report
Total Funds on hand as of 12/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $166,479.33
Plus: Deposits – $12,853.00
Less: Disbursements (December) – $3,905.00
Total Funds on hand as of 12/31/2019 – $175,427.33
December Check # 1496 – 1506
Claims (January) – $22,990.88 (amount include check for St. Louis County Auditor $5,340.83; and Pequaywan Fire and Rescue $15,000.00)
January Check # 1507 – 1515
Transfer of $15,000.00 to Checking Account will be needed
Motion by Swanstrom to approve December and January Treasurer’s Reports and to transfer $15,000 to the checking account, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
Old Business
- Update on the land purchase – Department of Natural Resources has approved the sale of the forfeited property to Pequaywan Towship in the amount as follows: Appraised land value $5,100.00; 3% State Assurance Fee $153.00; Deed fee $25.00; Deed tax $16.83; Recording fee $46.00 = Total due $5,340.83 payable to St. Louis County Auditor. Kuettel stated to have a Resolution be created for the purchase of the property. Barnes mentioned that he will personally deliver the check to St. Louis County.
- Update on snowplow drivers strike as it affects the township – St. Louis County adviced townships to seek an alternative service provider for the duration of any strike action by snowplow driver’s starting on January 15 if a labor contract settlement is not reached. Kuettel reported that the town officers do not know anybody that has a plow that can do the work. County supervisors will be plowing the roads and to expect delays.
- Update on new laptops; what to do with the old laptops and cleaning files from the hard drive – Wallace and Barnes reported that the software needed have been installed. Kuettel advised to keep the old laptops for the use of deputy clerk and deputy treasurer and not to erase the files for now.
- Update on Voting Equipment Grant Application, due 1/31/2020 – Wallace completed the Grant Application Form and will submit to the State of Minnesota. She also reported that the cost of new voting equipment (DS200) to replace M100 is $5,260 and the state’s grant is up to $2,630 depending on the number of applications received versus the total $2M amount of grant
- Adding a deputy clerk and deputy treasurer for the township – Kuettel mentioned the need to hire a deputy clerk and a deputy treasurer to replace the clerk and treasurer who will end their term in March 2021; and that a Resolution should be created
- Upcoming elections and Public Accuracy Test (February 29 at 2:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Firehall) of the Automark machine: Wallace reported the following important election dates:
- March 3, 7:00am.-8:00pm, Presidential Nomination Primary, Pequaywan Firehall
2. March 10, 5:00pm-8:00pm, Township Election, Pequaywan Firehall (update on Affidavit of Candidacy submission for Supervisor opening) : one candidate, Donald Swanstrom, submitted an Affidavit of Candidacy
New Business
- Bob McDonough resigned as election judge effective January 2020
- Pequaywan Fire & EMS is requesting $16,500.00 for 2021 contribution
- Approve and sign the following Town Resolutions:
- Resolution for Appointment of Judges for 2020 Elections (motion passed during November meeting)
- Resolution Appointing Absentee Ballot Board for 2020 March Township Election
- Resolution for Voting Equipment Grant Funding Application (motion passed during December meeting)
- Scheduled and confirmed the following meetings:
- February 11, 2020: Board of Audit Meeting and Budget Meeting after the Township Board Meeting, approximately 8:30 pm
- March 10, 2020: Annual Town Meeting right after Town Election approximately 8:30pm
- March 10, 2020: Township Board Meeting, and Board of Canvas Meeting after Annual Town Meeting approximately 9:30pm
- April 14, 2020: Reorganizational Meeting after Township Board Meeting to discuss: (a) Resolution for a Polling Place for 2021 Election/s; (b) Resolutions on Establishing a Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers; possibly (c) Retention Schedule; and (d) Statutory Conflicts of Interest
- Primary Election, August 11; General Election, November 10 – need to change the date of Town meetings that falls on the same date as election days as ballot counting may not be done until midnight or later: tabled until July meeting for the August 11 election and October meeting for the November election
- Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) training – Both Kuettel and Swanstrom have LBAE training. Dressen will take the training online or during the MAT Spring Short Courses
- Premium Invoice from MATIT for Consolidated Coverage $923.00
- Invoice from St. Louis County for services completed for Proposed Tax Notice Preparation and delivery $69.77
- Billing Statement from St. Louis County, Land and Minerals Department, for purchase of tax forfeited property in Rossini Road, $5,340.83
- Email from St. Louis County, Phil Chapman Elections Supervisor, re-more information on the cost of replacement for the M100 election equipment and supplies
- Email from St. Louis County, Phil Chapman Elections Supervisor, re-information on the process for the Presidential Nomination Primary voting in Minnesota
- Email from St. Louis County, Land and Minerals Department, County Ag Inspector, requesting to complete and submit 2019 Annual Township Report on Noxious Weed Control
- Email from Duluth Association of Townships with October 2019 meeting minutes, invoice for 2020 Association Dues, and January Meeting Agenda
- Email from U.S. Census Bureau, Sam Fettig, Chicago Regional Census Center, re-training in forming a 2020 Complete Count Committee
- Emails from U.S. Census Bureau re-voluntary Boundary and Annexation Survey participation to ensure that the Census Bureau has current and accurate boundary, legal name, and status information for the township
- Email from St. Louis County, Public Works, re-possible strike of snowplow drivers anytime between January 14 and February 3, 2020, and for townships to be aware of delays in snowplowing and to seek an alternative provider
- Email from Minnesota Department of Revenue Board of Appeal and Equalization through St. Louis County Assessor’s Office reminding townships to have at least one voting member trained
- Email to St. Louis County, Planning and Community Development, of the township Resolution 2019-010 Short Term Rental Recommendations
- 2019 Annual Township Report for Noxious Weed Control submitted to St. Louis County Land Department
- 2019 W-2 and W-3 filed with the federal government
- 2019 State Wage Detail Report submitted to the Minnesota Secretary of State
- 2019 Sales and Use Tax Report submitted to the Department of Revenue
- 2019 Workers’ Compensation for MATIT, due 2/1/2020
Public Comment: Dan Ahunen of Pequaywan Fire and EMS submitted their request for the 2020 grant in the amount $16,000.00. Due to increasing expenses incurred for training, supplies, equipment and maintenance of vehicles, they have to increase their request of grant. Kuettel stated that Pequaywan Fire and EMS must present their request during the March Annual Town meeting for approval. A resident requested for the Pequaywan Fire and EMS to submit an expense report during the Annual Meeting.
Paul Klassen mentioned that St. Louis County will finalize the Permitting Standards to Zoning Ordinance 62 (Short-Term Rental) during their meeting on February 25 which will be in effect immediately.
Next Meeting, February 11, 2020, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk