Public Notice

St. Louis County MHMP News Release #2 & Website Public Review Period

From: Holly Olson <>

Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 2:09 PM

To: Holly Olson <>
Cc: Bonnie K Hundrieser <>, Duane Johnson <>

Good afternoon all St. Louis County City and Township Representatives,

The St. Louis County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan draft document is ready for public review and comment until Friday, January 31st. City and Township personnel are encouraged to look at the plan and submit any questions, comments, or changes for the plan so we can submit everything to the State of MN and FEMA.

Action Items for City/Township Representatives:

1.       REVIEW and COMMENT on the Multi-Hazard Mitigation plan at this website: – in particular the mitigation actions for your jurisdiction, and then fill out the online form (click on the words “quick form” to access and complete).

2.       POST THE NEWS RELEASE (attached) and SEND PROOF OF POSTING to help announce the public review period.

This could be a bulletin board photograph, website link, Facebook page – whatever method you used to get the word out.

Once you post the News Release, please send proof of posting to Holly Olson at

This is an essential part in proving to FEMA that we have provided opportunity for public review of the plan.


Many thanks for all of the input and assistance you have given during this process. Please contact me with any questions.

Dewey Johnson
St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office
Emergency Management Coordinator

Holly Olson | Information Specialist II
St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office
2030 North Arlington Avenue
Duluth, Minnesota 55811

St. Louis County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan