September 14, 2021 Township Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Charles Kuettel
Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Doug Dressen, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, clerk Amber Cruz, deputy clerk Lita Wallace (via teleconference), treasurer Lynne Scalzo, deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes and Carol Nelson(new treasurer hired effective September 14, 2021)
Guests: John Wilson
Clerk’s Report
The August 10, 2021 Township Board Meeting minutes for approval. Motion to approve the minutes was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
Treasurer’s Report
Total Funds on hand as of 08/01/2021 (Includes Investments) $183,930.91
Plus: Deposits (August) $6,651.44
Taconite Production Tax $2,653.00
General Fund $530.60
Roads/Bridge Maint. Fund $2,122.40
MN DNR $3,866.48
Interest on Accounts $131.96
Less: Disbursements (August) $1,414.86
Payroll $540.24
Website Administration $31.25
Road Maintenance $750.00
Other Expenses $93.37
Total Funds on hand as of 08/31/2021 $189,167.49
August Check # 1698 – 1706
Claims (September) – $1,441.79
September Check # 1707 – 1716
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.
Motion to accept the treasurers report was provided by Dressen. Motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0
Old Business
- Update on West Branch Road: The road needs repaired soon, there are 8 to 9 areas that need attention. Supervisors are going to buy supplies from Menards and patch the areas of the road that need repaired. The amount of $300 has been approved to purchase the needed materials for the repairs. A motion to approve the $300 was provided by Swanstrom. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
- Treasurer update: Carol Nelson was sworn in by clerk Amber Cruz. The August township board minutes were signed so that Carol can be added to the Township bank account
New Business
- Update on Township Levy Request: The 2022 Levy Certification Form has been submitted to the county
- Request by Rick’s tree service to accept their wood chips. A notice will be placed on the Township webpage that the wood chips will be available. The Lake Association will also be given a flyer to post on the Association’s Facebook page.
- Resolutions 2021-006, 2021-004 and 2021-005 are not opening correctly on the Township website and resolution 2021-003 is missing. Amber is to work with Daisy Wallace to fix the links.
- Weed control: Money for help in dealing with invasive species for our watershed is available. A letter of support for MN DNR Forestry & Fisheries, Lake SWCD, & DCISMA. Motion for Dressen to write letter of support by September 28, 2021 was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) containing the August 2021 newsletter
- Email from MAT with an invitation to the MAT District 10 meeting and update on director election
- Email from MAT with a reminder of the MAT District 10 meeting
- Email from Phil Chapman, Clerk of County Board/Elections Supervisor of St Louis County with information on redistricting OSS training
- Email from Brad Gustafson of Planning and Community Development St Louis County Government Services Center on the 2022 CDBG open house
- Email from Jonathan Blevins of St Louis County containing a forwarded email with updates from the Office of the Secretary of State regarding redistricting training
- Email from Jessica Myhrer of Rick’s Tree Service requesting permission to dump wood chips
- Email from MAT with information on “Township Tuesdays”
- Email from MAT with an invitation to The Minnesota Association of Township’s 2021 Education Conference and Annual Meeting
- Email from Daisy Wallace with an invoice of $25.00 for website maintenance
- Email and phone call from John Wilson requesting to be added to the agenda to discuss the Moose Lake road easement
- Email from Brad Gustafson of Planning and Community Development St Louis County Government Services Center with a reminder for the 2022 CDBG open house
- Letter from MAT on in-person training for the ARPA Funding.
- Letter from Nancy Nilson of Saint Louis County Auditor with the Township Final Levy Certification form for taxes payable 2022
- Email to Quinn Carlson of Sain Louis County Auditor requesting the Township Final Levy Certification Form
- Letter to Nancy Nilson of Saint Louis County Auditor with the Township Final Levy Certification form for taxes payable 2022
- Letter to Lisa Sweet of St Louis County Auditor- elections with the completion form for the online clerk elections training
- Letter to Lisa Sweet of St Louis County Auditor- elections with the completion form for the online election judge training.
Public Comments
- John Wilson requested to discuss the Moose Lake Road easement. Wilson needs the easement to be from Hwy 44 to the end of Moose Lake Road. Wants the township to sponsor the easement with Wilson covering all expenses. Wilson was requested to hire a lawyer to help. The easement request will be visited at the October Board meeting.
Next Meeting October 12, 2021 at the Pequaywan firehall with the additional option of attending via teleconference. The location will be reassessed 2 weeks prior to October 12, 2021 Township Board meeting. Any changes in location will be made at that time in accordance with Minnesota Association of Townships and the State of Minnesota
A motion to adjourn was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0
Kuettel adjourned the meeting at 8:16 pm
Respectfully submitted by
Amber Cruz, Clerk