Called to order at 7:30 PM
Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead, April Smitke, Keith Stoneburner
Residents in attendance: 27
Next meeting set for October 14, 2014
Minutes read and approved
Treasurer report: Checks submitted to Mark for his signature. Checks received recently; $5,700 from taconite relief, $3,000 from DNR and $300 from Carlson Timber. Balance is $241,000. Treasurer report motioned and seconded to approve.
Old Business:
Internet: Statement made by Mark regarding the progress in the past month since the last meeting. Lease or buyout of the land was discussed between Mark and CLP representatives. It was decided in the end to discuss with the township attorney which statute is the center point of the compensation of land discussion. Also, what is considered appropriate compensation? If two monthly free internet accounts is compensation, can the township “sell” those to residents to receive monetary compensation? Can the fire department receive internet as part of the annual payment from the township? Set up meeting with Peggy Kuettel (representative on the CLP board for Pequaywan area).
Logging: The logging agreement has been signed and returned to Carlson Timber. They have sent a $300 down payment on the contract.
Smokey the Bear sign: Contact is being made by the fire department on the whereabouts of the sign.
New Business:
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM