Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead
Absent: Keith Stoneburner
3 residents
Next meeting set for Apr 14, 2009
Old business:
No old business discussed
New business:
No new business discussed
Meeting adjourned.
Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead
Absent: Keith Stoneburner
3 residents
Next meeting set for Apr 14, 2009
Old business:
No old business discussed
New business:
No new business discussed
Meeting adjourned.
Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry
Absent: Scott Mead, Keith Stoneburner
9 residents
Next meeting set for Feb 10, 2009
Old business:
Resident Ted Wasnick gave information that he attended a meeting in Virginia and all was approved for 6 lots to sell.
New business:
Rick introduced the representatives from the Pequaywan fire dept to present their annual monetary request that will be given to the township. The Peq. FD gave the town board a copy of their 2008 annual financial statements with a proposed 2009 statements.
John Lucia was contacted by the area retired residents group if they could have their luncheon each Tuesday at the fire hall. John asked that the snowmobile club give him notice or write on the calendar at the fire hall of when their meetings are so the monthly cleaning of the hall does not interfere with any scheduled meetings.
The local township positions that will be voted on this March are the positions currently held by Mark Freeman and Keith Stoneburner.
Meeting adjourned.