Contact Us

Board of Supervisors

Douglas Nelson, Chair, 612-327-3065 (2023-2026)
James Wilson, Vice-Chair, 218-340-4288 (2024-2027
Douglas Dressen, Supervisor, 218-348-7318 (2022-2025)


Lita Wallace, Clerk 218-525-4068 (Appointed)
Shane Stolp, Deputy Clerk, 218-349-5008 (Appointed)
Carol Nelson, Treasurer, 952-367-6825 (Appointed)
Ray Barnes, Deputy Treasurer, 218-428-2510

Contact Township officials by Email

The contact form sends an email to a collaborative inbox that is accesible by all township officers.
When you receive a response to your inquiry and wish to reply to it, make sure to click reply-all. This will ensure that all officers are updated on the communication. 

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