Present: Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry,
Absent: Keith Stoneburner, April Smitke
Next meeting set for March 13, 2012
Minutes were read and approved
Old business:
Sulfide Mining: Fry presented the rough draft of the sulfide mining resolution. Requested that anyone with other thoughts should give him a call. There was a discussion on the end results of all mining. The general consensus was that the resolution was adequate with a few adjustments to the property rights issue if possible. Fry will work on the revision and present them at the next meeting.
Broadband/Internet: An invitation was sent out to government officials and service providers concerning broadband put on by Lake Connections. It is not open to the general public. A joint powers agreement was presented to the board that would provide funding and access to grants to pursue the broadband issue further. There are seven townships and two unorganized townships involved. Joint powers agreement is needed to access grants and authorize the expenditure of funds. There were a few questions that need to be answered before authorization by the township.
New business:
PVFD: Discussion about new radios for the fire department. This is a required upgrade that could be quite expensive. Grants have been applied for but no grants awarded yet.
West Branch Road: The culvert at the Boyer creek point is backing up slightly. The creek itself appears to be frozen restricting the flow of water. Ted Wasnick will be contacted prior to any work on his property. Fry to keep track of the problem.
Meeting adjourned.