Present: Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry
Absent: Keith Stoneburner
8 residents present
Next meeting set for June 14, 2011
Old business:
New business:
Resident Wilson brought up the discussion of logging the township land of the Rossini Rd. This is to be brought up at the Peq. Assc meeting to get feedback.
Residents of Pinewood and E. Shore Rd brought up the discussion of the land going up for auction sale by the County and if the township could step in to purchase the land before going to auction. It was said the township was not allowed by MN statutes to do this and recommended they discuss this with a surveyor and/or legal representation for exact property lines and other questions they may have.
The supervisor of N. Star township called Scott Mead about these areas excluded from the fiber optic progress from the Two Harbors direction. It was discussed of proposing a petition to notify those that people in the area are interested in being included. Resident Henry Helgen to follow-up on the information.
Meeting adjourned.