Meeting was called to order at 8:25 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.
Attendance: Town officers: Chair Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Don Swanstrom, Supervisor Doug Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Raymond Barnes, Deputy Clerk Stephanie Teek, Deputy Treasurer Jennifer Maciewski
Discussion of the following Resolutions:
- Resolution on Polling Place for 2021 Election/s was motioned to approve by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0
- Establishing Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers was motioned to approve by Swantrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
Resolutions to be discussed at a later time:
- Retention Schedule
- Statutory Conflicts of Interest
Swanstrom motioned to adjourn at 8:31 p.m., seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.