WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 204B.21, requires appointing authority to appoint election judges for performing election-related duties assigned by the county auditor; and
WHEREAS, it is required that the three election judges appointed must be trained as election judges; and
WHEREAS, election judges appointed must be consisted of individuals affiliated with at least three major political parties; and
WHEREAS, the following individuals have been appointed to serve as election judges for all elections held in 2023;
Lita Wallace, Head Election Judge
Raymond Barnes, Election Judge
Bonnie Drummond, Election Judge
WHEREAS, the clerk may make election judge appointments to fill vacancies should they occur; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Pequaywan hereby authorizes any member of the ballot board to be compensated as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 203B.121, when said member performs any required duty of the ballot board.
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of Pequaywan, St. Louis County, Minnesota, hereby adopt a resolution for appointing election judges.
Adopted by the Pequaywan Board of Supervisors this 14th day of January 2020.
Approved by Supervisors Charles Kuettel, Douglas Dressen and Don Swanstrom; and attested by Clerk Lita Wallace