Resolution 2020-002: Appointing the Absentee Ballot Board

Whereas, Minnesota Statutes Section 203B.121, subd.1 requires the town board, as the governing body of the town, to appoint a ballot board to process all absentee ballots and mail-in ballots returned to the town clerk for the town election scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020; and

Whereas, the ballot board must consist of election judges trained in the handling of absentee ballots, or staff trained as election judges; and

Whereas, even though only two members are required to meet whenever an absentee ballot needs to be processed, the ballot board must consist of at least the same number of members as the minimum number of required election judges for the town election, which pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 204B.22 has been determined to be March 10, 2020 election for the Town of Pequaywan; and

Whereas, the Town Board for the Town of Pequaywan has appointed its election judges for the March 2020 election as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 204B.21;

Now, Therefore Let It Be Resolved: that the Town Board for the Town of Pequaywan hereby appoints the following election judges to serve as the ballot board required to perform all duties required in the processing of the absentee ballots required under Minnesota Statutes Section 203B.121 and all other applicable statutes and rules:

Lita Wallace, Head Election Judge
Raymond Barnes, Election Judge
Bonnie Drummond, Election Judge

Be It Further Resolved: that the Town Board of the Town of Pequaywan hereby authorizes any member of the ballot board to be compensated as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 203B.121, when said ember performs any required duty of the ballot board.

Adopted by the Pequaywan Board of Supervisors this 14th day of January 2020.

Approved by Supervisors Charles Kuettel, Douglas Dressen and Don Swanstrom; and attested by Clerk Lita Wallace