Resolution 2020-006: Appointing a Deputy Treasurer

WHEREAS, Raymond G. Barnes, current treasurer of the Town of Pequaywan had given notice to the Town Board during the December 2019 meeting that his last day will be March 2021; and

 WHEREAS, the Pequaywan Town Board decided that a deputy treasurer must be hired as soon as possible for training purposes and to perform the duties of the treasurer during his absence ; and

WHEREAS, the deputy treasurer may need to be available for each monthly meeting; and

WHEREAS, the deputy treasurer may replace the treasurer either by appointment or election in March 2021; and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 412.141 states the duties of a treasurer as ” The treasurer shall receive and safely keep all moneys belonging to the city, including moneys received in operations of any municipal liquor dispensary maintained by the city, and shall promptly enter in a book provided for the purpose an account of all moneys received and disbursed as treasurer, showing the source and objects thereof with the date of each transaction. The treasurer shall pay out money only upon the written order of the mayor and clerk, or such other officers of independent boards or commissions as are authorized to issue orders in the case of board or commission operations. Such orders when paid and canceled shall be retained as treasurer’s vouchers. Such accounts and vouchers shall be exhibited to the council upon its request. The treasurer shall deliver to a successor all books, papers and money belonging to the city. The treasurer shall immediately after the close of the calendar year make out and file with the clerk for public inspection a report of balances, receipts and disbursements by funds for the year. The treasurer may, with the consent of the council appoint a deputy treasurer for whose acts the treasurer shall be responsible and whom the treasurer may remove at pleasure. In case of the treasurer’s absence from the city or disability, the council may appoint a deputy treasurer, if there is none, to serve during such absence or disability. The deputy may discharge any of the duties of the treasurer;” and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 367.161 states ” Each town treasurer may appoint a deputy not currently serving as an elected official of the town for whose acts the treasurer is responsible, and who, in case of the treasurer’s absence or disability, shall perform the treasurer’s duties;” and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Pequaywan Town Board hereby adopt a resolution for appointing a deputy treasurer; and

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that the treasurer has the consent of the Pequaywan Town Board to appoint a deputy treasurer; and

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that Pequaywan Town Board decides on the salary for the deputy treasurer.

Adopted by the Pequaywan Board of Supervisors this 11th day of February 2020.

Approved by Supervisors Charles Kuettel, Douglas Dressen and Don Swanstrom; and attested by Clerk Lita Wallace