Resolution 2019-004: Establishing a Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers


WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 367.05 directs the Town Board to set compensation of supervisors, the treasurer, clerk, deputy clerk, if one is employed, deputy treasurer, if one is employed, and other employees of the town;

WHEREAS, Minn. Stat 367.05 indicates the above mentioned persons are entitled to mileage for the use of their own automobile at a rate determined by the Town Board for necessary travel on official town business;

WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 471.665, subd. 1 directs the Town Board to set the maximum amount which the town shall pay to any officer or employee as compensation or reimbursement for the use of their own automobile in the performance of their duties for the town;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of Pequaywan Township, St. Louis County, Minnesota hereby adopts the following policy regarding the compensation and reimbursement of Town Officers:


  1. Definitions. For the purpose of this policy, the following terms shall have the meaning given them in this section.

I.1 Town. “Town” means Pequaywan Township, St. Louis County, Minnesota.

I.2 Town Board or Board. “Town Board or “Board” means the Town Board of Supervisors of Pequaywan Township, St. Louis County, Minnesota.

1.3 Town Officers. “Town Officers” means supervisors, clerk-treasurer, deputy Clerk-treasurer of Pequaywan Township, St. Louis County, Minnesota.

  1. Compensation. The following establishes the basis on which Town Officers shall be compensated for performing services within the scope of their duties for the town.

2.1 Meetings. The Town Officers shall be compensated for attending regular or special board meetings, town hearings, annual or special town meetings, or other meetings as authorized by the Board: Supervisors $25.00 per meeting; Clerk $25.00 per meeting; Treasurer $25.00 per hour.

2.2 Training. Town officers shall be compensated for attending training as authorized by the Board: Supervisors $15.00 per hour; Clerk $15.00 per hour; Treasurer $15.00 per hour.

2.3 Hourly Rate. Town Officers that are authorized by the Board to perform work for the town outside of a meeting will be compensated as follows: Supervisors $15.00 per meeting; Clerk $20.00 per hour; Treasurer $20.00 per hour; Recording Secretary $20.00 per meeting.

2.4 Taxes and Withholdings. All amounts paid to Town Officers as compensation shall be subject to all appropriate taxes and withholdings as provided by law.

  1. Reimbursement of Expenses. The following establishes the rates at which Town Officers shall be reimbursed for expenses they are authorized by the Board to incur and actually incur on behalf of, and within the scope of their duties for, the town. Only expenses authorized by the Board are eligible for reimbursement.

3.1 Mileage. When it is necessary and authorized by the Board for Town Officers to use private automobiles to perform their duties on behalf of the town, Town Officers shall be eligible to have their mileage reimbursed for the actual miles traveled at the established federal standard mileage rate for the use of privately owned vehicles in effect at the time of travel. Town Officers are not eligible for mileage reimbursement for attending regular or special board meetings, hearings, or annual or special town meetings held within the Town. The mileage reimbursement is inclusive of all direct and indirect automobile related expenses and no other reimbursement for the use of a private automobile shall be allowed. $0.58 per mile for 2019.

3.2 Telephone. A Town Officer authorized by the Board to make long-distance calls from their private phone to conduct town business shall be eligible to seek reimbursement of the actual cost of making the calls. The costs of using cellular or mobile phones to make long-distance calls are not eligible for reimbursement unless specifically authorized by the Board.

3.3 Meals. Town Officers may request reimbursement of the actual cost of necessary meals consumed while on Board authorized town business more than 30 miles from the town. Alcohol is not a reimbursable expense and shall not be consumed while engaged in town business. The request for reimbursement must be accompanied by a receipt and the amount of reimbursement shall not exceed the following amount per meal: $15.00 for breakfast; $15.00 for lunch; and $25.00 for dinner.

  1. Detailed Claims. No officer shall receive compensation or be reimbursed for expenses incurred unless and until they submit a written claim report to the Board detailing the activities supporting the claim for compensation and the specific basis for all expense reimbursement requests. Claims for compensation or requests for the reimbursement of expenses shall be made on Board approval forms at the next following regular board meeting.

4.1 Receipts. Reimbursement requests for purchases must be supported by original receipts or, if not available, other supporting documentation found sufficient by the Board.

  1. Amendments. The Board may amend this policy by resolution.

Adopted this 9th day of April, 2019.

Approved by Supervisor Charles Kuettel and attested by Clerk Lita Wallace.