Resolution 2020-004: Purchase State Tax Forfeited Land

WHEREAS, the town board of the Town of Pequaywan has decided to purchase the following described land:


That part of E. ½ of SE ¼ lying East of centerline of new Highway #44 AND lying South of the centerline of Rossini Road. Section 18, Township 54 North, Range 12 West; Parcel Code: 502-0020-02725; Deeded Acres: 4.15; and

WHEREAS, the town board of the Town of Pequaywan has requested this property for the purpose of fire hazard mitigation, trail usage, access to the northern portion of existing property and other functions as deemed necessary; and

WHEREAS, the town board of the Town of Pequaywan has agreed to have the parcel be reclassified as non-conservation due to proposed use mentioned above; and

WHEREAS, the town board of the Town of Pequaywan has agreed to purchase the property instead of other options due to immediate ownership, not having a yearly review process for 30 years, less restrictions on property and will make an easier process for future grants and other use of property; and

THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED, that the town board of the Town of Pequaywan has accepted the selling price of $5,100 plus the following fees: 3% assurance fee of $153, deed fee of $25, deed tax of $16.83, and recording fee of $46, for a total of $5,340.83 to be deposited into Fund 240 (Forfeited Tax Fund);  and

THEREFORE: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any usage and restrictions on our adjoining township land will also include this property unless, specified by the township.

Adopted this 11th day of February 2020.

Approved by Supervisors Charles Kuettel, Douglas Dressen and Don Swanstrom; and attested by Clerk Lita Wallace