Resolution 2019-009: Resolution for Speed and Axle Weight Restriction for Portion of West Branch Road Under Pequaywan Township Responsibility


Whereas,  Pequaywan Township has responsibility for a section of West Branch Road.

Whereas, the Township has invested in the maintenance and upkeep of the road Whereas, this portion of the road has curves and hills an,d driveways entering with limited visibility and creation of safety issues.

Whereas, the climate and usage of this road make upkeep very expensive for Pequaywan Township.

Therefore be it resolved,  that the speed on the Township owned portion of West Branch Road should be limited to 35 MPH and the vehicle axle weight should be restricted to 7 ton axle.


Adopted this 12th day of November, 2019.

Approved by Supervisors Charles Kuettel, Douglas Dressen and Don Swanstrom; and attested by Clerk Lita Wallace