Pequaywan Township was formed in 1980 from a 36.1 square mile area within the Cloquet Valley State Forest in St. Louis County. (See “Pequaywan History” for more information on township history.) It is governed by a Board of Supervisors, consisting of three full-time residents.  Other government officials are the clerk, treasurer, deputy clerk and deputy treasurer.

Residents vote for officers on a rotating schedule, three-year term for supervisors prior to the Annual Meeting, held in March. Clerk and treasurer and their deputies are on appointed positions.

pequaywan signBoard meetings are regularly scheduled second Tuesday of each month  at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Pequaywan Lakes Volunteer Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road (Hwy 44), Duluth. (during Covid 19 pandemic, board meetings maybe held at the fire hall, via telephone conference or other sites. View our website for updated information.) (Check the calendar for dates and time.)  Residents are invited to attend these meetings which are governed by the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. Residents also vote on the township’s tax levy at the Annual Town Meeting in March. Minutes of these meetings and notices of any ordinances adopted by the Board will be published on this website.

The main business of the township consists of:

  • Maintenance of a 2.3-mile stretch of West Branch Road (See map.)
  • In conjunction with St. Louis County, the assessment of property within the township for the purpose of taxation
  • Administration of two land parcels bordering between East of  Pequaywan Lake road and South of the Rossini road. (See map.)
  • Supervision and administration of elections for local, county, state and federal elections

Contact for vehicle axle weight limit of 7-ton axle or if you need an overweight permit contact Douglas Dressen, Supervisor; 218-348-7318;

The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below: One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Visit Contact Us on the right hand corner above if you want to send an email to the officers.



Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Pequaywan Township, County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota that the annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday in March (March 18) and if inclement weather also postpones the election and meeting on the third Tuesday, they shall be held on a date that the Board will set within 30 days following the third Tuesday in March.

The Election Poll hours will be open from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at which time the voters will elect one supervisor.

The Board of Canvass will meet on March 11, 2025 after the Town Board Meeting to certify the official election results.

The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:20 p.m. to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law. The Annual Election and Meeting will be held at Pequaywan Firehall, 8754 Pequaywan Lake Road, Duluth.

Lita Wallace, Town Clerk
Posted on March 2, 2025