February 13, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Brian Landstrom

Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer

Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 11 Residents

The meeting was called to order by Chair Freeman at 7:30 PM.

Regular Business

The January board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Fry. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

A comprehensive power-point presentation was given by Treasurer Stoneburner. With visuals of graphs and charts the township fund balance, expenditures and receipts were laid out for 2006 and back to the 1980’s.

Old Business

Auto Mark Voting Machine Insurance Coverage and Other Insurance Issues

After presentation of township finances current insurance needs were discussed. Stoneburner had done the research and proposed the board approve the resolution to have MATIT provide E & O, Workers Insurance, Liability (including the AutoMark) policies for the township. Freeman read the resolution and it was voted on. The premiums are E & O from 3-1-07 to 2-29-08 $498.00, W/C 1-1-07 to 2-29-08 $ $158.00 and PAL 3-1-07 to 2-29-08 $308.00 per year.

∙ Freeman moved to authorize signing of MATIT’s resolution to provide three policies for the township for E & O, Worker’s Comp, and Liability insurance. Landstrom seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Pequaywan Rezoning Hearing

The February 14, 2007 Rezoning hearing was postponed due to lack of a Planning Commission quorum. It has been rescheduled for March 8, 2007. A new notice will be sent with time and place of meeting. Comments or questions can still be submitted to Tyler Lampella regarding the rezoning until prior to the hearing.

New Business

County Road Maintenance Agreement

A new fee of $665.00 per mile per year for 2007-2008 snowplowing season will begin on November 1, 2007. This letter of notification is to serve as an Addendum to the existing snowplow agreement currently on file.

Local issues

Residents had questions on the rezoning and questioned what the intent of the rezoning was. Fry addressed the question and replied that it would affect new development only.

Meeting Dates

March Monthly Meeting , March 13, 2007 after the election (5:00 – 8:00 PM) and Annual Meeting.

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt

January 9, 2007 Township Board Meeting

Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Brian Landstrom

Excused: Keith Stoneburner

Others: Marialice Arndt, Town Clerk

Approximately 13 Residents

The meeting was called to order by Chair Freeman at 7:30 PM.

Regular Business

The December board minutes were read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Landstrom. All ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer Report

December financials were available for review.

Old Business

Auto Mark Voting Machine Insurance Coverage and Other Insurance Issues

Treasurer Stoneburner was absent at the January meeting but has had discussion with Chair Freeman and advises an outline of insurance issues will be present at the February meeting.

Conversion to November Local Elections

Each of the board members expressed that perhaps a local election in March with no other elections to be considered would retain the uniqueness of our township and that would offset any expense that a separate election would incur. It was reintegrated that currently there is no avenue to reverse the decision to return to the March time frame. If citizens were to express an interest in converting to November local elections the topic could be presented at the Annual Meeting.

New Business

Planning Commission Meeting February 2007

A letter has been received advising that Pequaywan’s request for rezoning Boyer, Moose, King, Little Coyote, Kokoosh, Buzz, Valley, Sand, Ace, Ruth, Joker Warren, Schaeffer, Chris, Loren Bear and any other unnamed lake that meets request limitations from RES- 5 to RES-4 will be heard at the next regular Planning Commission meeting in February 2007. Official notification of date, time and place will be sent approximately 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Any comments can be submitted to the Commission by correspondence to Planning Department, 307 First Street South, Virginia, MN 55792 or via e-mail to andersonm3@co.st-louis.mn.us.

PVFD 2008 Budget

Rick Johnson of the PVFD presented the 2008 request for funding of the fire department. The amount requested was $8,800.00 which is the amount requested the last few years. The budget will be taken into consideration at the March Annual Meeting when the levy is determined. Johnson stated that last year the budget was short due to larger than expected equipment repair. Conversation was had that there may be a considerable expense to convert their radios to digital. The board expressed that if needed the VFD could come back to the board for further discussion of their needs.

St Louis County Public Works 2007 Crushing, Crack Sealing and Striping Program

The Board directed Arndt to draft a letter to the Public Works Department requesting crack sealing of the township portion of West Branch Road and stripping of the lower part of the township portion of West Branch Road if the County portion is stripped. It has been past practice to present the County with a letter requesting maintenance of crack sealing and stripping of West Branch Road and our requests have been granted.

Community Decision Making and Conflict Resolution Workshop

Town officials and citizens have an opportunity to attend a Community Decision Making and Conflict Resolution workshop on Monday, January 29th in the Cotton Town Hall from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The fee is $10.00 which includes lunch. The grant is made possible by grants from Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation and Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program. These presentation have been well received in various townships.

Training for Local Board of Appeals & Equalization

Legislation enacted in 2003 requires that, at each meeting of Local Board of Appeal and Equalization, there be at least one voting member who has, within the last four years, attended an appeals and equalization course developed or approved by the Commissioner of Revenue. The Board advises that all of the current board members have received the training within the last four years. Training is being offered January 17, 2007 9:30 to Noon at the Cotton Town Hall.

Local issues

Discussion was had about snow plowing schedules. The residents were advised that the schedule is determined by the County Tool House. A resident commented that an earlier time would make it easier for those traveling early for work. The board felt that the plowing is done quite timely and advise that consideration is given to the routes where the school bus travels. Calls have been made to the County requesting sanding to be done on the West Branch Road due to slippery conditions making it unsafe for the school buses. They have responded twice in recent weeks to do sanding on West Branch Road.

A resident requested that a printed agenda be placed on the Lake Association website for interested parties to stay on top of local issues. It was said that any agenda topic was to go through the supervisors prior to being placed on the agenda. It was reiterated that as the township does not have rights to the Association website the board is uncomfortable with placing official minutes on the website. It was also reiterated that if minutes were to be placed on a website they would contain only action taken and no dialogue as is currently in the minutes.

Meeting Dates

February Monthly Meeting , February 13, 2007 7:30 PM

∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM. Fry seconded, motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt