April 9, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace, Guests Richard Arndt, Scott Mead, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report : The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on March 12, 2019, was presented and reviewed. Motion by Kuettel to approve the minutes, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

MARCH 2019
Total Funds on hand as of 03/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $161,760.55
Plus: Deposits – $3,065.67
Less: Disbursements (March) – $2,028.39
Total Funds on hand as of 03/31/2019 – $162,797.83
March Check # 1428 – 1439

APRIL 2019
Claims (April) – $1,501.09
April Check # 1440 – 1445
No Fund Transfers Needed

Kuettel motion to approve the March 2019 Treasurer’s Report and the April 2019 Claims, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Update on the acquisition of land – Swanstrom reported that he was advised by St. Louis County Assessor’s Office that a Resolution for State Deed Application for Tax-Forfeited Land is required for submission along with the application form. The Resolution will be discussed at the Reorganization Meeting right after the Town Meeting tonight.
  • Reminder: Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on April 18 at 1:00 pm at Pequaywan Firehall – The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor.

New Business

  • Appointment of township Chair and Vice-Chair – Swanstrom nominated Kuettel as the New Chair, Kuettel accepted. A Resolution was passed for the appointment of Swanstrom as the Vice-Chair. Motion by Swanstrom, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Oath of office for new supervisor – Wallace reported that Dressen was sworn-in before the April 1st deadline after completing all the required documentation as the new elected supervisor.
  • New supervisor access to Town website – Wallace reported that Lee Kaplan had given access to Dressen to have access to the Town website. Wallace updated the list of supervisors, replacing Scott Mead with Dressen on the town website.
  • Motion by Swanstrom, second by Kuettel to change co-signers on bank accounts, motion carried, 3-0-0. Barnes specified that as soon as the minutes of the April meeting had been put on the town website, he can start processing the transfer of signatory with the Credit Union from the departing supervisor Scott Mead to the new supervisor Douglas Dressen.
  • New look of the meeting minutes – Wallace reported that at the recent training she attended, it was advised to have a sign-in sheet for the attendees which will be effective this month. Another change is that there will be three digits preceding a vote, the first number represent yay vote, second number nay vote, and third number abstain.
  • Recording Secretary  to take minutes for May Board Meeting – Wallace requested for Recording Secretary to take and type up the minutes for the month of May, if need arises, due to a possible unavailability of the clerk. The request was approved.



  • Email from Lora Dugas, St. Louis County Assessor’s Office providing materials needed for the 2019 Local Board of Appeal meeting on April 18
  • Email from Katherine Brey , St. Louis County Assessor’s Office providing a copy of the Assessment Book for Pequaywan township for LBAE meeting purposes
  • Email from Erin St. Cyr, Accounting Officer, Government Information Division of Minnesota State Auditor’s Office verifying if a disbursement of $101,774.00 as part of  the annual 2018 Town Financial Report submitted to the State Auditor’s Office was for paving roads. (Note: Wallace responded that it was.)
  • Election Roster (via email) from St. Louis County Election Department
  • Newsletter emails from MAT (MN Association of Townships) announcing instructions and guidelines for Annual Meeting, Town March Election, Spring Short Courses, Legislative Update, Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Training and Advocacy Alert
  • Invite email from U.S. Census Bureau to participate in the 2020 Census New Construction Program
  • Email from Cathy Rouleau, SLCAT (St, Louis County Association of Townships) with the following information:  (1) February 27, 2019 Minutes; (2) Annual Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2018; and (3) Notice of SLCAT 2019 Election of Officers and Annual Meeting on May 22, 2019 at 5:30 pm at the Cotton Community Center
  • Email from Wulf Gar of St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office requesting completion of a “Local Mitigation Survey” which will be used in the development of new mitigation actions for their next 5-year planning cycle with deadline date of April 26


  • Mailed check and statement for officer life insurance to MATIT
  • Mailed Precinct Summary Statement of March Town Election and info of new supervisor to St. Louis County Election Department
  • Mailed updated list of board members and contact information to MAT

Public Comment

Next Meeting: May 14, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting adjourn at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

March 12, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 9:12 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present: 7, number of non-resident/s present: 2.

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on February 12, 2019, was presented and reviewed. Motion by Mead to approve the minutes, second by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

February 2019

Total Funds on hand as of 02/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $159,974.88
Plus: Deposits – $4,203.17
Less: Disbursements (February) – $2,417.50
Total Funds on hand as of 02/28/2019 – $161,760.55
February Check # 1423 – 1427

March 2019

Claims (March) – $2,028.39
March Check # 1428 – 1439

Motion to approve February 2019 Treasurer’s Report and March 2019 Claims by Swanstrom, second by Kuettel, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • 2020 Town Levy – At the Annual Town Meeting, residents motion/second $35,000.00 levy with $15,000.00 going to Pequaywan Fire Department.
  • Amount for Pequaywan Fire and EMS from 2020 levy – Kuettel motion to approve $15,000, second by Mead, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Update on washout areas on West Branch Road – Mead and Kuettel with a resident worked on fixing the wash-out areas. Kuettel will contact KTM but will wait until Spring
  • Update on land acquisition – Swanstrom reported that the Purchase Agreement is in the process of being finalized
  • Update on who is responsible for plowing and/or shoveling snow at the Fire Department during election – Wallace expressed concern about the safety of individuals when the sidewalk or the front of the door is not shoveled. Supervisors decided that they will take care of shoveling snow during election day.

New Business

  • Town Election result and report: Wallace reported that Douglas Dressen garnered 13 write-in votes; Scott Mead 1 write-in vote; and Ron Sluka, 1 write-in vote.
  • Board of Canvass – election judges and supervisors certified the official town election result
  • Kuettel motion, Mead seconded to extend an indefinite Option B appointment of Ray Barnes, treasurer, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Approval for Town officers interested in attending the 2019 MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) Spring Short Course Training – Mead motion, Kuettel second that officers are approved to attend any future MAT, LBAE, Election and other training required.
  • LBAE (Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) Meeting scheduled on April 18, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Fire Hall
  • Wallace suggested to re-schedule monthly meeting date/time during Federal and State Elections such as the Primary and General Elections that lands on the same date as the monthly town meeting as ballot counting takes longer time to process – will table during election year



  • Schedule of Township LBAE Meeting from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office
  • January 2019 SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) Meeting Minutes
  • Email and postage mail from U.S. Census Bureau requesting return of the 2019 Boundary and Annexation Survey
  • January 2019 DAT (Duluth Association of Townships) Meeting Minutes and Agenda for March 2019
  • Email from MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) re-Annual Town Meeting checklist, March Election, Spring Short Course training, Legislative Update
  • Two Absentee Ballots by postage mail


  • Two Absentee Ballots by postage mail
  • Treasurer submitted the Township’s 2018 Financial Information to the Office of the State Auditor-GID (Government Information Division)

Public Comment

Next Meeting: April 9, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Reorganization Meeting: April 9, 2019, after the Town Meeting, Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Mead  motion to adjourn at 9:39 p.m., second by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

March 12, 2019, Annual Town Meeting

Meeting called to order: Town Clerk Lita Wallace called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. The meeting was held at Pequaywan Fire Hall with 11 residents and two non-residents present.

Election of a moderator: Don Swanstrom motion to nominate Phyllis Mead as moderator, second by Charles Kuettel, motion carried.

Clerk’s report: Charles Kuettel motion to approve the 2018 Annual Town Meeting Minutes, second by Scott Mead, motion carried.

Result of Township Election: Douglas Dressen garnered 13 write-in votes, One write-in vote for Scott Mead and one write-in vote for Ronald Sluka.

Annual Board of Appeals and Equalization Meeting:  April 18, 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Hall

Report from Pequaywan Fire & EMS: Number of calls in 2018 was 16 medical and seven fires. Pequaywan Fire & EMS is requesting $15,000 in 2020, an increase of $1,500.00. The fire department reported that they spent more than what they received from 2014-2018 and bought a new fire truck recently. Maintenance of new equipments are costly; SBCA tanks cost $900.00 good for 10 years with hydro testing every five years of the 20 tanks; volunteer firefighters have been doing minor repair on the trucks but maintenance must be done at an approved shop to be NFPA compliant; turnout gear for new firefighter is $2500.00 each. Other expenses include cost for repair of the current tanker, replenishing EMR bags after medical calls, foam and fuel supplies used during training exercises, insurance costs, firehall maintenance, and electrical costs. None of the fund goes to the fire department members except for training needs. Members are not paid. It is the state that puts money in their  PERA retirement fund.

Pequaywan Town Chair’s Report: Don Swanstrom, Chair of Pequaywan Township, reported that: (1) paving and repair of West Branch Road was completed by KTM Paving in early September of 2018 with a total cost of $101,774.00; (2) projects on the township property is continuing, with new culvert put in, asphalt paving, walking path, benches installed; presently working with the state on a purchase agreement for the tax forfeited land that abuts the township property on the north as far as Rossini Road, the property had been sprayed to kill the first growth of Poplar trees and new trees hd been ordered and will be planted when the season permits; (3) Deb Pomroy joined the township team as our new weed inspector – this is a very broad extensive project due to the many acres of land in our township and it is critical to locate and identify invasive species and devise a process to eliminate or contain them; and (4) in the process of forming a committee to develop a township Comprehensive Plan – the township is looking for residents who would be interested in committing to that process. Thank you to our talented and dedicated community who have been involved in these projects and other tasks of a recurring nature.

Road Report: West Branch Road repair update – total cost $101,774.00

  • 9320-9298 and 9350-9432 – added 12′ Class 5 compacted 2.5′ new Bituminous
  • 9274-9262 – saw cut and remove bituminous, 1 load class.regrading, installed new 24″ culvert, seeding/blanket/restoration
  • 9244-9240 – dig out a ditch on East side of the road, 1.5″ new bituminous
  • 9226-9216 – 1 load class 5/regrading, 2.5″ new bituminous
  • 9200 – saw cut and remove bituminous, 2.5″ new bituminous
  • repair soft spot near 9270

 Treasurer/Clerk Board of Audit Report


Fund Beginning Balance Receipts Disburse-ments Purchase of Investment Ending Balance Investment Balance Total Balance
General Fund 13,844.06 18,207.52 24,173.05 67.92 7,810.61 67.92 7,878.53
Road and Bridge (On-going Maintenance 5,788.56 1,675.78 2,413.87 5,050.47 5,050.47
Fire an EMS 21,786.21 13,246.92 13,500.00 21,533.13 21,533.13
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 226,557.45 15,394.73 101,774.00 100,271.66 39,906.52 100,271.66 140,178.18
Total 267,976.28 48,524.95 141,860.92 100,339.58 74,300.73  




Motion to approve 2020 general levy and any dedicated levies (road & bridge, plus others determined helpful to treat as designated and not just a budget item from the general fund) and to affirm total levy: Motion and second to approve the amount of $15,000.00 for the Pequaywan Fire & EMS as requested, motion carried. Charles Kuettel suggested to increase the levy to $35,000.00. Douglas Dressen motioned and Donald Swanstrom second for the 2020 town levy in the amount of $35,000.00 (with $15,000.00 for the fire department), motion carried.

Update, suggestions and discussions on possible projects for the land owned by the township in Rossini Road: burn pile

Set voting hours and place:

7:00 am – 8:00 pm, Primary and General Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall
10:00 am – 8:00 pm, Special Primary and General Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Township Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall

Monthly meeting date/time: Second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 pm at Pequaywan Fire Hall (consider re-scheduling town meeting on Primary and General Election days that coincide with town meeting)

Annual Town Meeting date/time: Second Tuesday during the month of March following the Township Election

March monthly Town meeting: scheduled following the Annual Meeting

Posting Places:

– West Branch Road Sign board
– Pequaywan Fire & EMS bulletin board
– Pequaywan Inn
– pequaywantownship.org website

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. by Scott Mead and seconded by Donald Swanstrom, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Lita Wallace
Town Clerk

February 12, 2019, Board of Audit/Budget Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 8:35 p.m. by Co-Chair Scott Mead.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Review Clerk/Treasurer’s Reports

  • Annual Town Meeting date: March 12, 8:20 p.m. or after town election
  • Summary of Receipts received from 2015-2018 – completed
  • Review Treasurer and Clerk’s Disbursements Ledger (compare Fund/Account/Object Codes) – board members select 3+ disbursements to review and check – completed
  • Review Treasurer and Clerk’s Receipts Ledgers (compare Fund/Account) – do direct deposit have triplicate receipts, verify that deposits are noted on the appropriate bank statement, board members select and review 3+ receipts – completed
  • Review Bank Statements to check that Cash Control Statement demonstrates same  balance as the Bank Statement – completed
  • Verify that Clerk and Treasurer are balancing and reconciling bank statements statements (have the same balance), and Schedule 1 matches for both Treasurer and Clerk – completed

Discuss and set-up budget for 2019 – Treasurer presented a report showing a proposal of same budget as in 2018

Discussed levy recommendation for 2020

Adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

February 12, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Vice-Chair Scott Mead.

Attendance: Town Officers – Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Number of resident/s present: 3, number of non-resident present: 1.

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on January 8, 2019, was presented and reviewed. Motion by Kuettel to approve the minutes, second by Mead, motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report


Total Funds on hand as of 01/01/2019 (Includes Investments) – $174,640.31
Plus: Deposits – $765.88
Less: Disbursements (January) – $15,431.31
Total Funds on hand as of 01/31/2019 – $159,974.88
January Check # 1415 – 1422


Claims (February) – $2,417.50
February Check # 1423 – 1427

Mead motion to approve the January Treasurer’s Report and February Claims, second by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously.

Old Business

  • Update on land acquisition- Mead reiterated that we may be able to get the 3.5 acres of land managed by the state for a small fee. The supervisors had met with folks from the county and they were very helpful.
  • Town Election and Absentee Voting: Wallace reported that Town Election is scheduled on March 12, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Pequaywan Firehall. Absentee Voting runs from February 8-March 11. Contact the clerk if you have any questions (peqclerk@gmail.com). Wallace added that no one filed an Affidavit of Candidacy therefore, residents can write-in their candidate.
  • Tree planting: Mead ordered 500 red pine trees about 6-12 inches high for a total cost of $163.00 plus $33.00 shipping. DNR has a few planting bars that we can borrow

New Business

  • Annual Meeting: March 12, 2019, at Pequaywan Firehall, after the Town Election
  • Special Meetings: (1) Board of Audit and Budget Meeting – February 8, 2019, after the Town Meeting; (2) Board of Canvass Meeting – March 12; and (3) Reorganizational Meeting – April 9 after the town meeting.
  • Board of Audit/Budget Meetings: In the future, Barnes suggested that the board schedule a Budget Meeting before the Board of Audit meeting so that the budget for each account codes can be determined for CTAS purposes and Audit reports. Otherwise, the beginning balances will all show zero.
  • Purchasing Microsoft Office software vs. renewing license when license expires in September 2019: Barnes explained that it is cheaper for the town to purchase the software when the current license expires since the license has an annual renewal of $108.00 while the software only costs under $200.00 per laptop. Motion to approve by Kuettel to purchase software for the two laptops, second by Mead, motion carried unanimously.
  • Future road repairs for West Branch Road: Some residents reported  that there are areas having wash-out problems of the newly repaired road. Mead said the supervisors checked on it and decided that the road may need re-enforcement especially in swampy areas where it might be a possible more wash-out. Mead added that KTM needs  to be notified.



  • Bill from Minnesota Benefit Association for officer’s annual life insurance ($165.00)
  • Bill for SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships dues ($161.80) and MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) dues ($307.76)
  • Emails from SLCAT: December 2018 and January 2019 Meeting Minutes, and St. Louis County Lobby Day Info
  • Letter from St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department re-easement granted to the Town of Pequaywan across State tax-forfeited land in the NW1/4-SW1/4, Section 23, Township 54 N, Range 12 W for the purpose of right-of-way. This easement was granted on June 30, 1995.
  • Email from St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department requesting certified, pending or future assessments information on a tax forfeited property that the county will be offering for sale at a future public auction
  • Email from St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office requesting townships to link its Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Media Release to town’s website,
  • Email of Master List of voters for Absentee Voting usage from St. Louis County Election Department
  • Email from Office of the State Auditor-Government Information Division (GID) reminding townships to report their annual financial activities to the Office of the State Auditor under Minn. Stat. 6.74
  • Training schedule from Minnesota Association of Townships
  • Letter from St. Louis County with enclosure of list of 2nd half 2018 permits issued


  • Responded to St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department’s inquiry re-assessment on properties in the township
  • Emailed sample ballot for March election to St. Louis County Election Department as required
  • Sent by postage mail an official March town election ballot to St. Louis County Election Department for UOCAVA usage

Public Comment: A resident is interested for information on where Pequaywan Fire Department is planning to spend the $1500.00 increase that they are requesting from the township.

Next Meeting: March 12, 2019, 9:20 p.m. or after Annual Meeting, Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

 Mead  motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., second by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk




January 8, 2019, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.

Attendance: Town Officers – Chair Donald Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace

Number of resident/s present: 1, number of non-resident present: 2.

Clerk’s Report: The minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting  on December 12, 2018, was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Kuettel to approve the minutes and seconded by Mead. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on hand as of 12/01/2018 – $64,130.01
Plus: Deposits -$11,887.48
Less: Disbursements: (December) – $1,716.76
Plus: Present value of CDs – $100,339.58
Total Funds on hand as of 12/31/2018 – $174,640.31
December Check # 1405 – 1414

Swanstrom motion to approve the December Treasurer’s Report, second by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously.

Claims (January) – $15,431.31
January Check # 1415 – 1422

Barnes reported that an employee requested a state tax deduction which had been deducted from the salary but not yet paid to the State as the township had not set-up a Tax ID # with the State. A check in the amount of $150.00 will be issued to the State of Minnesota this month as soon as a correspondence with the Tax ID # is received by the clerk.

Kuettel motion to approve the January Claims, second by Mead, motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer Barnes explained that with the CDs being considered as investment as had been adjusted in CTAS due to the requirement by the State Auditor’s office, it is now not showing in the beginning and ending balance column of the Cash Control Statement report but is showing in the Total Per Bank Statement of the report.

 Old Business

  • Update on land acquisition: Swanstrom reported that he had acquired the application form to have the 3.5 acres adjacent to township property managed by the state be gifted to the township as a tax forfeited land.  There were some areas on the form that Swanstrom had a question so he contacted Karen Zeisler of the St. Louis County, Land & Mineral Department, for assistance in completing the form. As soon as it is completed, he will mail out the form.
  • Tree planting: The supervisors along with an expert met at the township land to determine what trees to purchase and where to plant them. They are looking at purchasing White Cedar, Red Pine and Maple. Further testing of the soil can be done to make sure we are planting the right type of tree. Swanstrom motioned for Mead to contact DNR (Department of Natural Resources) and purchase Red Pine and other seeds, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously.
  • Comprehensive Plan: The county just updated their Comprehensive Plan and if we don’t have our own, what they have will apply to us. If we have our own that is exclusive to the township, we can submit it to the county and if they approve, it will be what we will use.
  • Important Dates for March Town Election – (contact Clerk Lita Wallace at 218-525-4068 or peqclerk@gmail.com if you have any questions or for location of Clerk’s office)
    *1/1-1/15 – Filing for Candidacy ($2.00 filing fee) – access form at

    Running for Township Office

    *1/15, 1:00-5:00 p.m. – Town Clerk’s Office open for last day of Filing for Candidacy
    *1/17 – Last day for a candidate to withdraw from a town election (until 5:00 p.m. at Town Clerk’s office)
    *2/8-2/26 – Absentee ballots shall be mailed to registered voters who requested them
    *3/9 – Town Clerk’s office open for Absentee Voting from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
    *3/12 – Town Election, 5:00-8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

  • Wallace reported that as of this date, no one from the community has submitted an Affidavit of Candidacy for the open supervisor position. The board reiterated the importance of someone coming forward to serve. If no one submits an Affidavit of Candidacy on or before the deadline date of January 15, their name can be put on as Write-in.

New Business

  • Fire Department Update: The Board expressed appreciation for all the work that Pequaywan Fire and Rescue is doing for the community. Fire Chief Dale Brooks reported that there are more calls this year than in the past. The Fire Department is requesting a donation of $15,000.00 from the town levy, a $1,500.00 increase from last year of $13,500.00 which will be further discussed for approval at the March Annual Meeting.
  • Membership to Duluth Association of Townships (DAT): Last year, the town paid the membership fee to DAT but Barnes reported that membership for DAT is not required. He is inquiring if we should stay as a member. The Board agrees that they should attend the meeting and decide at a later time if it is advisable to join this year or next year. If we will join this year, Barnes will issue a check.
  • Approval of Election Judges for March Town Election: Wallace presented a list of certified election judges for Board approval to serve at the March election. Motion by Kuettel to approve the election judges (Lita Wallace, Katherine Sluka and Robert McDonough) as presented, second by Mead. motion carried unanimously.



  • $68.66 Invoice from St. Louis County for services completed for Proposed Tax Notice preparation and delivery
  • $40.00 Invoice from MAT for Clerk training registration
  • $923 Invoice from MATIT Premium Notice for 2019 Consolidated Coverage
  • March Elections Calendar from the Minnesota Secretary of State Elections Division
  • Email from St. Louis County Election Department re-March town election
  • Email from Duluth Association of Townships with October meeting minutes and bill for 2019 membership in the amount of $100
  • Emails from the State Auditor’s Office: (1) CTAS info on submitting 2018 financial reports to the State Auditor’s Office; (2) installation of 2019 updated CTAS software; and (3) Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness for 2018
  • MAT Insider Magazine

Sent: Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness for 2018 mailed by Treasurer

Public Comment: None

Next Meeting: February 12, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Mead  motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., second by Kuettel, motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk