March 12, 2019, Annual Town Meeting

Meeting called to order: Town Clerk Lita Wallace called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. The meeting was held at Pequaywan Fire Hall with 11 residents and two non-residents present.

Election of a moderator: Don Swanstrom motion to nominate Phyllis Mead as moderator, second by Charles Kuettel, motion carried.

Clerk’s report: Charles Kuettel motion to approve the 2018 Annual Town Meeting Minutes, second by Scott Mead, motion carried.

Result of Township Election: Douglas Dressen garnered 13 write-in votes, One write-in vote for Scott Mead and one write-in vote for Ronald Sluka.

Annual Board of Appeals and Equalization Meeting:  April 18, 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Hall

Report from Pequaywan Fire & EMS: Number of calls in 2018 was 16 medical and seven fires. Pequaywan Fire & EMS is requesting $15,000 in 2020, an increase of $1,500.00. The fire department reported that they spent more than what they received from 2014-2018 and bought a new fire truck recently. Maintenance of new equipments are costly; SBCA tanks cost $900.00 good for 10 years with hydro testing every five years of the 20 tanks; volunteer firefighters have been doing minor repair on the trucks but maintenance must be done at an approved shop to be NFPA compliant; turnout gear for new firefighter is $2500.00 each. Other expenses include cost for repair of the current tanker, replenishing EMR bags after medical calls, foam and fuel supplies used during training exercises, insurance costs, firehall maintenance, and electrical costs. None of the fund goes to the fire department members except for training needs. Members are not paid. It is the state that puts money in their  PERA retirement fund.

Pequaywan Town Chair’s Report: Don Swanstrom, Chair of Pequaywan Township, reported that: (1) paving and repair of West Branch Road was completed by KTM Paving in early September of 2018 with a total cost of $101,774.00; (2) projects on the township property is continuing, with new culvert put in, asphalt paving, walking path, benches installed; presently working with the state on a purchase agreement for the tax forfeited land that abuts the township property on the north as far as Rossini Road, the property had been sprayed to kill the first growth of Poplar trees and new trees hd been ordered and will be planted when the season permits; (3) Deb Pomroy joined the township team as our new weed inspector – this is a very broad extensive project due to the many acres of land in our township and it is critical to locate and identify invasive species and devise a process to eliminate or contain them; and (4) in the process of forming a committee to develop a township Comprehensive Plan – the township is looking for residents who would be interested in committing to that process. Thank you to our talented and dedicated community who have been involved in these projects and other tasks of a recurring nature.

Road Report: West Branch Road repair update – total cost $101,774.00

  • 9320-9298 and 9350-9432 – added 12′ Class 5 compacted 2.5′ new Bituminous
  • 9274-9262 – saw cut and remove bituminous, 1 load class.regrading, installed new 24″ culvert, seeding/blanket/restoration
  • 9244-9240 – dig out a ditch on East side of the road, 1.5″ new bituminous
  • 9226-9216 – 1 load class 5/regrading, 2.5″ new bituminous
  • 9200 – saw cut and remove bituminous, 2.5″ new bituminous
  • repair soft spot near 9270

 Treasurer/Clerk Board of Audit Report


Fund Beginning Balance Receipts Disburse-ments Purchase of Investment Ending Balance Investment Balance Total Balance
General Fund 13,844.06 18,207.52 24,173.05 67.92 7,810.61 67.92 7,878.53
Road and Bridge (On-going Maintenance 5,788.56 1,675.78 2,413.87 5,050.47 5,050.47
Fire an EMS 21,786.21 13,246.92 13,500.00 21,533.13 21,533.13
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 226,557.45 15,394.73 101,774.00 100,271.66 39,906.52 100,271.66 140,178.18
Total 267,976.28 48,524.95 141,860.92 100,339.58 74,300.73  




Motion to approve 2020 general levy and any dedicated levies (road & bridge, plus others determined helpful to treat as designated and not just a budget item from the general fund) and to affirm total levy: Motion and second to approve the amount of $15,000.00 for the Pequaywan Fire & EMS as requested, motion carried. Charles Kuettel suggested to increase the levy to $35,000.00. Douglas Dressen motioned and Donald Swanstrom second for the 2020 town levy in the amount of $35,000.00 (with $15,000.00 for the fire department), motion carried.

Update, suggestions and discussions on possible projects for the land owned by the township in Rossini Road: burn pile

Set voting hours and place:

7:00 am – 8:00 pm, Primary and General Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall
10:00 am – 8:00 pm, Special Primary and General Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Township Election, Pequaywan Fire Hall

Monthly meeting date/time: Second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 pm at Pequaywan Fire Hall (consider re-scheduling town meeting on Primary and General Election days that coincide with town meeting)

Annual Town Meeting date/time: Second Tuesday during the month of March following the Township Election

March monthly Town meeting: scheduled following the Annual Meeting

Posting Places:

– West Branch Road Sign board
– Pequaywan Fire & EMS bulletin board
– Pequaywan Inn
– website

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. by Scott Mead and seconded by Donald Swanstrom, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Lita Wallace
Town Clerk