February 13, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chair Kuettel at 7:00 p.m.

Town officers Present: Chair Charles Kuettel, Vice-Chair Douglas Dressen, Supervisor Douglas Nelson, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson

Town officers Absent: Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp

Guests: Chris Jussila, Steve Mueller, Stephen Jones, Deb Pomroy, Ted Wallace, Ray Barnes, Bonnie Dressen, Dorothy Galinski Jim Wilson, John Wall, Kenneth Kost, Aileen Kost, Nancy Nilsen

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the January 9, 2024 minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes, second by Nelson, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on Hand 1/1/2024 $254,495.87
Plus: Deposits $748.11
Interest on Accounts 416.97
St Louis County Auditor 331.14
Less: Disbursements $2,322.86
-Payroll 564.64
-941 PR Taxes 917.52
-MN Revenue 100.00
-Legal 550.00
Other Expenses 190.70

Total Funds on Hand 1/31/2024 $252,921.12
Checks Written 1967 – 1975

Expected Receipts
-St Louis Cty – Road Aid $1,832.85
-Taconite Production Tax not known

Checks Written #1976 – #1985 $11,590.62 (Disbursements include $10,000.00 advance payment to Pequaywan Fire and EMS with agreement that they will submit a request to that effect.

No transfer to checking needed

Nelson motion to approve the minutes, second by Dressen, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Old Business

  • St. Louis County Sheriff’s Department discussion – no one from the Sheriff’s Office was present
  • Update on the West Branch Road: Kuettel read the following statement: “The township has applied for a grant to replace the road (our best option). Most of the cost will be covered by the grant. Other options would be for the township and property owners of West Branch Road to pay for a contractor to replace the road. There is an estimate from a road contractor of $600,000.00 to replace the road that could be spread three (3) years. The property owners of West Branch Road would need to form a committee to make an assessment to pay their portion of the cost. The above mentioned work would not start until at least two (2) years from now. The road repair done last year has given the life span of the road at least more years before any major work is done.”
  • Elections reminder: Presidential Nomination Primary Election, March 5 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and March 12 Town Election from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., both at Pequaywan Firehall
  • Treasurer Nelson presented possible financial institutions to replace our current one with comparison of interest rates

New Business

  • Spring training on April 5, 2024 at the DECC – Wallace advised the officers to let her know if they are planning on attending and she can submit one registration for everybody.
  • Open position for deputy treasurer – Ed Potter submitted a resignation letter for his deputy treasurer position effective February 13, 2024 due to personal reasons. The vacant position should be posted in posting places.
  • Schedule of LBAE meeting: Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall.
  • Approve Resolution to Appoint Election Judges – motion to approve by Nelson, second by Dressen, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
  • Approve Resolution to Appoint Absentee Ballot Board – motion to approve by Nelson, second by Dressen, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
  • Establish salary for Annual Town Meeting Moderator – Nelson motion a $50.00 salary for moderator during Annual Town Meeting. Moderator must be a resident voter.
  • Discussion about the found March 13, 1990 Annual Town Meeting Minutes that talked about West Branch Road – table till March Annual Town Meeting
  • Unemployment Insurance – appointed officers are covered by Unemployment Insurance and eligible for unemployment compensation on eligible reasons for leaving the employment.
  • Budget Meeting for 2025 right after the Board Meeting tonight
  • Clerk request to purchase Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) software for installation on clerk laptop with one-time purchase in the amount of $149.99 plus tax for one PC – Nelson motion to allow the maximum amount of $450.00 to purchase annual subscription for Microsoft 365 and an anti-virus software for the four (4) laptops owned by the township. John Wall volunteered to research and assist with installation.
  • Help needed to set-up additional chairs and fold tables after the Town Election to get ready for the Annual Town Meeting – several folks have volunteered.



  • Various emails from St. Louis County Elections regarding the upcoming Presidential Nomination Primary Election as well as the March Town Election including several training modules for the clerk and election judges to complete before the elections. Also email re-guide to operate the new OmniBallot voting machine.
  • Email from MATIT (Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance & Bond Trust re-requirement to submit 2023 Workers’ Compensation Payroll Audit which includes payroll information and W-3 form by February 15.
  • Email from St, Louis County Auditor’s Office to submit the Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness for 2023 by February 1.
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office for information on the 2024 Local Board of Appeal Equalization date for the township which is May 7, 2024 at 2:00-3:00 p.m.
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for February 2024 web maintenance in the amount of $56.25.
  • Email from U.S. Census Bureau to complete the online form for 2024 Boundary and Annexation Survey.


  • Mailed Absentee Ballots for Town Election to three residents (clerk)
  • Filled the online form 2024 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) from U.S. Census Bureau with due date of March 1, 2024 (C. Kuettel)
  • Mailed the Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness with due date of February 1, 2024 (treasurer)
  • Submitted CTAS financial statement online with due date of April 2024 (treasurer)
  • Mailed MATIT Workers’ Compensation (WC) Survey with due date of February 15, 2024 (treasurer)

Public CommentThe Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below:

  1. No more than one public comment per citizen.
  2. Submit your comment information to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name.
  3. Deadline to submit your request is the first Saturday of the month.
  4. Your presentation will be limited to two minutes.
  5. What you said will be on file, and the board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Public comment request by: Bonnie Dressen re-Township Solidarity: She commented that since people pay taxes, they should be able to vote on West Branch Road issue.

Next Meeting, March 12, 2024 at 9:45 p.m. or after the Annual Town Meeting.

Nelson motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m., second by Dressen, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk