Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.
Present: Chair-Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: two residents and one non-resident.
Oath of Office for newly elected supervisor: Kuettel was sworn-in.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes of March meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, seconded by Swanstrom. motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
MARCH 2018
Total Cash on hand as of 03/01/2018 – $255,086.58
Plus: Deposits – $5,324.14
Less Disbursements (March) – $1,329.34
Total Cash on hand as of 03/31/2018 – $259,081.38
March Check # 1318 – 1328
Mead motioned to approve March Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.
APRIL 2018
Claims (April) – $2,698.10
April Check # 1329 – 1336
Old Business
- Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeals & Equalization) meeting scheduled May 9, 5-6 p.m. Pequaywan Fire Department
- Update on a 2-day seminar attended by Mead on February 29 to March 1 – In January, approved reimbursement was for $300.00 but actual expenses for hotel and registration fee was $473.00. Swanstrom motioned to approve reimbursement of $473.00, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
- Notary stamp purchase for clerk to serve as Ex-Officio Notary for town business as required by Stat. § 358.15 – Wallace explained that town clerks simply by virtue of holding the office can notarize town documents and administer oaths of office. Cost will be approximately $30.00. Mead motioned to approve, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
- A representative from KTM Paving presented their proposal for repair of West Branch Road and a contract for signature. There are six sections for the project. Mead motioned to accept the contract in the amount of $98,700.00, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried. Start date is weather oriented but confirmed that it will be completed before August 2018. Refer to the contract for information on the project.
New Business
- Approval of April 2018 Claims – Swanstrom motioned to approve April claims in the amount of $2,698.10 which includes a bill from St. Louis County for snowplowing, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
- Correction of clerk salary while performing election judge duties – Wallace explained that during the Spring Short Course attended, the trainer mentioned that since election is part of the clerk’s duties, clerks should receive a clerk wage during elections and not election judge pay. This is specified in Chapter 4 of the Township Manual. Mead motioned to approve correction of clerk salary while performing duties as election judge, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried.
- Clarification as to the last day of office of outgoing board officer – the outgoing board officer shall serve until the next annual election, when a successor is elected, and sworn-in to office
- Swanstrom was voted and accepted to serve as Chair from April 2018-March 2019
- Mead was voted and accepted to serve as Vice-Chair in the absence of the Chair
- Kuettel will be made co-signer for the bank account and to remove outgoing supervisor Lee Kaplan
Correspondence Received
- Bill from St. Louis County Public Works Department for plowing West Branch Road in the amount of $1,006.25
- Three requests from Abstract companies re-assessment search – Wallace called or emailed them that the township does not conduct assessment
- Email from the Office of the State Auditor encouraging payments from the state via electronic fund transfer – Barnes reported that the township had already been receiving payments via electronic fund transfer
- Email SLCAT (St. Louis Co. Association of Township) February Minutes
- Emails from St. Louis Co. Election Department re-requirements for designation or change of polling locations; dates of election training for Election Clerk and Election Judge; and Order of Succession in emergency elections plan form to be completed and returned to the Election Department – Wallace will attend the Election Clerk Training (June 15) and Election Judge Training (July 20) at St Louis County in Duluth. The Election Judge Training’s purpose is to train the trainer, meaning, the clerk will in turn train the election judges.
Correspondence Sent
- Election position Order of Succession form sent to St Louis County as required – this is a list of Pequaywan town election judges
- Levy form for 2019 has been mailed and confirmed received by St. Louis County: General Fund – $4,890.00; Fire and EMS – $13,500.00; Road and Bridge (Ongoing Maintenance) – $1,650.00; Road and Bridge (Capital Reserve) – $9,960.00 totaling $30,000.00 as approved during Annual Meeting
Public Comment: KTM will provide free estimate for private driveway work. Contact info: 218-729-1446.
Next Meeting: May 8, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Motion to Adjourn – Mead motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk