April 14, 2009 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

9 residents

Next meeting set for May 12, 2009

Old business:

No old business discussed

New business:

Election results noted from the March local election of Mark Freeman and Keith Stoneburner re-elected positions.

Discussion had for Chairperson as Mark Freeman and Road person as Rick Fry for the 2009-2010 timeframe.  Election judge and meeting pay set to stay where it currently is.

Road condition by Rick Fry – Frost is coming out and they are bumpy.  Mark brought up the idea of purchasing asphalt from Menards to fill in the holes on West Branch Rd.  Motion made and 2nd to purchase and try the fix.

Phyllis Mead proposed landscaping the area where the township sign is.  She requested $150 to purchase herbiscide and natural plants.  Motion made and 2nd to approve the landscaping.  Rick mentioned the potential 80 ft right-of-way at that corner that has the possibility of being mowed.

Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting scheduled for April 29th from 7-8 pm at the Fire Hall.

The board recommended starting the additional $1500 payment to the PVFD this 2009 year, rather than waiting until 2010.  The three annual payments will then be 2009, 2010 and 2011.  This was motioned, seconded and approved.

Brush day is scheduled for May 30th from 10a-1pm.

Meeting adjorned.