Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead
Absent: Keith Stoneburner
2 residents
Next meeting set for June 9, 2009
Old business:
Road condition report by Rick Fry – Asphalt purchased from Menards to fill in the holes on West Branch Rd. The job will be tackled when time and weather allows.
Phyllis Mead proposed landscaping the area where the township sign is. Plans are being made for the landscaping.
Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting scheduled for April 29th from 7-8 pm at the Fire Hall. Meeting went well, one resident attended.
The board recommended starting the additional $1500 payment to the PVFD this 2009 year, rather than waiting until 2010. The three annual payments will then be 2009, 2010 and 2011. This was motioned, 2nd and approved. $1,500 payment given to Chief Lucia.
Brush day is scheduled for May 30th from 10am-1pm.
New business:
Fry mentioned that it is renewal time for the domain Motioned and approved to re-new domain.
Tax-forfeit land sale notice for the area on the Pequaywan Lk Rd, the township has no interest in purchasing the land.
Resident asked about the property that the township owns and placing a community garden on it. The response from the board is that it is wooded and would require much work.
Mead discussed the township signs and if alright to do some maintenance on them. Given a “yes” by the board.
Resident Waznick brought to the boards’ attention that there is interest from the DNR to purchase lots that he has for sale. The board asked that Wasnick keep them informed.
Meeting adjourned.