Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner
Absent: Scott Mead
4 residents
Next meeting set for July 14, 2009
Old business:
The garden has been planted for landscaping the area where the township sign is.
Domain and hosting service renewed another 2 years for township website.
Brush day comment made that someone has brought stumps into the pile and this will need to be watched closer.
Tax-forfeit land sale notice for the area on the Pequaywan Lk Rd, the township has no interest in purchasing the land. This land was sold.
New business:
Township received a letter from the St. Louis County discussing property tax forfeit land that the township may be interested in purchasing. Mark is to contact the county to get more information.
A variance request notice sent to the township for an area off Peq. Lk Rd. Rick Fry noted in looking a bit at the drawings that it may have been an illegal property split into non-conforming lots. Township’s stand is to remain neutral.
Pequaywan Vol. FD annual pancake breakfast is to be held July 5th.
Meeting adjourned.