Meeting called to order by Chairman Mark Freeman @ 7:30
Supervisors Freeman, Mead & Fry Present
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Discussion on the latest land sale by St. Louis County.
The variance was recommended for approval by Planning and Zoning concerning the lots at the old resort.
Pancake breakfast was a great success.
New business:
Discussion concerning the proposed boat access on Pequaywan Lake that the DNR is trying to establish. The Pequaywan lake Association sent a resolution to the DNR concerning the issue. The association resolution was read for any discussion from the floor.
Fry asked about what program the association had implemented. His other question concerned boat launching by friends coming to visit you or using your cabin. Residents will need to check to see that any boats launched are clean.
Resident Ted Wasnick informed the Town Board and the residents in attendance, that the development he proposed for the east shore of Big Pequaywan Lake was approved by the planning commission with a few changes. The changes are to be completed at a future date.
The proposed public boat access on Big Pequaywan was discussed. Residents in attendance spoke out against any public access.
Chairman Freeman asked Supervisor Fry to write a resolution for the Township concerning the public access issue.
Concerns about the level of Little Pequaywan were discussed.
Supervisor Fry to check on the land sale for the residents in the East Shore and Pinewood road area.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made and approved. Freeman and Fry
Meeting adjourned at 8:10