Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead
17 residents
Next meeting set for Sept 8, 2009
New business:
Freeman asked Fry to read the Township resolution to the possible public access on Big Pequaywan. Comments made from residents on changing some wording. Motion made to pass the resolution but with removing some specific wording. Motion passed 2-1. A final resolution will be included with next meeting minutes.
Discussion was had on the resort and the turnover at the location. Concerns made of water vehicle launching by the renters, licensing issues and property line.
Resident made a follow up request to the town board on covering the townships attorney fees in a development process on Big Pequaywan. Request not granted.
Mention made that the township is watching for the process of changes at the newly purchased tax forfeit property and the possibility of vacating a road.
Monthly lake water testing has started on Pequaywan.
Meeting adjourned.