March 8, 2011 Annual Town Meeting

Meeting convened at 8:15 pm.

Attendance: 17 Residents present

Clerk Smitke called the meeting to order.  A motion made/seconded/carried to elect Henry Helgen as Citizen Monitor for the meeting.  Motion made/seconded/carried to waive the reading of the 2010 annual meeting minutes.  Treasurer report made available for viewing and questions.

Road report: Road patching was done on West Branch road. More patching can be done.

The levy for taxes was motioned/seconded/carried to remain at $23,000.  It was approved in the levy $13,500 for payment to the PVFD for the 2012 year.

The annual elections were reported on that Rick Fry was re-elected for a 3 year term as supervisor and Keith Stoneburner was re-elected for a 2 year term as treasurer.

The voting hours motioned/seconded/carried for Primary, General and Special Statewide election hours to be 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.  The Annual township election hours are to be 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

The monthly meeting time and day shall be 7:30 pm on the second Tuesday of each month and the annual meeting shall be the second Tuesday of March after the annual township election.

Local notice postings can be made at the Pequaywan town bulletin board, PVFD bulletin board, website and website.

New business:

The idea of building a town hall/community center was introduced. Decision made to allow a group to gather information on the idea and bring to a future township meeting.

Develop north end of Pequaywan Lake. Citizen Wilson requests the township to pay their attorney fees in reviewing and negotiating documents to the easement over state land. Decision made by residents to vote on whether the township should pay attorney fees for this purpose. Vote results; 4-Yes, 7-Nay

New property tax assessor for the area.

Meeting adjourned.

February 8, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: April Smitke, Keith Stoneburner

4 residents present

Next meeting set for March 8, 2011 Annual Meeting

Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Freeman

Minutes for the previous meeting were read and approved

Old business:

Logging has been completed for now on the West Branch Road. A second cut is tentatively scheduled for late fall or winter of 2011.

New business:

It was reported that the DNR lake access lot was officially posted. No confirmation was given.

The new DNR plan for controlling invasive species is a basic rehash of the previous plan. No real improvement. Contact your representatives to express your personal preferences. Representative David Dill, and Senator Tom Bakk represent this area.

There is a possible “bacteria”, which kills both Zebra Mussels and Quagga Mussels. To this point there is a 100% kill rate in limited area tests with no known effects on native populations. It does not kill any other invasive species.

Supervisor Mead attended The Lake Superior Bi-national Forum’s Public Input Session on February 4, 2011. It was held at the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College in Cloquet. It was very informative and stressed some of the major failures concerning mining in Minnesota, including regulations not being followed, permits not renewed or applied for. The Native American community feels that any mining should not cause environmental issues. That is currently not the case. The PH levels in most Northern Minnesota Lakes are at the high critical level, and any new mining will push these levels over the edge.

Supervisor Fry discussed whether or not mobile homes should be allowed on the lakes within the township. Currently, there is no ordinance that prohibits their use. St. Louis County, who manages building and land use within the township, does not ban the use of mobile homes on lake property. There are discrimination issues regarding banning their use. Any further discussion should be addressed at the annual meeting.

There was a discussion on the firehall and use of the 40 acres that the Township owns.

Discussed snow plowing or the lack of it on the West Branch Road. This occurred during mid-January when it snowed off and on for a week. The county portion of the road would get plowed but not the township portion. The township does contract with the county for plowing but that does not always mean that the whole road will be done. Extra payments have been offered by the township to plow every time but no payments have been made or requested. The township portion is evidently considered a non-primary road.

Any person needing a sign concerning snowmobiles should contact Ron Sluka or Ray Barnes.

Knapweed will be considered a primary noxious weed effective 3/1/2011. At that point the County will need to take action before they spread to private land. If the weed is currently on private land it will need to be taken care of.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

January 11, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

7 residents present

Next meeting set for February 8, 2011

Old business:


New business:

PVFD attended to submit their annual budget report for review of the township board members.

Public access: Letter from DNR  Joe Russell on all the reasons to concerns on the public access.  Information shared by Mead on aquatic invasive species.

Brief discussion had on the logging of the townships’ 40 acres and the concern of spruce worm, decision stands on not logging.

March election to be held for Treasurer and Supervisor position currently held by Rick Fry.

Meeting adjourned.

December 12, 2010 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

5 residents present

Next meeting set for January 11, 2011

Old business:

Petition letter on speed limit: Freeman received a second letter back stating they would look into doing a survey on the matter.

Logging down the W. Branch Rd is continuing, should be about another month of work.

Road sign #256: State received funding for the signs for a purpose, 911 systems are updated for the road sign notation.

New business:

PVFD attended to request funds on the $4500 budgeted from the township to the FD. Request to give the funds motioned and passed.

Fry has a link set-up on the site to information on aquatic invasive species.

Meeting adjourned.

November 9, 2010 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry,

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

3 residents present

Next meeting set for December 14, 2010

Old business:

Proposed DNR lot purchase: Mead received a letter noting David Dill’s receipt of opposition information on the public access.

Petition letter on speed limit: Information sent back to Freeman on science and laws of speed denied the change. Freeman sent back another letter asking further questions and explanation behind the “science” of it.

New business:

Logging down the W. Branch Rd is in beginning process.

A request made that road sign # 256 be placed correctly.

Meeting adjourned.

October 12, 2010 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

4 residents present

Next meeting set for November 9, 2010

Old business:

Proposed DNR lot purchase: A resolution was drafted by the township demanding the DNR to stop their proposed purchase of lot for sale on Big Pequaywan. The letter is to be sent to multiple individuals. Motioned and passed.

New business:

A petition letter with many signatures of local home and cabin owners was given to the township regarding the speed limit in the section north of the Pequaywan fire hall to south of the Pequaywan Inn. The petition letter requested the township take steps to request a reduced speed in that area from 55 mph to 45 mph. Mark Freeman drafted a letter to Peg Sweeney and St. Louis County making that request citing many reasons for the reduced speed. Motion and passed.

November 2, 2010 is voting day. Polls are open 7am to 8 pm. at the Pequaywan fire hall.

Meeting adjourned.

September 14, 2010 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

5 residents present

Next meeting set for October 12, 2010

Old business:

Road patch work seems working fine.

New business:

Scott Mead received a letter from Tom Peterson, Two Harbors DNR, stating a proposal to purchase lot 4 of Wasnick property sale.

Broadband is coming to Lake County, doesn’t look like it will be available for the Pequaywan area.

Complaint made from a resident on the mowing this late summer on Hwy 44.

Meeting adjourned.

August 10, 2010 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

2 residents present

Next meeting set for September 14, 2010

Old business:

West Branch road repair still planned for. Much road repair done, about 90% of patch stock used with roughly 500 lbs remain.

New business:

No new business

Meeting adjourned.

May 11, 2010 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

4 residents present

Next meeting set for June 8, 2010

Old business:

Logging issue: Board motion & decided to leave township land uncut by forester.

New business:

Discussion of officers for the 2010-2011 year; Freeman will remain Chairman, Fry will remain road supervisor. After meeting clean-up will be done by Clerk. Rate of pay for election judges and outside meetings of supervisors increased from $10/hr to $15/hr, meeting pay will remain at $25.

Discussion had on the township obtaining a legal opinion on the right-of-way ownership at the end of West Branch road. Decided not to pursue.

West Branch road repair to begin next month.

Meeting adjourned.