July 14, 2020, Township Board Meeting (via teleconference)

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Deputy Clerk Stephanie Teek, Deputy Treasurer Jennifer Maciewski.

Clerk’s Report: Since the meeting was conducted via teleconference, the town officers read the May 12, 2020 Minutes from the town webpage. There was one (1) correction cited, after which the Minutes were motioned for approval by Dressen, motioned by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

JUNE 2020
Total Funds on hand as of 06/01/2020 (Includes Investments) – $148,691.49
Plus: Deposits – $1,323.66
Less: Disbursements (June) – $1,544.27
Total Funds on hand as of 06/30/2020 – $148,470.88
June Check # 1552 – 1562

JULY 2020
Claims (July) – $2,172.56
July Check # 1563 – 1569
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed

Dressen motioned to approve the June 2020 Treasurer’s Report and Claims for July 2020, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • Status and possible date for tree disposal at the township land: Waldriff Trucking completed the work on the driveway access and clearing the land  for $700.00. However, two stumps still need to be cleared. Nick Elmquist provided an estimate of $1,050 to pull the two stumps and bring a load of gravel for the unloading area. Swanstrom motioned to approve the work for $1,050, Dressen seconded, motion carried. 3-0-0. Kuettel estimated that the disposal area will be ready by mid-August. Announcement when it is open will be posted at the town webpage. Kuettel also announced the need for help to clear rocks in the land. Residents can remove the rocks free for personal use or move/pile a little ways out of the way from the unloading area.
  • Dressen volunteered to do mowing on the town property. The township will cover the cost of repair to the equipment if it breaks while mowing the area.
  • Develop plan for future in-person meeting: Kuettel provided the guidelines the township will use to safely conduct in-person meeting starting in August: (1) use of facemask; (2) providing hand sanitizer; (3) sanitizing tables, chairs, etc.; (4) capacity of 12 excluding family members; (5) if a person has fever or exposed to someone with COVID-19, they must stay home (body temperature may be checked); (6) windows open; and (7) follow 6′ social distancing. Swanstrom motioned to approve the in-person meeting following the guidelines provided with the option to change, if necessary, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Repair estimate for cracks in West Branch Road: Swanstrom motioned to approve the cost estimate of $2,500 ($1,000 for materials and $1,500 for labor), seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-1-0.
  • Discuss fire threat from dead trees at West Branch Road: Swanstrom was not able to check with the county. Reminder that the trees are in public land so information gathered will be provided to the landowners.
  • DS200 grant/purchase update from state: Barnes reported that he got trained for the use of DS200. He explained that the DS200 is a tabulating machine and not a voting machine and as of this time there is not a machine that is replacing the Automark. He also reported that he took the maintenance individual to the firehall to update the Automark. Decision in purchasing DS200 continues to be put on hold. Wallace will get more information from the county and state.
  • Schedule an appointment with deputy clerk, deputy treasurer and SCCU to add them to  co-sign the accounts: Barnes will work on this.
  • Correct the curve in West Branch Road: cost estimate is $3,000 and will need the landowner’s permission. No action taken.

New Business 

  • Primary Election, August 11, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
  • General Election, November 3, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
    (Revision update:  the Pequaywan Town Board passed Resolution 2020-012
    A Resolution Supporting Mail Voting for the November 2020 Election on July 29, 2020 meaning there will be no in=person voting in November. Ballots will be mailed to voters by St. Louis County.)
  • The township encourages voters to wear a mask but not mandatory for the elections
  • Town Board Meeting date/time as Primary Election in August is same day as the Town Board Meeting with the following option changes:
    1 start at 8:30 p.m. if hiring additional judge to help count ballots, with approval
    2. start at 9:00 p.m. if not hiring additional judge
    3. schedule another day

Swanstrom motioned to re-schedule the meeting to either August 12 or August 13, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0. Wallace will check the availability of the firehall with the fire chief.

  • Swanstrom motioned to hire additional election judges starting at 8:00 p.m. during the November General Election to speed up counting the ballots, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Minnesota’s Secretary of State will provide facemasks for election judges and voters, hand sanitizers and disinfectant for use during election but townships are responsible for purchasing Plexiglass barriers. The state can require election judges to wear masks and encourage voters to wear masks but voters cannot be required to wear a mask to vote.
  • Wallace requested approval in purchasing Plexiglass barrier, disposable gloves, plastic wrap, paper towels, and other items for safety precaution use during elections. Swanstrom motioned to approve the purchase, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Swanstrom motioned to approve for two of our election judges who needed re-certification to take the St. Louis County online Election Training for election judges at $9.90 per person, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Wallace reported that she has completed the St. Louis County’s 2020 Clerk Election Training
  • Dressen motioned to approve the deputy clerk to work during primary and/or general election as part of election training, if her schedule allows, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Minnesota Association of Townships online training in July for election judges and treasurer’s handling of election judges salary.



  • Presidential Nomination Primary election reimbursement expenses in the amount of $1,174.85 was received
  • Clerk election training information, guidelines during election day, election judge recruitment resources, polling places, Notice of Primary and General Election posters
  • Release of CTAS 2020 software from the Office of the State Auditor
  • June 2020 Newsletter, info on governor’s funding to Minnesota communities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, special teleconference with the governor from Minnesota Association of Townships
  • Regional Bi-Weekly Partner Briefings from Census Bureau
  • Benafica health insurance benefit available to town officers and employees
  • Department of Revenue notification of training for 2021 Board of Appeals and Equalization registration is now open
  • Pending and/or assessment info request against a property on the township from North Shore Title
  • DS200 Sales Order Agreement in the amount of $5,760 from Election Systems and Software
  • Notice of Litigation from Brown Rudnick LLP (acting as facilitator),  sent to all city, tribe, county or other municipality holding consolidated claims against Purdue Pharma, L.P., Case No. 19-23649

Sent: None

Public Comment:

  • Alex Olson who built the picnic bench on the township land received his Eagle Scout rank
  • Kuettel reported that John Wilson is requesting a copy of the key to the gate as he goes to the town property 2-3x a week to water trees, maintain wood chips, etc. Swanstrom motioned to approve to provide Wilson with a copy of the key, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Next Meeting, August 12, 2020, 7:30 p.m. at Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 9:01 p.m. by Dressen, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk