Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Don Swanstrom.
Present: Chair Don Swanstrom, Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: three residents and one non-resident.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes of May meeting was presented and reviewed. Motioned by Mead to approve minutes, second by Kuettel, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Barnes reported the following:
May 2018
Total Cash on hand as of 05/01/2018 – $256,601.06
Plus: Deposits – $221.66
Less Disbursements (May) – $965.02
Total Cash on hand as of 05/31/2018 – $255,857.70
May Check # 1337 – 1346
June 2018
Claims (June) – $914.38
June Check # 1347 – 1353
Kuettel motioned to approve May treasurer’s report and June 2018 Claims, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried.
Old Business
- Primary Election: Tuesday, August 14, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
- Township Property: Mead reported that spraying will be done this summer to kill the new Poplar growth. The County is presently logging on the county land adjacent to the township property. Pequaywan Association discussed during their last meeting that now is the best time to develop the land following feedback from the community such as creating a hiking trail; installing bench seats; play area for badminton, bean bag toss; building a Community Center. Location for the Community Center will have to be determined that will dictate next step for its development. Solar panel would be most beneficial. The township needs access to the township land through the county land. Mead motioned Gordy Larson, a resident, to have the authority to act for the township in requesting entry from St. Louis County.
New Business
- Approval of election judges for Primary Election – Wallace recommended the following to serve: Katherine Sluka and Robert McDonough as election judges and Lita Wallace as Head Election Judge. Kuettel motioned to approve, second by Mead, motion carried.
- Due to Primary Election on the same day of the town meeting, August town meeting move to start at 8:30 p.m or after the ballots are counted
- Deb Pomroy has agreed to be the Weed Inspector for the township and offered a salary that is the same as what the treasurer and clerk receives, will work the minimum hours required by the State or 10 hours. Pomroy will devise a plan on areas to work on the time allotted. Scot motioned to approve, second by Kuettel, motion carried.
- Chinese mystery snail has been reported seen at Little Pequaywan Lake which was also reported to the Deparment of Natural Resources.
- Bill from Minnesota Association of Townships for Summer Short Course Registration-$100
- Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office: Minutes of Pequaywan Township LBAE meeting on May 9
- Email from St. Louis County: List of 2018 Party Election Judge List
- Email from Elections Department: Instructions and forms to use for candidate filings
- Email from Elections Department: Election training schedule for clerks and election judges (train the trainer)
- Email and postage mail from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) : 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes
- MN Association of Townships: Insider Magazine
- Mail from St. Louis Co Planning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan – Draft Goals and Objectives
- Mail from Minnesota State Demographic Center re-2017 Population and Household Estimates
- Mail from Mid-State Consultants re-Frontier Communications work in West Branch Road
Sent: Two letters to residents re-LBAE appeal
Public Comment: None
Next Meeting: July 10, 2018, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Motion to Adjourn– Kuettel motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., second by Mead, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk