June 14, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chair Scott Mead.


• Board members Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom, and Treasurer Kim Hand

• Number of residents — 10
• Non residents — 1

Clerk’s Report:

Chair Scott Mead read the minutes from the May meeting. Motion to approve by Don, seconded by Lee. (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Treasurer’s Report

$249,413.46 — Total cash on hand as of 4/30/2016
$216.57 — Deposits
$1,561.85 — Expenditures
$248,068.18 — Total cash on hand as of 5/31/2016

Motion to approve by Scott, seconded by Don (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

• Scott reported that logging had not started yet on the township land. The contract to do so expires this summer.

• Jonathan Trexel had not filed an application for a conditional use permit for his Northern Life Ranch as of June 3.

New Business

• Discussion on obtaining material for signs to inform residents of township meetings, voting times, etc. The new Fire Department sign has a “holder” to the road side on which such signs could be attached.

• Discussion was held on a request from a resident for a resolution opposing Minnesota House Bill HF 2415 on various gun control measures. Since the bill was not heard in any committee before the legislative session ended and so is considered “dead,” there was no need for any action on a resolution.

Much of the discussion was about how information had not been passed along from the St. Louis County Association of Townships regarding the bill. Lee noted that the discussion at the SLCAT took place because someone from Colvin Township wanted to use the meeting to rally support for a resolution on the part of townships. It was not part of any legislative action on the part of townships or the SLCAT itself. Short of attending all meetings of the SLCAT, we have no way of monitoring what takes place there on a regular basis.

• Discussion on a group called Positive Energy Outdoors. Don Swanstrom had received a call from a township supervisor from Normanna expressing concern about this organization and its use of trails in the area.

• Discussion from a resident on whether the Fire Department could post No Burning or Burning Bans to alert property owners that no outdoor burning was allowed.


There was no correspondence to report since the Clerk was not present.

Motion to Adjourn, made by Scott, seconded by Don; (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay).

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Next meeting:

July 12, 2016, 7:30 p.m, Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Submitted by Judy Strom, Pequaywan resident