Sue Johnson , Township Clerk, calls meeting to order at 8:30 pm. Johnson gave the election results with Mark Freeman being reelected as Township Supervisor and Marialice Arndt was elected as Town Clerk as a write-in candidate. Richard Arndt was elected to be monitor for the Annual Meeting. Richard Arndt motions to waive the February meeting minutes. Rick Fry seconds the motion. Motion carries. A motion is made by Richard Arndt to accept the levy of $23,000 for 2007. The levy would include $1500 for Road & Bridges, $7800 for the General Fund, $8800 for Fire and First Responder, $4900 for Other including accessor’s fees etc. Ron Sluka seconds the motion. Motion carried. A motion is made by Richard Arndt to accept the current township meeting time as 7:30 pm the second Tuesday of the month. Marialice Arndt seconds the motion. Motion carries. Rick Fry motions to adjourn. Mark Freeman seconds the motion. Motion carries and the meeting adjourned.
Prepared by Sue Johnson, Town Clerk