Supervisors Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Brian Landstrom
Excused: Marialice Arndt, Keith Stoneburner
Others Approximately 100 Residents
The meeting was called to order by Chair Freeman at 7:35 PM.
Regular Business
September board minutes read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Landstrom. All ayes, motion carried.
September special board minutes read and approved by Supervisors Freeman & Landstrom. All ayes, motion carried.
Treasurer Report
No Treasurer report
Old Business
Draft of Zoning Classification Request read and approved to proceed to submission to planning commission by unanimous vote.
New Business
ATV Trail
County Commissioner Peg Sweeney in attendance. Presented county side of the trail proposal and what had happened at County Board Meeting Today. Tried to rescind county resolution concerning trail and failed. Stressed that the trail was just conceptual. County board passed resolution requesting that the trail only be on State and County land. Current trail design does not meet parameters specified by the State. DNR has not decided which county will be awarded the trail. Minimum of 2 public hearings are required for any trail. Trail would not use any county or twp right of way. No confiscation of private land. Answered questions to the best of her ability with the information that was available. Lots of questions from the floor. She supports ATV trail in county, but not necessarily here.
Steve Johnson from hwy dept attended to answer questions about ROW. ATV can ride in ditch bottom or backslope. HWY dept intention was just for road.
Pequaywan Permits
Are there permits issued to Pequaywan Inn for anything?
Meeting Dates
November Monthly Meeting November 14, 2006 7:30 PM
∙ Freeman moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM. Landstrom seconded, motion carried.
(Minutes prepared by Rick Fry)