September 8, 2020 Township Board Meeting

The meeting which was held outdoor was called to order at 6:42 p.m. by Chair Kuettel. Attendees were following 6-foot social distancing.


Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes

Guests: Richard Arndt, Bonnie Dressen, Lisa Klassen, Paul Klassen, Deb Pomroy, Faye Swanstrom

Clerk’s Report

A copy of the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting on August 12, 2020 was provided to attendees, Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on hand as of 08/01/2020 (Includes Investments) – $169,188.54
Plus: Deposits – $8,844.16  (2020 MN DNR PILT $3,867.51; 19 Tac Prod-Aug20 Dist $4,841.00; Interest on Accounts $135.65)
Less: Disbursements (August) – $3,313.92
Total Funds on hand as of 08/31/2020 – $174,718.78
August Check # 1570 – 1579

Claims (September) – $2,096.45
September Check # 1580 – 1592
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.

Motion by Swanstrom to approve August Treasurer’s Report and September Claims, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • September in-person meeting was held outdoor.
  • Update on the tree branch drop off site and discuss next date for drop off: There were 51 individuals who came on August 29 to drop off dead trees. One problem is that branches were not cut off from the trunk. Reminder to make sure that trunks are de-limbed or branches separated from the trunk. The township thanks Richard and Marialice Arndt for helping during the drop-off. Kuettel and Dressen finished the access road. Next drop off date is September 26 from 10: a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Richard Arndt will have the key to the gate and will supervise the site.
  • West Branch road damage – what to do if contractor damage (discussion on road damage while unloading large equipment for work on homeowner property): It was decided that in the latest case, the road was not properly firm and the township must pay for the repair. Per Minnesota Association of Townships, the landowner is liable for road damage due to work connected with their property and may seek reimbursement from the contractor.
  • Weed control update – Once leaves fall, Pomroy and Dressen will inspect for Buckthorn.
  • Mail-in voting for November General Election – 136 letters from the township mailed on August 24 to resident registered voters.
  • Walking path: Dressen mowed the walking path for the last time this year. The path is greatly improved and the area provides a lovely walk.
  • LBAE training: reminder to supervisors that needs re-certification to complete the online training for 2021 LBAE meeting.

New Business

  • Position opening for deputy clerk: The deputy clerk hired earlier this year has put in her resignation. And since the current town clerk is leaving the position in March 2021, the township really needs to hire a deputy clerk as soon as possible so that person can be trained to take over the clerk position. It is vitally important that this position is filled, so please ask any prospective applicants to contact the town clerk at The posting with required qualifications and duties can be found at



  • Auditor approval letter from St. Louis County Auditor’s Office re-approval to switch Pequaywan Township to a mail ballot precinct for the 2020 General Election
  • LBAE training information for 2021 appeals season from Minnesota Department of Revenue
  • From Minnesota Association of Townships: District 10 meeting in August; 2020 Fall Legislative & Research Committee meeting; August 2020 Newsletter
  • From St. Louis County re- (1) County Small Business COVID-19 relief grants available starting August 24; (2) maintenance programs for 2021
  • Special assessment request from Steve Ball & Associations for a property at 9021 West Branch Road
  • Special assessment request from North Shore Title for a property at 8887 Pequaywan Lake Road


  • Mail-in voting letter for the November General Election to 136 registered resident voters

Public Comment:

  • Short-term rental (STR) and enforcement: St. Louis County Ordinance 62 will go into effect in January 2021. A local resident has applied for an STR application. Another local resident has stated some complaints but was advised to concentrate more on the illegal activities than the lesser problems.
  • Speeding in Highway 44: Increased speed continues to be a problem in Highway 44. The township is looking into adding road signs for lower speed.
  • A resident inquired about the Rossini Road being closed for traffic: Rossini Road signs do not indicate date of work on road. Kuettel called St. Louis County and was told that September 9 is the only day the road was closed so a culvert can be installed.

Next Meeting, October 13, 2020, back to regular time at 7:30 p.m. and will be held via teleconference. Barnes will be the moderator with Wallace as back-up. Will contact Lee Kaplan for assistance in setting up the teleconference.

Dressen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, 3-0-0.

Minutes were taken by Bonnie Dressen.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk