March 10, 2020, Annual Town Meeting

Meeting called to order: Town Clerk Lita Wallace called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. The meeting was held at Pequaywan Fire Hall.

Attendance: Lita Wallace, Raymond G. Barnes, Bonnie Dressen, Douglas Dressen, Mark Freeman, Scott Gronseth, Lee Kaplan, Charles Kuettel, Phyllis Mead, Scott Mead, Steve Pelto, Donald Swanstrom, Judith Strom, Stephanie Teek, Daryl Waldriff, Ted Wallace

Election of a moderator: Phyllis Mead was nominated and elected as the moderator.

Announce Agenda for Rest of Meeting (moderator, subject to modification by vote of electorate):  no change.

2019 Minutes: Motion to approve minutes of previous year’s Annual Meeting Minutes (copies provided by clerk): Scott Mead motion to approve 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes, second by Lee Kaplan, motion carried.

Reading of the Board of Audit Report as  posted by clerk prior to meeting

Fund Beginning Balance Receipts Disbursements Total Balance
General Fund $  7,878.53 $24,043.50 $17,782.36 $14,139.67
Road and Bridge (On-going Maintenance $  5,050.47 $  3,168.80 $  2,545.62 $  5,673.65
Fire and EMS $ 21,533.13 $13,460.85 $13,500.00 $ 21,493.98
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) $140,178.18 $  8,331.73 $14,389.88 $134,120.03
Total $174,640.31 $49,004.88 $48,217.86 $175,427.33

Annual Board of Appeals and Equalization scheduled on April 29 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Fire Hall.

Result of Township Election – one supervisor position (clerk): Donald Swanstrom was elected.

Position Opening: Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, Noxious Weed Inspector (see job duties below) (clerk): Deputy clerk, deputy treasurer, and Noxious Weed Inspector hire update: Stephanie Teek was hired as deputy clerk while Jennifer Maciewski was hired as deputy treasurer. Wallace will check with MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) re- appointing them as clerk and treasurer in March 2021 in lieu of Option B passed in 2015.

Dressen will take over the duties of Noxious Weed Inspector with help from the Garden Club.

Pequaywan Town Chair’s Road Report at West Branch Road: Fixed cracks in pavement; fixed wash-out area, total cost was $14,389.88. Two culverts that are 30+ years old and close to life expectancy will need to be replaced and we are trying to get a quote. There are no plans on doing any road work. A resident mentioned that there are dead trees in West Branch Road and requesting to have something figured out what can be done.

Report from Pequaywan Fire & EMS and request for 2021 levy:  Electors vote on the amount of $16,500 to provide for fire department, supervisors will render the final decision during March Town Board Meeting.

Update, suggestions and discussions on possible projects for the land owned by the township in Rossini Road including the tax forfeited property purchased from St. Louis County: purpose in purchasing the land in Rossini Road is for burning and chipping. Future plans on the property: put up a building, add a driveway.

2021 Levy: Discussion and motion to approve general levy and any dedicated levies (road & bridge, plus others determined helpful to treat as designated and not just a budget item from the general fund) and to affirm total levy including funds for Pequaywan Fire & EMS (Note: the levy must be voted on): Scott Mead motioned to approve $43,500 for 2021 levy with $16,500 going to Pequaywan Fire Department, second by Daryl Waldriff, all in favor, motion carried.

General Fund 4,890.00 17,782.36 24,043.50
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance 1,650.00 2,545.62 3,168.80
Fire and EMS 13,500.00 13,500.00 13,460.85
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 9,960.00 14,389.88 8,331.73
Total 30,000.00 48,217.86 49,004.88


General Fund 5,000.00 19,000.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance 3,000.00 2,500.00
Fire and EMS 15,000.00 15,000.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 12,000.00 5,000.00
Total 35,000.00 41,500.00


General Fund 12,000.00 20,000.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance 3,000.00 3,000.00
Fire and EMS 16,500.00 16,500.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 12,000.00 10,000.00
Total 43,500.00 49,500.00

2021 Annual Town Meeting: the state set the Annual Town Meeting on the second Tuesday of March following the Township Election and will be held at Pequaywan Fire Hall.

Motion to set monthly Town Board Meeting: Charles Kuettel motioned to set the Town Board meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at Pequaywan Firehall, second by Donald Swanstrom, all in favor, motion carried. Exception of March meeting to be  scheduled after the Annual Town Meeting and on months with federal and state election that may need to be re-scheduled on a different date which will be discussed at least two months before the election).

Motion to set voting place: Kuettel motion to set Pequaywan Fire Hall as the primary voting place; and Pequaywan Trail Blazer Snowmobile Club garage as secondary voting place in case Pequaywan Fire Hall is not available due to unforeseen circumstances, second by Scott Mead, all in favor, motion carried. Barnes as contact person for the garage.

Motion to set voting time:
Lee Kaplan motion to set the voting times listed, second by Charles Kuettel, all in favor, motion carried.
7:00 am – 8:00 pm, Presidential Nomination Primary Election, Primary Election and General Election
7:00 am – 8:00 pm, State Election
10:00 am – 8:00 pm, Special Primary Election  and Special General Election
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Township Election

Posting areas:
– website
– West Branch Road Sign board
– Pequaywan Fire & EMS bulletin board
– Pequaywan Inn bulletin board
-Pequaywan Association website

General Discussion of Items of Concern: None

Adjourn: Scott Mead motion to adjourn the Annual Town Meeting at 9:25 p.m., second by Charles Kuettel, all in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk