Meeting was called to order at 9:40 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.
Attendance: Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace
Guests: Mark Freeman, Scott Gronseth, Scott Pelto, Stephanie Teek, Daryle Waldriff, Ted Wallace
Clerk’s Report: Wallace presented the minutes of the Board of Supervisors meeting on February 11, 2020. Motion to approve by Dressen, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.
Treasurer’s Report
Total Funds on hand as of 02/01/2020 (Includes Investments) – $153,220.19
Plus: Deposits – $4,570.76
Less: Disbursements (February) – $1,761.82
Total Funds on hand as of 02/29/2020 – $156,029.13
February Check # 1516 – 1520
MARCH 2020
Claims (March) – $3,149.56
March Check # 1521 – 1529
No transfers to Checking Account will be needed
A recurring bad address fee of $2.00/month charged by SCCU is being investigated – this is a recurring error by the credit union as the treasurer’s address on file with them is correct.
Motion by Swanstrom to approve February Treasurer’s Report and March Claims, second by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
Old Business
- Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) meeting scheduled on April 29, 2020, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Fire Hall.
- Deputy clerk, deputy treasurer, and Noxious Weed Inspector hire update: A deputy clerk (Stephanie Teek) and deputy treasurer (Jennifer Maciewski) have been selected and hired by the clerk and treasurer. The plan is for them to take over the clerk and treasurer position in March 2021. Motion by Dressen to approve the hires, second by Swanstrom, motion carried. 3-0-0. Wallace will check with MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) if they can continue to be in an appointed position (Option B) in March 2021. Dressen will take over the position of Noxious Weed Inspector with assistance from the Garden Club. Pomroy will conduct a presentation and training to the Garden Club.
- Result of 2020 Township Election – one supervisor position: Donald Swanstrom was elected as the supervisor to serve until 2023.
- Update on land acquisition: the township has received the Deed of Sale but there were some errors on it that needs to be called to the attention of St. Louis County.
- Update Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP) Expense Reimbursement: Wallace completed compiling all hours and expenses incurred during the PNP election and the amount of reimbursement totaled $1,174.85 that consists election hours, mileage, and training for election judges which will be submitted to St. Louis County for reimbursement by the state.
New Business
- CD funds maturing on April 10, 2020: CDs will be rolled over.
- The board approved for supervisors, clerk, treasurer, deputy clerk, and deputy treasurer to attend MAT’s (Minnesota Association of Townships) upcoming 2020 Spring Short Courses on April 3 – Wallace will register all the seven officers.
- 2021 Town Levy: the amended amount of $43,500.00 was passed by the residents present during the Annual Town Meeting with $16,500.00 going to Pequaywan Fire Department. Motion by Dressen to approve the amount of $43,500.00, second by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.
- Distribution are as follows: General Fund – $12,000.00; Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance) – $3,000.00; Fire and EMS – $16,500.00; and Road and Bridges (Capital Reserve) – $12,000.00.
- Reminder that the Board of Canvass Meeting will commence right after the March Township Board Meeting.
- State of Deed for the property located in Rossini Road purchased from St. Louis County through Land and Minerals Department
- Blank Officer List form to be completed and returned to Minnesota Association of Townships updating officer list after the election
- Various emails from St. Louis County re-training, roster, instructions, forms, election supplies, Uncommitted vote, Polling Place Write-in Summary, and ballots/election supplies pick-up and delivery for the Presidential Nomination Primary election
- Email from SLCAT re-January 2020 Minutes and SLCAT Lobby Day
- Emails from MAT re- (1) Spring Short Courses schedule and (2) Legislative Update & Advocacy Alert
- Email from North Shore Title inquiring of any pending and/or levied assessment against a property in the township
- Voter Master List from St. Louis County Election department
- Email from St. Louis County Public Health requesting for the best contact info for 24/7 communication for the township re-Coronavirus
- Emails from St. Louis County with attached roster for Town election
- Confirmation of the map of the township in regards to the Initial Boundary Validation Program (BVP) from the United States Department of Commerce ensuring the bureau has the correct legal boundary, name, and status for the township
Public Comment:
Next Meeting, April 14, 2020, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk