The meeting was called to order at 9:45 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.
Town officers Present: Chair Charles Kuettel, Vice-Chair Douglas Dressen, Supervisor Douglas Nelson, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp.
Guests: Stephanie Jones, Stephen Jones, Steve Mueller, Bonnie Dressen, Ted Wallace
Clerk’s Report: Copies of the February 13, 2024 minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Nelson motion to approve the minutes, second by Dressen, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
Treasurer’s Report:
Total Funds on Hand 2/1/2024 $252,921.12
Plus: Deposits $5,837.33
–Interest on Accounts 417.48
–Town Road Aid 1,832.85
–Taconite Production 3,587.00
Less: Disbursements $11,590.62
–Payroll 752.47
–Fire & EMS 10,000.00
–MAT – Township Dues 315.44
–Other Expenses 522.71
Total Funds on Hand 2/29/2024 $247,167.83
Checks Written 1976 – 1985
MARCH 2024
Expected Receipts
Forfeit Land Revenue – not known
Checks Written 1986 – 1997 $2,531.14
No transfer to checking needed
Motion made by Nelson, second by Dressen to accept Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
Treasurer Nelson will move checking and savings accounts to National Bank of Commerce from Superior Choice Credit Union and the officers will sign using “DocuSign”, sign paperworks online. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
Old Business
- Reminder: Spring training on April 5, 2024 at the DECC for town officers
- Reminder: schedule of LBAE meeting: Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
- Update on the computer software (Microsoft Office and Bit Defender) – Wallace reported that the software MS365 has been purchased and installed on the clerk laptop with John Wall’s help. He will get in contact with other officers to get it installed in their laptops. Wallace also mentioned that Ray Barnes has 4 Bit Defender licenses that he can share with the township. Bit Defender on the clerk’s laptop is working. Treasurer and deputy clerk will need to contact Ray Barnes to get access code for Bit Defender.
- Update on the West Branch Road: If the township did not get the grant, Plan B would be to have assessment going to property owners. Kuettel motion for Nelson to work with a local lawyer to obtain information on how to establish an assessment for residents and the legality of it. Nelson to also inquire if obtaining an assessment will prevent future grants. Kuettel second. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
New Business
- Motion by Nelson, second by Kuettel to accept the 2025 Levy in the amount of $60,000.00 with $25,000.00 for Pequaywan Fire & EMS as accepted at the Annual Town Meeting. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen nay, Nelson yay. Dressen votes nay as he believes the road plan goes against the oath that he took as a town supervisor not to tax anyone who doesn’t live on the road. Motion carried.
- Results of the township election James, Wilson 34 votes; write-in Donald Swanstrom, 22 votes; write-in Dorothy Galinski, 1 vote. Wilson is being elected as the new supervisor to replace Charles Kuettel.
- A new filing cabinet purchase was requested. Motion by Dressen, second by Nelson to approve, motion carried. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay. Dressen will purchase the filing cabinet.
- Question whether deputy clerk gets paid for attending Annual Town Meeting as requested by the clerk as it is part of training purposes and assistance to the clerk – per MAT it is at the discretion of the board: Nelson motion to pay meeting rate, Dressen second. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
- Unemployment Insurance was discussed. Board requested the treasurer to follow-up and report an update next month.
- Discussion on Pequaywan Fire and EMS to do a monthly update and safety column on the town website and/or Facebook page: Nelson discussed with fire chief at last meeting. Chief was in favor. Motion by Nelson to add, second by Dressen. Motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
- Letter from Representative Natalie Zeleznikar: a task force was formed to financially help EMS programs in Minnesota
- Per Minnesota Association of Townships, the following are information that should be in the minutes of board meetings:
- the kind of meeting (e.g., regular town board meeting);
2. name of the governing body;
3. date, time, and place of the meeting;
4. full name of all the town officers, present or absent;
5. reading and approval of previous meeting minutes;
6. reading and approval of the financial report;
7. the individual items of business raised and the full name of the officers making and seconding the motion;
8. the votes of the supervisors on any action taken in the meeting, including the vote of each supervisor on each appropriation of money, except for payments of judgments, claims, and amounts fixed by statute; Minn. Stat. § 13D.01, subd. 4(b);
9. adjournment and time of adjournment; and
10. signature by the clerk and chair upon approval.
- Various emails from St. Louis County Elections regarding the March elections
- Invoice from Daisy Wallace for March 2024 web maintenance in the amount of $75.00,
- Letter from Representative Natalie Zeleznikar
- Mailed Absentee Ballots for Town Election residents
Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below: One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit comment information by the first Saturday of the month to with your full name . The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.
Public comment request: N/A
Next Meeting, April 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Dressen motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m., second by Nelson, motion carried. Kuettel yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lita Wallace, Clerk
Shane Stolp, Deputy Clerk