June 11, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chair Douglas Nelson at 7:00 p.m.

Town officers present: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes

Guests present: Bonnie Dressen, Dorothy Galinski, Stephen Jones, Charles Kuettel, Elizabeth Larsen, Steve Mueller, Mark Munger, Sarah Parker, Deb Pomroy, Kathy Sykes,  Tom Sykes, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: Copies of the May 14, 2024 minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Nelson motion to approve the minutes with changes (remove garbage truck and repalce with emergency vehicles, and change 100 to 150 miles), second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Treasurer’s Report

MAY 2024
Total Funds on Hand 5/1/2024 $241,094.72
Plus: Deposits $405.68
-Interest on Accounts 405.68
-Misc Items
Less: Disbursements $2,079.30
-Payroll 936.14
-Other Expenses 768.16
-MAT – Spring Training 375.00
Total Funds on Hand 5/31/2024 $239,421.10
Checks Written 2003a-2018

JUNE 2024
Expected Receipts
None Expected
Checks Written 2019-2029 $1,454.36
No transfer to checking needed

Nelson reported that (1) the first half of the levy will come in June or July; (2) funds have been moved from Superior Choice Credit Union to National Bank of Commerce.except CD’s; (3) $10,000.00 has been paid to the Fire Department; (4) recommending to buy more CD’s of at least $25,000.00 for 5 or 10 months with interest of 5%. Dressen motioned to approve up to $30,000.00 CD, second by Wilson, motion carried, Dressen yay, Wilson yay, Nelson yay.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road from Chair Nelson – My phone conversation with Rashmi Brewer was re-scheduled to June 24th to discuss the LRIP grant application and how to proceed with future grant applications. I spoke with Steve Krasaway, the St. Louis County Engineer. The repaving of the Normanna Road is now scheduled for 2026. They did not receive the LRIP Grant that they applied for. We can piggyback on their contract and have the West Branch Road repaved at a significant savings using their contractor to do both projects at the same time. We will have to notify them in 2025 so we are included in the bid process. We will need to have any engineering and scope of work done in advance so we have a clear idea or what we are doing. I have also talked with Township Attorney Scott Witty asking for an update on work setting up the Subordinate Service District. They have completed their research and feel it would be a good plan for us to proceed with this Service District. They have prepared a checklist for us to follow, and I should receive this within a week’s time. Next step after that, they will be preparing the forms and notices required by law. Our first step will be to secure the required signatures on the petition to create the Special District. So we should be moving forward with a sense of urgency to get our first levy included for the next tax year.
  • Results of June 1stdrop-off  of tree yard waste at Township site – the drop-off went smoothly, special thanks to Charles Kuettel for his assistance.
  • Township trail maintenance – Dressen proposed to mow the trail in the amount of $50.00 every time he mows, will mow as needed about five to six times a year. Motion by Wilson to approve, second by Nelson, motion passed. Wilson yay, Nelson yay. Wallace will prepare the Resolution for Conflict of interest.

In the past, the Pequaywan Lakes Association members were the ones who had been working on the trail but most of them already left the area. Dressen had been voluntarily mowing the trail in the past years.

  • Status of new file cabinet and lock system for existing cabinets – the new cabinet has been delivered to the firehall. Suggested to add a bar to the older filing cabinets.
  • Update on group email – Daisy Wallace, web admin, had created the group email for the Contact form on the town website and Lita will show the officers how it works
  • Update on Presidential Nomination Primary Reimbursement – some of the amounts submitted did not qualify for reimbursement. The new amount is $597.90.
  • FYI – The township’s OmniBallot and election printer has been serviced for maintenance by the county without charge

New Business

  • Introduction of Mark Munger candidate for Minnesota House seat 3B running against Natalie Zeleznikar – Mark Munger is retired abd talked about the different positions he held in office in the Duluth and surrounding community.



  • Invoice from Web Administrator Daisy Wallace for May in the amount of $75.00.
  • Minnesota Secretary of State audited the Presidential Nomination Primary Reimbursement submitted last month and determined that some of the expenses were not eligible for reimbursement.

Sent: N/A

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below: One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Next Meeting, July 9, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Nelson motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lita Wallace, Clerk