May 14, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chair Douglas Nelson at 7:00 p.m.

Town officers present: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, and Treasurer Carol Nelson

Town officers absent: Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp, Deputy Treasurer Raymond Barnes

Guests present: Bonnie Dressen, Dorothy Galinski, Lori Gherna, Charles Kuetttel, Deb Pomroy, Carmi Von Arb, Brom Von Arb, Daryle Waldriff, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: Copies of the April 9, 2024 minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes, second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Treasurer’s Report

APRIL 2024
Total Funds on Hand 4/1/2024 $245,424.95
Plus: Deposits $410.12
-Interest on Accounts 410.12
-Misc Items
Less: Disbursements $4,740.35
-Payroll 1,508.94
-Other Expenses 614.41
-Plowing 1,177.60
-941 Federal Taxes 1,439.40
Total Funds on Hand 4/30/2024 $241,094.72
Checks Written 1988-2011

MAY 2024
Expected Receipts
None Expected

Checks Written 2003a – 2017 $2,079.30
No transfer to checking needed

C. Nelson reported that most of the funds from Superior Credit Union will be moved to National Bank of Commerce when CD’s mature. NBC offers CD for 10 months at 5% interest.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road report from Chair Nelson: I walked the full length of the township road and found it to be in reasonable condition. Last year’s patch and seal held up during the winter and spring thaw. I found two new pot holes that need filling and I will buy some material and fill them.We were not successful in our LRIP grant application at this time. They will hold the applications in case the State of Minnesota releases additional funds for this purpose. I have a teleconference with Rashmi Brewer, the engineer in charge of Grant Programs for the state on June 11th. The grants are scored and she will explain how we did compared to other applicants and help with next year’s application. We will keep trying.In addition, I have reached out to the township attorney for advice on how to proceed with setting up a Subordinate Service District. The first step will be to secure a petition from 50% or more of the landowners in the new Service District asking the Township Board to establish the district. If approved, we would then have the ability to levy all landowners along the West Branch township road to accumulate funds for the eventual replacement of the road. I will keep you updated of my progress.Further Discussion: St. Louis County placed the 5-ton restriction on West Branch Road and Pequaywan Lake Road except emergency vehicles. They can increase if the road is travelled by 150 or more cars.
  • Reminder about June 1stdrop-off  of tree yard waste at Township site -11:00-2:00 (time extended one hour)
  • Procedure for guests wishing to speak at township meetings – for public comment, contact the clerk by email at and specify the topic of your comment. Also, do not interrupt the discussion of the board during the meeting. Wait until public comment portion.
  • Discussion about Township trail usage and mowing requirements – Nelson and Wilson will walk the trail and report their finding next meeting. Suggestion to install an outdoor camera to determine how many people use it. There was more discussion if it is worth it to purchase of a pull behind finishing lawnmower.
  • Adding past years minutes to township website -discussion on possible hours and cost to accomplish the goal. Decision was not to put the past years minutes on the website. If someone wants to see the files, they can contact the clerk by email at
  • A request for a Living Memorial for Scott Mead on township land: Family members and friends of Scott Mead travelled to Duluth and planted an oak tree in honor of Scott Mead with help from community members. This is to honor the leadership role he played for the township.

New Business

  • Proper and prompt response to e-mails received and open meeting rules – Any requests received will have to be discussed at the meeting for approval.
  • Discuss to re-key the old filing cabinets – suggested to put a padlock on the cabinets.
  • Update on purchase of a new filing cabinet – Dressen reported that a filing cabinet had been purchased and will be delivered to the Firehall when folks are available to help
  • Discuss Mark Munger introduction to the board – Mark Munger who is running for office sent an email request to attend a future board meeting. The board is open to have candidates come and tell us their opinions.
  • FYI: Ray Barnes was re-hired as deputy treasurer effective April 10, 2024
  • FYI: Wilson completed the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) training as required by the Department of Revenue and received a certificate to take effect in 2025
  • Discussion to request web administrator Daisy Wallace to create a group email for officers so everyone gets the email sent via the Contact List from the town website instead of individual officer.
  • Someone is requesting if the township can plow the Drummond Road which is presently being plowed by the county since part of the road is under the township and there will be at least five full residents. No action taken.



  • Materials for the Local Board of Appeal Meeting on May 7 from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office (Sales Book, Assessment 2024 Book for CVT 502
  • Invoice from Minnesota Unemployment Insurance for unemployment compensation they paid a former Web Administrator Daisy Wallace in the amount of $25.00.


  • List of officers effective April 10, 2024 to Minnesota Association of Townships and St. Louis County Elections
  • Online submission of the Presidential Nomination Primary Election expense reimbursement to the State of Minnesota

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below: One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Next Meeting, June 11, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Dressen motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lita Wallace, Clerk