Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry & Scott Mead
Absent: Keith Stoneburner, Treasurer
8 township residents present
Next Meeting set for May 13, 2008
February 12th, 2008 meeting minutes read by clerk. Approved by Mark, 2nd approval by Scott.
Old business discussed:
Rick discussed the condition of the roads and that stripping the cracks may not help much longer. Discussion may need to be had on a better “fix” for the roads.
The resort property on little Pequaywan was mentioned in that it is to be for sale, but still advertising “For Rent” sign.
Board of Appeals & Equalization meeting set for April 30th, 2008.
Scott discussed the Hazard Waste pick-up at Northstar Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2pm-7pm. Free of charge
It was asked if there would be interest of having our own recycling drop-off center here to make money, but the response was that we have an agreement with Northstar that the Pequaywan resisdents go down there for recycling.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Mark, 2nd by Rick. All voted aye.