March 11, 2008 Annual Town Meeting

Meeting convened: 8:25 PM after Elections


∙ All Supervisors present in addition to Clerk and Treasurer and approximately 24 residents

Clerk Marialice Arndt called the meeting to order at 8:25 PM. A motion was made and seconded to elect Richard Arndt to preside as Citizen Monitor for the meeting. Motion carried. A motion and second was made to wave reading of the minutes from the March 2007 Annual Meeting. Motion carried. A motion and second was made to wave reading of all checks written and received by the treasurer. Motion carried. A financial report was presented for all to review and no questions were asked.

Rick Fry gave road report. He advised that the road is snow covered and a total assessment would not be made until the pavement was bare. Last year’s county assessment was that it was not in good enough shape for them to patch. After assessment later this spring, if it is deemed necessary to patch, a contractor will need to be found to do the job.

The levy for taxes was discussed. Motioned and seconded that the levy remain at $23,000. Motion carried. Of the $23,000 levy $9050 is for fire protection.

A report was given by Clerk Arndt on the Annual Election. Rick Fry was reelected for another three year term of Supervisor. April Smitke was elected as the new town clerk for a two year term.

Motioned and seconded to authorize an amendment to the resolution establishing voting hours. The resolution reads that the hours for polling place to remain open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm for all Annual Town Elections and the polling place to remain open for voting from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM for Primary, General and Special Statewide Elections. An amendment was motioned to authorize school board election hours to be from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Motion failed. An amendment was motioned to authorize school board election hours to be from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Motion carried.

Motioned and seconded that the monthly meetings continue to be held at the PVFD Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Motion carried. Motioned and seconded that the next Annual Meeting be held on the second Tuesday of March 2009 after the Annual Election. Motion carried.

Discussion of locations for postings was had and it was concluded that the current postings are adequate. Posting sites are at the Pequaywan Inn town bulletin board, PVFD bulletin board, website and website. There is however times, such as accepting certain bids, when it is mandatory to publish in a newspaper.

After discussion on whether the Town of Pequaywan should start the process of developing a comprehensive plan, a motion was made and seconded to develop a citizen committee who would develop a letter that would explain what a comprehensive plan, pose the question if the citizens would favor a comprehensive plan being developed and to bring the topic back for further discussion at the April Town Meeting. Motion failed.

It was not necessary to authorize budget for any MAT training sessions as the elected officers have permission to attend any training that they wish to.

When asked if a consideration could be given for higher pay for the head election judge who has more responsible than the other election judges the topic was deferred to a regular monthly town meeting where the supervisors could address the issue.

A request was made by the fire department for all citizens to consider volunteering. The majority of the volunteer firefighters have many years of seniority and some new recruits would be welcome. There are many levels of involvement that a person can consider.

Motioned and seconded to adjourn at 9:45 PM. Motion carried.

Prepared by Marialice Arndt