October 11, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Chair Scott Mead at 7:30 p.m.


  • Supervisors Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of residents present – 7
  • Number of non-residents present – 0

Clerk’s Report – Copies of  September minutes were  provided to attendees. Motion by Lee, second by Don with correction to change day of November meeting from Monday to Tuesday, motion carried  (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Treasurer’s Report

$259,739.06 — Total cash on hand as of 8/31/2016
$         220.61 — Add: Deposits
$     4,033.33 — Less: Expenditures
$255,926.34       Total cash on hand as of 9/30/2016

Motion by Scott, second by Don, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

  • Reminder: General Election, November 8, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall
  • Financing options for major road repair: Determine the cost of the work for each portion of the project. Possibly get a loan from the Credit Union and/or increase the levy request for next year.
  • Solving the turnaround snowplow problem, as well as, not having enough room to push the snow. Possible ways to solve the problems: the embankment towards the lake can be filled in; and make the current turnaround area  on a resident’s property bigger.
  • Contingency Emergency Election and meeting location will be the Snowmobile Club building.
  • Firewise Update: chipping is done and the total cost was $19,870 plus other expenses which is on-budget, below the $20,000 grant. Paperworks will be processed and submitted with checks paid and a report of the residents’ hours. Reimbursement is expected within a month. The Firewise committee was very impressed at the participation of the residents.

New Business

  • Options for filling a vacant Treasurer position in 2017: (a) check with the community if they know someone who would be interested; (b) combine treasurer and clerk position, Option D, if clerk is interested (she is not); (c) if Kim decides to resign before the end of her term, appoint someone to replace her;  (d) dissolve the township if we can’t find someone to fill the position which could happen when we are not able to fill-in the supervisor position, as well. If township is dissolved, whatever funds left will go to St. Louis County to be used towards the repair of West Branch Road.


Received: St. Louis County Association of Townships meeting minutes for April 27, 2016 (approved) and May 25, 2016 (unapproved). Notice of General Election for posting from St. Louis County Election Department.

Claims and Payroll –  Check numbers 1088-1093 in the amount of $20,634.02.

Public Comment – None

Next Meeting: November 1, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road Duluth.

Motion to Adjourn at 8:20 p.m. by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Respectfully submitted,
Lita Wallace
Township Clerk

September 13, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Chair Scott Mead at 7:30 p.m.


  • Board members Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of residents present – 7
  • Number of non-residents present – 0

Clerk’s Report – Copies of August minutes were  provided to attendees. Motion by Don, second by Lee, motion carried  (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Treasurer’s Report

$254,525.06 — Total cash on hand as of 7/31/2016
$     6,835.75 — Add: Deposits
$     1,621.75 — Less: Expenditures
$259,739.06       Total cash on hand as of 8/31/2016

Motion by Don, second by Scott, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

  • West Branch Road easement and ongoing effort to repair it in preparation for the work the county will be doing in the next year or so – The potential buyer in the turnaround area as discussed in last month’s meeting was not happy with the second option to cut down trees. Continue working with St. Louis County for the work to be done in this road. Most likely, due to cost, class V materials will be used.
  • Firewise Program Update – The last run of the chipper is September 19 and plan to be finished 1st week in October. Fire signs have been distributed to residents. Directory will be worked on and finish in the fall.
  • Logging on the township property – contract expired mid-July. Scott made a phone call to them and sent a letter but the logging company did not respond. Scott inspected the area and reported that there are not a lot of salvageable timber in the land. A resident mentioned that the company was logging close to the area. Scott, Lee and Don went over to discuss what their plans are on logging on the township property. It was proposed to offer them the timber for free if they do a good job of cleaning and $6300 if not, which was the original contract.
  • Highway 44 Work Update –  8/10 of a mile will be worked on this month in part of Highway 44 north of the Fire Department where yellow sticks have been placed in the location.
  • Election Emergency Plan – If an emergency makes a polling place inoperable prior to election day, the governing official must identify an alternative polling location as near to the designated polling location as possible. A suggestion was made that the Snowmobile Club building would be a good substitute.

New Business

  • November Town Meeting – Due to the Tuesday, November  8, General Election which will run from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., the November Town Meeting will be moved to Tuesday, November 1, 7:30 p.m.


Received: Materials from St. Louis County Election Department re-Election Emergency Plan.

Claims and Payroll –  Check numbers 1079 to 1087 in the amount of $4,004.33

Public Comment –

Next Meeting: October 11, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road Duluth.

Motion to Adjourn at 8:07 p.m. by Lee, second by Scott+, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Respectfully submitted,

Lita Wallace
Township Clerk

August 9, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Chair Scott Mead at 8:30 p.m.


  • Board members Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of residents present – 5
  • Number of non-residents present – 0

Clerk’s Report – Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried  (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Treasurer’s Report

$246,832.74 — Total cash on hand as of 6/30/2016
$     8,984.14 — Add: Deposits
$     1,291.82 — Less: Expenditures
$254,525.06 — Total cash on hand as of 7/31/2016

Motion by Don, second by Scott, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

  • DNR Development Plans for an access to Pequaywan Lake – the 30-foot property next to Gordon Ramsey’s property should have been put up for sale but the Department of Fisheries said that it could not be sold as it will be used as a leverage for public access.
  • West Branch Road Update – On July 20, Scott, Lee and Steve (of St. Louis County Public Works Department) looked at the area. The turnaround at the end of the road is not big enough for their equipment. The following are options: (1) Cut trees in the current turnaround property owned by Jim Stewart and will need his permission to do so; (2) Cut 15-foot wide x 50-foot long area of trees on the west side of the parcel to have plenty of room to push snow.
  • St. Louis County will not be working on Highway 44 of the township area until 2018 and work on West Branch Road will not be started until 2018 after Highway 44 is completed. At that time, we will piggy back on the project.
  • Logging on the township property – Contract expired mid-July. Scott called the logger on July 28 and again on August 5 but no return call. Lee suggested to send the logger an official letter of the contract expiration. Scott contacted DNR and he was given names to call to determine the value of the lumber.
  • FireWise – 192 property owners received their new reflective signs. The chipper finished West Branch Road, East Shore and came down Pine Road. The chipper broke down as a crowbar was left on the tree and damaged it which is now non-fixable. Enough volunteer hours to cover the $20,000 requirement have been met.
  • Review of the Northern Life Ranch Proposal – Per Tom Rukavina, Jon Trexel gave a presentation to the County Board. Any comments or complaints should be made in writing if the proposal is made before the planning commission. At the present time, it is not on the agenda for the planning commission.

New Business


Received: $350 Dividend check under Workers’ Compensation Program from Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance Trust; Invitation from Minnesota Association of Townships to its District 10 Meeting in Twig on August 20; Letter from St. Louis County Auditor’s Office with copy of blank Township Final Levy Certification form for taxes payable in 2017.

Claims and Payroll – check numbers 1072 to 1078 totalling $1621.75

Public Comment – Pequaywan Association meeting is Saturday, August 13, at 10:00 a.m. at the Firehall. Picnic is also August 13 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Inn.

Next MeetingSeptember 13, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 9:15 by Don, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Respectfully submitted,

Lita Wallace
Township Clerk

July 12, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Chair Scott Mead at 7:30 p.m.


  • Board members Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of residents present – 10
  • Number of non-residents present – 1

Clerk’s Report – June Minutes was read by Lita. Motion by Scott, second by Don, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Treasurer’s Report

$248,068.18     Total cash on hand as of 5/31/2016
$656.55              Add: Deposits
$1,891.99          Less: Expenditures
$246,832.74     Total cash on hand as of 6/30/2016

Motion by Scott, second by Don, motion carried  (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

  • As approved at the March Annual Meeting, the levy for 2016-2017 is for the amount of $30,000 to be submitted to St. Louis County.

New Business

  • A request from a prospective buyer of the Wasnik property was received to remove “No Parking” signs at the end of West Branch Road which are not Township signs but obviously put up by a private citizen. Scott and Lee went to the location and checked the two signs that were placed in sawhorses. One was in a private property and one in township property. The township did not put the sign and will have to look at what can be done.
  • Clerk’s report on Election Training attended – At the training with St. Louis County Election Department and Minnesota Association of Townships in June, it was emphasized that it is law that Election Judges must have a party balance, (Minn. Stat. 204B.19) (i.e.; one Democrat, one Republican.) There are two residents that volunteered to be Alternate Election Judges and Lita will conduct the training for them.
  • Since Primary Election is scheduled on August 9 and ends at 8:00 p.m., the next township meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. Motion by Lee, second by Don, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)


  • Received: Letter from St. Louis County – Report from State Demographic Center: 2015 population estimate as of April 1, 2015 is 121 and household estimate is 59. Email with form from Arrowhead Abstract and Title Company requesting Assessment Certificate for a resident’s property. Emails from Election Department re-training materials for Election Judges, Election Supply drop-off, and August 9 Primary Election.
  • Sent: Completed form sent to Arrowhead Abstract and Title Company.

Claims and Payroll –  Check #s1066-1070 totalling $1,291.82

Public Comment – As part of FireWise Grant, fire signs will be distributed on Saturday, July 16, from 10:30a.m.-12:00pm. at Pequaywan Firehall. Don’t forget to mark down your hours spent on removing trees. Volunteer hours count towards the township’s portion of the matching FireWise grant. To get copy of the form, go to https://pequaywantownship.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Pequaywan-volunteer-form.pdf. Check out http://www.pequaywanlakes.com/ for more information about FireWise.

Next Meeting: August 9, 2016, 8:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 8:55 by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay.)

Respectfully submitted by,

Lita Wallace
Township Clerk

May 10, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.


  • Board members – Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Don Swanstrom, Lita Wallace
  • Number of residents – 27
  • Number of non-residents – 1

Clerk’s Report

The minutes from April meeting was approved with corrections. Motioned by Scott, seconded by Don (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay), motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

$250,790.32 — Total cash on hand as of 3/31/2016
+         406.12 — Deposits
–     1,782.98 — Expenditures
$249,413.46 — Total cash on hand as of 4/30/2016

Motioned by Don, seconded by Scott (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay), motion carried.

Old Business

  • Dr. Jonathan Trexel answered questions and concerns of residents about his proposal to develop Northern Life Ranch on parcels of land he plans to purchase from John Wilson on the east side of Pequaywan Lake Road.

  • Local Board of Appeal meeting on Tuesday, May 17, at 12:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Fire Hall. This was a continuation of the meeting that was held May 5. (The first part of the meeting was attended by Lita, Scott and Lee.)

  • Logging contract in the township owned land in Rossini expires in 2016. Scott reported that he contacted the logger and they promised to log this summer. The area has become a fire hazard. It has an area of 34 acres. Any income from the logging will be used to buy plants to transplant.

New Business

  • Brimson Market requested to post market days in the posting board at West Branch Road which was approved but only for the July to September market days and not for the month of May.
  • Scott will respond to the letter from St. Louis County regarding Snow Plowing Agreement.


  • RECEIVED: Two email requests from Arrowhead Abstract & Title Co. re-Levied and Pending Assessment Report for a resident property in the township; bill from St. Louis County Public Works for $1,006.25 for plowing snow in West Branch Road; five letters of appeal from residents re-their Property Appraised Value for taxes payable in 2017; Notice of Filing for offices to be voted on in the November general election from St. Louis County Elections Department; 2016 Assessment Book for Pequaywan from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office; letter from St. Louis County Land and Minerals Department re-Proposed Sale of State Tax Forfeited Land; email from St. Louis County Public Works re-new Snowplow Agreement
  • SENT: Emailed two completed forms to Arrowhead Abstract & Title Co.

Claims –

Public Comment – First Pequaywan Association meeting is scheduled on May 21 at 10:00 am. Brush Day is June 11 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Information on Firewise has been mailed to residents.

Next Meeting:
June 14, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motioned to Adjourn at 9:00 p.m. by Scott, second by Lee (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay), motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

April 12, 2016 | Township Board Meeting


 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.


Board members: Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Don Swanstrom, Kim Hand, Lita Wallace
Number of resident/s present: 5
Number of non-resident/s present: 1

Clerk’s Report

No changes. Motion by Lee, second by Scott (Scott yay, Lee, yay Don yay), motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

$245,085.19 — Total cash on hand as of 2/29/2016
+  $7,530.45 — Deposits
–   $1,825.32 — Expenditures
$250,790.32 — Total cash on hand as of 3/31/2016

Motion by Lee, second by Scott (Scott yay, Lee, yay Don yay), motion carried.

Old Business

  • Clarification of the town clerk’s appointment term – clerk will serve for a term of two years from March 2016 to February 2018. Motion by Scott, second by Don (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay), motion carried.
  • Road report update – Scott reported that he met with Steve of St Louis County Public Works at West Branch Road and confirmed that the county will be working on West Branch Road this summer. In addition, they can also work on the area owned by the township. They will furthermore discuss  what the cost and payment schedule would be. The township will purchase the gravel and the county will do the work. Bad spots in Highway 44 will be patched next year.
  • Local Board of Appeal & Equalization (LBAE) 2016 Assessment for Taxes Payable 2017 is scheduled on May 5, 2016 at 5:00-6:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Fire Department.
  • Lita reported that LBAE Public Notice was posted in posting places on April 5.
  • Levy request submittal – submit the form close to the deadline date.

New Business

  • Information sharing  on a proposed sale of land owned by John Wilson on Pequaywan Lake Road, south of the Township-owned land – residents voiced concern about the impact of double population in the area, delivery trucks coming and going, public access, peace and quiet. . For information on how residents can register their opinion, see Northern Life Ranch.
  • Delivery of Automark for maintenance is either May 11 or May 12 at St. Louis County/Chris Jensen, 2501 Rice Lake Road Duluth, Laundry Facility.
  • 2016 Summer Short Course – board members are approved to attend training
  • A resident interested in being an election judge and willing to attend the July 19 training – supervisors approved to have an alternate election judge. Lita will conduct training. Another resident present at the training expressed interest in being an election judge. She will be an alternate judge and Lita will also conduct training.
  • Direct deposit of county checks – Kim suggested to have state and county checks be paid via direct deposit instead of checks and depositing to the credit union. Motion by Scott, second by Lee (Scott yay, Lee, yay Don yay), motion carried.
  • Procedure when a check signatory board member is out-of-town during a meeting; and if clerk or treasurer is out-of-town, how would we handle correspondence received – The board member who expects to be absent can sign a blank check since no one can cash it unless signed by two other board members. As for correspondences, it will be advisable if someone can pick up their mail and be able to call one of the board members if there is any township incoming mail.
  • Excerpt of important items from the 2016 Spring Short Course attended by the clerk:
    (1)  LBAE online training offered again in July – at least two board members should be certified
    (2) Workers’ Compensation Coverage update – Minnesota Association of Townships has surplus this year so they are mailing dividends to townships that have Worker’s Comp through them. Lita verified that Pequaywan Township will receive $350 in the mail in July.
    (3) State law requires that Clerk & Treasurer maintain duplicate sets of required records; i.e., CTAS claims/disbursements, payroll, receipts/income; and bank statements
    (4) Reorganizational meeting – elect Chair and Vice-Chair – During March, Scott Mead was elected as Chair but Vice-Chair was not voted upon. Scott motion Lee to be Vice-Chair, Don seconded ((Scott yay, Lee nay, Don yay), motion carried.

(5) create a Written Policy for compliance with Data Practice Act requests, if none available – Lita will check the files if there was one created in the past. If none, she will put one together.
(6) clerk is required to keep a copy of correspondence/s presented to the supervisors during the meeting with Meeting Minutes – Lita had been doing this since she started and will continue to do so.


  • RECEIVED: Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) re-2016 Spring Short Courses; St. Louis County Assessor documents re-Local Board of Appeal & Equalization (LBAE) 2016 Assessment, and email re-new Appelant form ; St. Louis County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office re-Automark maintenance schedule, and battery replacement; email from the State of Minnesota re-questionnaire on federal expenditures; St. Louis Co Public Works re-new policy on snow plowing in township areas, and letter re-Draft ATV Ordinance Ready for Review; letter and email from St. Louis Co Asso of Townships re-March Meeting Minutes; letter from Department of Treasurer (IRS) re-confirmation of township mailing address
  • SENT: New town officers list sent to Minnesota Association of Townships and St. Louis County Election Department; State of Minnesota questionnaire on federal expenditures.

Claims – Check numbers 1047 to 1050 were issued in the total amount of $1,782.98. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay).

Public Comment

 Next Meeting: May 10, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. by Scott, second by Lee (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay), motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

March 8, 2016 | Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town Meeting was convened at 8:12 p.m.

12 residents and 2 non-residents were present.

Clerk Lita Wallace called the meeting to order. Phyllis Mead volunteered to be moderator.

Copies of 2015 annual meeting minutes were provided to attendees.

Treasurer’s Report – operating expenses in 2015 were similar to what it has been the last few years. Additional revenue were derived from interest income from savings and the $50,000 in CD.

Fire Chief Dale Brooks reported that in 2015, there were four medical calls, three fire calls, one aid in Brimson and one aid in North Star, down from previous years. Two members were added, one for First Responder and one for fire. Joel Bamford is retiring. Pancake Breakfast is scheduled on July 3, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Pequaywan Firehall, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road.

Road report – West Branch Road Cty 256: St. Louis County did some construction work in West Branch Road in 2016 and 2017 and is willing to work with us on the construction of the area owned by the township. We will follow up with them in the spring to get a cost estimate and payment schedule. It’s likely that this cost will be significantly lower than what could result from bidding the job out commercially. In addition, it will save the cost of a preliminary civil engineering study.

The levy for taxes was motioned by Lee Kaplan and seconded by Marilyn Bamford to be set at $30,000 for 2017. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried. Part of $30,000 goes to Fire and the balance would go toward other operating expenses and would begin to offset cuts made in 2015 to enable us to build a reserve for the road repair project.

Voting hours (motioned by Scott Mead, seconded by Joel Bamford)
7:00 am – 8:00 pm, Primary, General Election
10:00 am – 8:00 pm, Special Primary, Special General Election
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Township Election

Monthly town board meeting date/time – Second Tuesday of each month, 7:30 pm at Pequaywan Fire Hall. Motioned/seconded/carried.

If monthly town board meeting falls on a November election date, supervisors can decide on a schedule change. Motioned/seconded/carried.

Annual meeting date/time – Second Tuesday of March following the Township Election, most likely at 8:15 p.m. Motioned/seconded/carried.

March monthly town board meeting follows the March Annual Meeting  at Pequaywan Fire Hall. Motioned/seconded/carried.

– Sign board
– Pequaywan Fire & EMS bulletin board
– Pequaywan Inn
– pequaywantownship.org website
– pequaywan.com website

Election judge Bob McDonough commented that there is no place to put an election notification sign by the road due to snow banks. Dale Brooks mentioned that the Fire Department is working with Pequaywan Lake Association for a plan to put a 3’x4′ lighted board sign by the road.

Annual Board of Appeals and Equalization date is scheduled on May 5, 2016, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Pequaywan Fire Hall

Result of Township Election – Scott Mead was elected for a 3-year term, Donald Swanstrom for a 1-year term and Town Question Adoption of Option B (Shall option B, providing for the appointment of the town clerk by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?) passed.

Internet service update – 25-30 households were connected; three repeaters will be installed end of little lake and big lake covering five homes.

Firewise – Property owners in the township will be receiving more information in a mailing this spring about the Firewise project, a partnership between  Pequaywan Township and the DNR to try to make our community safer in the event of a wildfire.

Updates are available at the township website,

Citizen comments/concerns – a citizen questioned about the sale of tax forfeited land in Moose Lake and how it will affect the revenue for the township.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. by Doug Dressen and seconded by Kathy Sluka. Motion carried.

Submitted by Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

March 8, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Chair Scott Mead at 8:45 p.m. after the Annual Meeting.

AttendanceSupervisors Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand and Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present – 4. Number of non-resident present – 1.

Clerk’s Report – February meeting minutes was approved. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay, Don-yay).

Treasurer’s Report

$243,531.51  – Total cash on hand as of 1/31/2016
+    4,149.77 – Deposits
–     2,596.09 – Expenditures
$  245,085.19 – Total cash on hand as of 2/29/2016

Motion by Don, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay, Don-yay).

Old Business

  • Kim and Lita reported that following the instructions from the State of Minnesota Auditor’s Office in closing the CTAS Year-end Processing Procedures, they have completed the 2015 annual financial reporting requirement for the OSA (Office of State Auditor) and the Annual Report was submitted on March 7 with a deadline date of March 31.

March 8 Town Election results

  • Scott Mead – 26 votes, re-elected for a 3-year term (no other candidate)
  • Donald Swanstrom – 25 votes, elected for a 1-year term (no other candidate)
  • Clerk – no candidate, 1 vote for write-in, John Wilson
  • 24 votes yes, 2 votes no for “Town Question – Adoption of Option B – Appointment of Town Clerk (Shall option B, providing for the appointment of the clerk by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?)”

Oath of Office – Scott Mead and Donald Swanstrom were sworn into office as supervisors and Lita Wallace as Clerk effective March 8, 2016.

New Business

  • Tentative schedule of 2016 Local Board of Appeal & Equalization or Open Book meeting – May 5, 2016, 5:00-6:00 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Hall
  • MN Association of Township (MAT) Officer List was received for signature of board members and to be returned to MAT
  • Clerk and Treasurer received approval to attend CTAS in-person training in the Twin Cities. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay, Don-yay).


RECEIVED: Local Board of Appeal & Equalization (LBAE) “catch-up” online training, and temporary schedule of Open Book meeting on May 5, 5:00-6:00pm at Pequaywan Fire Hall; Election Department survey to conduct election training online instead of in-person; Auditor’s Office – Pequaywan rosters and instructions/forms for the Town Election; St. Louis County Association of Township Officers minutes of January meeting, February 24 meeting in Cotton, and Lobby Day bus for April; Internal Revenue Service change of mailing address to the new clerk’s address; four Absentee Ballot requests; CTAS training session available February 29 or later date; 2016 MAT Spring Short Courses; Century Link 2016 construction season; Unemployment Insurance Minnesota form for Wage Detail Reports for 1st quarter 2016

SENT: Four Absentee Ballots  by postage mail

For the record, Clerk will be paid $25 for attending Annual Meeting when performing duties as a Clerk.

Claims – Check numbers 1037 to 1046 were issued in the total amount of $1,825.32. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay).

Public Comment – When there is construction, aside from informing Century Link, Frontier should also be notified.

Next Meeting:
April 12, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 9:30 p.m. by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried.

Submitted by Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

February 8, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

February 9, 2016

Call to Order

AttendanceBoard members – Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Kim Hand, Lita Wallace; Number of resident/s present – 5; Number of non-resident/s present – 1

Clerk’s Report – January 2016 minutes was approved. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay). Effective March, the minutes of last month’s meeting will no longer be read during the meeting. Board members will review the minutes from the website prior to the meeting. Copies of last month’s meeting minutes will be provided to the guests.

Treasurer’s Report

$260,694.69  – Total cash on hand as of 12/31/2015
+         673.11 – Deposits
–     17,836.29 – Expenditures
$  243,531.51 – Total cash on hand as of 1/31/2016

 Old Business – Update on West Branch Road repair work – Lee contacted St. Louis County (Steve Tverberg, Supervisor of Zone 5) to check if they would consider taking over the maintenance of West Branch Road owned by the township and they said no.  However, they will be working on the county portion of the road later this year and they offered us a chance to piggyback on the project. This should save us some money. We will follow up with them in the spring to get a cost estimate and payment schedule to see if this is feasible.

March 8 election update: In compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Public Notices of the election date and bad weather alternate date, and a Sample Ballot have been posted on the township webpage and at Pequaywan Inn. Scott will post the information on the town bulletin board.

New BusinessCorrespondence received this month were from St. Louis County to submit Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness for 2015 which Kim filled out and submitted, and Unemployment form that Kim has a question on which she is following up.

ClaimsCheck numbers 1031-1036 in the total amount of $3,756.48. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay).

Public Comment – none

Next Meeting – March 8, 2016, 9:15 p.m. or right after the Annual Meeting, Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 7:47 by Lee, second by Scott, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay).

Respectfully submitted,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

January 12, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

January 12, 2016

Call to Order at 7:30 p.m. by Scott.


  • Board members – Supervisors Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand, and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of resident/s present – 8
  • Number of non-resident/s present – 1

Treasurer’s Report

 $        257,264.05     Total Cash On-Hand on 11/30/15
 $             6,858.13     Deposits
 $           -3,427.49     Expenditures
 $        260,694.69     Total Cash On-Hand on 12/31/15

Motion to approve by Don, second by Lee, (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay) motion carried.

Clerk’s ReportMotion to approve by Don, second by Scott, (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay) motion carried with changes.

 Old Business

  • It was clarified that Election Judges are employees of the township and not contractors and their pay is not subject to Social Security and Medicare deductions. Also, they are eligible for Workers’ Comp since annual salary is under $1,600.00.
  • Lee conducted a presentation showing how funds can be built up to have a Reserve for Future Road Repair of the worst area of West Branch Road (approximately 1/4 mile) that might affect real estate taxes paid by residents. Future plan is to conduct a civil engineering study in 2016, soil boring analysis in 2017 and bid out the project as early as 2018, if we have accumulated enough funds in the reserve to cover the cost, as estimated by the engineering study.  He proposed to set the initial amount in this Reserve to $193,695. Motion by Lee, second by Scott (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay), motion carried. He also proposed to request a $30,000 levy for 2017 during the Annual Meeting in March. Motioned by Lee, second by Don, (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay) motion carried.
  • Deadline for submission of Affidavit of Candidacy for open positions in the Town Board closed today at 5:00 p.m. Election will be held on March 8, 2016, at Pequaywan Fire Department, between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Absentee ballot is available by contacting the Town Clerk.
  • Lita reported that all 2015 Receipts and Claims transactions, budgets; and vendor/ employee names and contact information have been entered into CTAS. A summarized reports of 2015 budget, receipts and expenses by fund, account numbers and object codes were provided to the Board Members.
  • Kim reported that a PERA representative advised her that with the low annual income paid to Town Board members compared to the amount of time involved in managing the account, it is not to the benefit of the township to pursue it. The supervisors agreed.

    New Business
  • The Annual Meeting will be moved to start at 8:15 and the Town Board Meeting right after that due to the Town Board election from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Motioned by Don, second by Lee, (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay) motion carried.
  • Kim presented reports and graphs of the 2015 Township Financial Report.
  • Pequaywan Lakes Area Fire & EMS is requesting an amount of $13,500 for 2017, the same as in previous years. Motion to approve by Scott, second by Don, (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay) motion carried. This amount will be requested for 2017 Levy for discussion during the Annual Meeting.
  • Town Board members are invited to attend the 2016 DAT (Duluth Association of Townships) Meetings (1/21, 3/17, 5/19, 8/18, 10/20) – 6:30 PM Rice Lake Town Hall
  • 2016 Employee W-2 Forms were distributed.
  • An email addressed to all town clerks were issued by St. Louis County Public Works re- “Aggregate Crushing, Crack Sealing and Maintenance Stripping Program services they provide. Scott mentioned that he had talked to them that we do not need any of these done at the township this year.

Claims – Check numbers 1025-1030 were issued in the total amount of $17,836.29. Motion by Scott, second by Lee (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don, yay) motion carried.

Public Comment – During Powerpoint presentation, it was hard to see the screen from where people were sitting. Requesting to move the screen across the room or at the wall by the front door.

Next Meeting: February 9, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department.

Motion to Adjourn at 8:45 p.m. by Scott, second by Don, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk