The meeting was called to order by Chair Scott Mead at 8:45 p.m. after the Annual Meeting.
Attendance: Supervisors Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand and Clerk Lita Wallace. Number of resident/s present – 4. Number of non-resident present – 1.
Clerk’s Report – February meeting minutes was approved. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay, Don-yay).
Treasurer’s Report
$243,531.51 – Total cash on hand as of 1/31/2016
+ 4,149.77 – Deposits
– 2,596.09 – Expenditures
$ 245,085.19 – Total cash on hand as of 2/29/2016
Motion by Don, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay, Don-yay).
Old Business
- Kim and Lita reported that following the instructions from the State of Minnesota Auditor’s Office in closing the CTAS Year-end Processing Procedures, they have completed the 2015 annual financial reporting requirement for the OSA (Office of State Auditor) and the Annual Report was submitted on March 7 with a deadline date of March 31.
March 8 Town Election results
- Scott Mead – 26 votes, re-elected for a 3-year term (no other candidate)
- Donald Swanstrom – 25 votes, elected for a 1-year term (no other candidate)
- Clerk – no candidate, 1 vote for write-in, John Wilson
- 24 votes yes, 2 votes no for “Town Question – Adoption of Option B – Appointment of Town Clerk (Shall option B, providing for the appointment of the clerk by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?)”
Oath of Office – Scott Mead and Donald Swanstrom were sworn into office as supervisors and Lita Wallace as Clerk effective March 8, 2016.
New Business
- Tentative schedule of 2016 Local Board of Appeal & Equalization or Open Book meeting – May 5, 2016, 5:00-6:00 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Hall
- MN Association of Township (MAT) Officer List was received for signature of board members and to be returned to MAT
- Clerk and Treasurer received approval to attend CTAS in-person training in the Twin Cities. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay, Don-yay).
RECEIVED: Local Board of Appeal & Equalization (LBAE) “catch-up” online training, and temporary schedule of Open Book meeting on May 5, 5:00-6:00pm at Pequaywan Fire Hall; Election Department survey to conduct election training online instead of in-person; Auditor’s Office – Pequaywan rosters and instructions/forms for the Town Election; St. Louis County Association of Township Officers minutes of January meeting, February 24 meeting in Cotton, and Lobby Day bus for April; Internal Revenue Service change of mailing address to the new clerk’s address; four Absentee Ballot requests; CTAS training session available February 29 or later date; 2016 MAT Spring Short Courses; Century Link 2016 construction season; Unemployment Insurance Minnesota form for Wage Detail Reports for 1st quarter 2016
SENT: Four Absentee Ballots by postage mail
For the record, Clerk will be paid $25 for attending Annual Meeting when performing duties as a Clerk.
Claims – Check numbers 1037 to 1046 were issued in the total amount of $1,825.32. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay, Don yay).
Public Comment – When there is construction, aside from informing Century Link, Frontier should also be notified.
Next Meeting:
April 12, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Motion to Adjourn at 9:30 p.m. by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried.
Submitted by Lita Wallace, Town Clerk