March 9, 2021 Board of Canvass Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 9:20 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen (via telephone), Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace, Deputy clerk Amber Cruz and Deputy Treasurer Lynne Scalzo

The Town of Pequaywan Canvassing Board certified the following official results for the March 9, 2021 Town Election:

Charles Kuettel was elected for the Supervisor position with term date of 2021-2024.

The Town of Pequaywan Canvassing Board consisted of:

Charles Kuettel, Chair
Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor
Douglas Dressen, Supervisor

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. by Dresson, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by:
Amber Cruz, deputy clerk

March 9, 2021, Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 8:28 p.m. by Charles Kuettel.

Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen (via telephone), clerk Lita Wallace, deputy clerk Amber Cruz, treasurer Raymond Barnes and deputy treasurer Lynne Scalzo
Guests: Ted Wallace and Shane Stolp

Clerk’s Report:
Copy of February 9, 2021, minutes were provided to everyone in attendance. Swanstrom motioned to approve the minutes, Dressen seconded the motion, motion carried 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:
February 2021
Total Funds on hand as of 02/01/2021 (Includes Investments) – $164,130.68
Plus: Deposits – $4,231.16
—–Town Road Aid – $1,448.21
—–Taconite Production Tax – $2,653.00
—–Interest on Accounts – $129.95
Less: Disbursements (February) – $2,323.43
—–Payroll – $1,447.68
—–MAT/SLC Dues – $469.56
—–Other Expenses – $406.19
Total Funds on hand as of 02/28/2021 – $166,038.41
February Check # 1627 – 1635 & 20121 (electronic withdrawal for checks)

March 2021

Claims (March) – $2,763.60
March Check # 1636 – 1651
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed

Swanstrom and Kuettel signed the financial papers. Swanstrom motioned to accept treasurer’s report, Dressen seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0-0.

Old Business:

  • Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) meeting scheduled on May 5, 2021, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., via teleconference
  • Results for the Township Election: Charles Kuettel was elected as supervisor with 59 ballots/votes
  • Motion to appoint Amber Cruz as clerk and Lynne Scalzo as treasurer effective March 10, 2021. Motion was brought by Swanstrom, seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
  • Swanstrom motioned to hire Lita Wallace as the deputy clerk and Raymond Barnes as the deputy treasurer effective March 10, 2021, to continue the smooth training transition; and if needed, to provide back-up for clerk and treasurer duties. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
  • Two proposals were received for the open IT position for the Township website; one from Daisy Wallace and the other from Faster Solutions. Both proposals were cost comparable. Motion to hire Daisy Wallace for the IT position was given by Dressen, and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-1-0.
  • Update on the request to vacate part of River Road easement: This request is being looked into further. The Board is to inquire with the county on jurisdiction of the easement. Also, the utility companies will be contacted to find out their use of the easement
  • Update on road grants: the township would need the approval of St Louis County which would require a survey and engineering work; this would require approximately $30,000 before the grant could be applied for

New Business

  • Email from St. Louis County that Covid-19 vaccinations to those 65 and older is open
  • 2022 Levy: Donald Swanstrom motioned to accept the 2022 Levy, Dressen seconded the motion, motion carried 3-0-0
    $18,000.00 – Total General Fund
    $16,500.00 – Fire and EMS$
    $  2,000.00 – Building and Property Maintenance
    $  3,600.00 – Road and Bridge (Ongoing Maintenance)
    $15,000.00 – Road and Bridge (Capital Reserve)
    $55,100.00    Total Levies
  • April Town Board Meeting and Reorganization Meeting are to be held via teleconference


  • Email from St Louis County, news release on the County Board approving the funding of eight projects to combat aquatic invasive species
  • Letter from the United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau on the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) as well as the Annual Response and Contact Update Form for the BAS
  • Email from the United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau reminding about the 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) March 1, 2021 deadline approaching
  • Email from Brad Gustafson of the St. Louis County Government Services Center Planning and Community Developer on the Round 2 Applications for CDBG-CV and ESG-CV. Deadlines for the applications is March 22, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
  • Voter Master List and roster from St Louis County Election for March Town Election
  • Invoice from Minnesota Benefit Association in the amount of $224.00 for town officer’s life insurance
  • Inquiry from North Shore Title verifying to confirm that the township does not have any assessments on properties at the township
  • Email from Minnesota Office of State Auditor on the submission deadline of the 2020 State Auditor data files and financial statements
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships that included the February 2021 newsletter
  • Emails from Cathy Rouleau of St Louis County Association of Townships (SLCAT) (1) double checking email addresses of those attending the SLCAT meeting on May 26, 2021; (2) February 24, 2021 meeting agenda;(3) minutes of the January 27, 2021 meeting
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships on Legislative Update and Advocacy Alert
  • Email from St. Louis County that “Anyone 65+ is now eligible for immediate vaccination with St Louis County Public Health,  contact the vaccine scheduling (email is preferred): or Vaccine Scheduling line 218-726-2623”.
  • Approved decision of the St. Louis County Planning Commission on conditional use permit for short-term rental


  • Email to Lora Skarman at the St Louis County Assessor’s Office on the confirmation of the LBAE meeting date and time for Pequaywan Township as well as informing of the change of clerk to take place March 10, 2021
  • Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) Annual Response and Contact Update Form was sent to the United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau with updated clerk information
  • CTAS report for year 2020 submitted to the State of Minnesota Auditor’s Office

Public Comment

  • Shane Stolp asked for clarification of the final decision from St Louis County on the short—term rental located in Pequaywan township
  • Shane Stolp inquired on the light complaint that was mentioned in past meetings/minutes

Next meeting, April 12, 2021, is to be held at 7:30 p.m. via teleconference

Swanstrom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m., seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0

Respectively submitted by,
Amber Cruz, deputy clerk
Lita Wallace, clerk


March 9, 2021, Annual Town Meeting in-person

Meeting called to order: Town clerk Lita Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held at the Pequaywan Fire Hall.

Attendance: Lita Wallace, Dan Ahonen, Amber Cruz, Scott Gronseth, Ross Gustafson, Charles Kuettel, Phyllis Mead, Scott Mead, Donald Swanstrom, Shane Stolp, Lynne Scalzo and  Ted Wallace

Election of a moderator: Phyllis Mead was nominated and elected as the moderator

Announce Agenda for Rest of Meeting (moderator, subject to modification by vote of electorate): no change

2020 Minutes: Motion to approve minutes of previous year’s Annual Meeting Minutes (copies provided by clerk): Charles Kuettel motioned to approve 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes, seconded by Scott Gronseth, motion carried

Reading of the Board of Audit Report as posted by clerk prior to meeting

Annual Board of Appeals and Equalization: scheduled on May 5, 2021, 3:00-4:00 p.m. via teleconference

Result of Township Election: Wallace reported that there is one supervisor position open for election. 59 mail-in/absentee ballots were received out of 148 resident voters. Charles Kuettel was elected with 59 votes.

Pequaywan Town Chair’s Road Report for West Branch Road:  Chair Charles Kuettel reported that the culvert remains a concern and will need replacement in the near future. There has been ongoing concern about the dead/dying trees along the road. The township will have to work with landowners to address the removal of the dead/dying trees.

New clerk and new treasurer effective March 10, 2021: Amber Cruz and Lynne Scalzo have been appointed as clerk and treasurer respectively. Lita Wallace will stay as deputy clerk and Raymond Barnes as deputy treasurer for one year.

Update, suggestions and discussion on possible projects for the land owned by the township in Rossini Road, including the tax forfeited property purchased from St Louis County. Plans for tree and brush drop-off was discussed for the months of May, June and July. No dates were set.

2022 Levy: Discussion and motion to approve general levy and any dedicated levies (road & bridge, plus others determined helpful to treat as designated and not just a budget item Pequaywan Fire & EMS in the amount of $16,500.00. The levy was motioned for approval by Kuettel and seconded by Gronseth, motion carried.

General Fund $18,000.00 $18,060.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance) $3,600.00 $3,500.00

Maintenance Fund

$2,000.00 $2,000.00
Fire and EMS $16,500.00 $16,500.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) $15,000.00 $15,000.00
Total $55,100.00 $55,060.00

  Other years’ financials

General Fund $12,000.00 $15,500.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance) $3,000.00 $3,000.00
Fire and EMS $16,500.00 $16,500.00
Building/Property Maintenance Fund $0.00 $1,500.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 12,000.00 10,000.00
Total 43,500.00 49,500.00


General Fund $  5,000.00 $19,000.00 $25,600.57 $29,195.82
Road and Bridge (On-going Maintenance $3,000.00 $  2,500.00 $  5,518.96 $  3,242.50
Fire and EMS $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,020.82 $15,000.00

Maintenance Fund

$0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) $12,000.00 $  5,000.00 $7,485.12 $0.00
Total $35,000.00 $41,500.00 $55,125.47 $47,438.32

2022 Annual Town Meeting: the state set the Annual Town Meeting on the second Tuesday of March following the Township Election. The Annual Town Meeting will be held at the Pequaywan Fire Hall.

Motion to set monthly Town Board Meeting date and time: Don Swanstrom motioned to set the Town Board meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Pequaywan Fire Hall. The motion was seconded by Shane Stolp. All were in favor, motion carried. Exception of March meeting to be scheduled after the Annual Town Meeting.

Motion to set voting place: Ross Gustafson motioned to set Pequaywan Fire Hall as the primary voting place; and Pequaywan Trail Blazer Snowmobile Club as a possible secondary voting place (once they are contacted for confirmation)

Motion to set voting times:
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Presidential Nomination Primary Election, Primary Election and General Election
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., State Election
10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Special Primary Election and Special General Election
5:00 p.m. – 8:00p.m., Township Election

Scott Mead motioned to set the voting times listed, seconded by Ross Gustafson, all in favor, motioned carried

Posting areas:
-Pequaywan Association website:
-West Branch Road Sign board
-Pequaywan Fire & EMS bulletin board
-Pequaywan Inn bulletin board

General Discussion of Items of Concern:
Shane Stolp inquired about the teleconference Township Board meetings and the accessibility of the phone number and passcode. Both the number and the passcode are posted on the Pequaywan Association website:

Adjourn: Charles Kuettel motioned to adjourn the Annual Town Meeting at 8:09 p.m., seconded by Scott Gronseth, all in favor, motion carried

Respectively submitted by,
Amber Cruz, deputy clerk
Lita Wallace, clerk

February 9, 2021, Township Board Meeting via teleconference

Meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Charles Kuettel

Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Douglas Dressen, clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Raymond Barnes, deputy treasurer Lynne Scalzo, and deputy clerk Amber Cruz.
Guests: Daisy Wallace, Bonnie Dressen, Jim Crace, Charmin Thramer, Greg Planting, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report
Since the meeting was conducted via teleconference, the supervisors read the January 12, 2021 minutes from the town webpage. Dressen motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0

Treasurer’s Report
Total Funds on hand as of 01/01/2021 (Includes Investments) – $183,114.48
Plus: Deposits – $700.26
Tax Apportionment – $565.18
Filing Fee – $2.00
Interest on Accounts – $133.08
Less: Disbursements (January) – $19,684.06
Payroll – $1,085.44
Insurance – $973.00
Fire Department – $16,500.00
Other Expenses – $1125.62
Total Funds on hand as of 01/31/2021 – $165,130.68
January Check # 1614 – 1626

Claims (February) – $2,323.43
February Check # 1627 – 1635 & 20121
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.

Old Business
• File retention- Wallace went over the files in the filing cabinet and took out election materials for shredding and left files that are required for permanent retention; i.e. historical, minutes, and financials. There is a need for the purchase of another filing cabinet. Dressen motioned for the approval of a filing cabinet purchase, the motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0.
• Effective March 10, 2021, Amber Cruz and Lynne Scalzo will take over as clerk and treasurer, respectively, while Wallace will stay as deputy clerk and Barnes as deputy treasurer for one year. Wallace is going to check on the need for Cruz and Scalzo to retake oath of office for new positions.
• March Town election by mail-in balloting: All ballots must be received by the town clerk by 3:00 p.m. on March 9. Envelope must be signed by a witness.
• Opening for an IT to manage trouble shooting the town’s webpages using WordPress: Don mentioned that he received a proposal from a company in Duluth. Daisy Wallace was asked to submit a proposal on the costs/ services she would provide.
• The March 9 Annual Town Meeting will take place in-person at the Pequaywan firehall at 7:30 p.m. with the option to table the meeting and reconvene in May. This meeting is to be followed by the March Town Board Meeting at 8 p.m. and the Board of Canvass Meeting at 8:30 p.m. Swanstrom motioned to approve the location, and time of all the meetings, Dressen seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0. April meetings will be discussed during March meeting.
• Public hearing re-Conditional Use Permit Application for short-term rental of a property located in the township: There is an open hearing at the county on February 11, 2021. Below is the link to access the hearing.

New Business
• Schedule of LBAE Meeting, May 5, 2021, 3:00-4:00 p.m. via teleconference
• Motion to accept upcoming training for elected/appointed town officers Dressen motioned to accept, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0
• Review future road grants: Scalzo is going to look into the requirements for next year and start working on the application this summer. (see below for more information)


• Email from SLCAT with January meeting agenda scheduled on January 21, 2021
• Email from Office of the State Auditor Government Information Division advising that the 2020 State Auditor CTAS data files and financial statements may now be submitted with a deadline date of March 31, 2021
• Follow-up email from St Louis County Planning and Community Development re-telephone Public Hearing on February 11, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. for a property located at 9335 Pequaywan Lake Road.For info on how to participate, visit the county website at: for the hearing: (Password, case-sensitive is: Planning)
• Email from St Louis County Planning and Community Development Department re-Phase 3 SLC Small Business Covid-19 Relief Grant Guidelines and Application
• January newsletter from Minnesota Association of Townships with advice on conducting March Annual Meeting for COVID-19; CTAS 2021 update; IRS standard mileage rate of $0.56 per mile; Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) grant application for road improvement projects; schedule of seminar/web online training for town officers
• Email from St Louis County with Master List of voters for March Town Election
• Email from St Louis County re 2020 Annual Township Noxious Weed Report to be filled out and submitted to Land and Minerals Department
• Email from Minnesota Benefit Association re- enrollment period for Group Life and Group Disability Income program for MN Township Officers
• Email from US Census Bureau on Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) they are conducting in 2021
• Email from Office of the State Auditor on the availability of CTAS 2021 program for download
• Two (2) Absentee Ballot Application
• Bill for SLCAT ($161.80) and MAT ($307.76) dues for 2021

• Sent by postage mail 140 mail-in ballot envelopes to resident voters
• Emails to MAT and St. Louis County Elections with revised list of officers adding new deputy clerk and deputy treasurer
• Submitted the 2020 Annual Noxious Weed Report to St Louis County, Land and Minerals Department c/o Kristin Fogard via email

Public Comment:
• Resident request to vacate a road easement that runs into private property. This is a follow-up from a discussion last September 2020. The supervisors are agreeable to vacate the road and will look at the procedure to make it happen either by motion or resolution to dissolve the easement. Thramer provided the material, Worksheet & Sample Documents for Establishing, Altering or Vacating Roads, from Minnesota Association of Townships and a map of the property.– Charmin Thramer, Greg Planting
• Lighting issue noted in November Board meeting minutes – Shane Stolp (note: this was not discussed as Stolp was not in attendance)
• Short term rental conditional use application at 9335 Pequaywan Lake Road – Jim Crace, Patti Rich. Crace explained the past history of the property as a previous short term rental but applying again due to new regulations by the county and the restrictions they require for renters.

Next meeting March 9, 2021, after the March Annual Meeting, at Pequaywan Firehall.

Dressen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0.

Respectively submitted by,
Amber Cruz, deputy clerk
Lita Wallace, clerk

January 26, 2021, Budget Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm by Charles Kuettel.

Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Douglas Dressen (via telephone), clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Raymond Barnes, deputy treasurer Lynne Scalzo, and deputy clerk Amber Cruz.

Discussed and set-up budget amounts for 2021
Budget in the amount of $49,500.00 that was approved in 2020 for 2021 was not changed. Swanstrom motioned to approve, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Discussed and set-up budget amounts for 2022
Proposed budget:
General Fund: $18,060.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance): $3,500.00
Building/Property Maintenance Fund: $2,000.00
Fire and EMS: $16,500.00
Roads and Bridges (Capitol Reserve): $15,000.00
Total Amount: $55,060.00

Swanstrom motioned to approve the proposed budget in the total amount of $55,060.00, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Discussed levy recommendation for 2022 for presentation to the residents at the March Townhall Meeting
Proposed Levy:

General Fund: $18,000.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance): $3,600.00
Building/Property Maintenance Fund: $2,000.00
Fire and EMS: $16,500.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve): $15,000.00
Total Amount: $55,100.00

Swanstrom motioned to approve the proposed levy in the total amount of $55,100.00, seconded by Kuettel, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Kuettel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Respectively submitted by,
Amber Cruz, Deputy Clerk
Lita Wallace, Clerk

January 26, 2021, Board of Audit Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Charles Kuettel

Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Douglas Dressen (via telephone), clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Raymond Barnes, deputy treasurer Lynne Scalzo, and deputy clerk Amber Cruz
Guest: Ted Wallace

Review Clerk/Treasurer’s Reports

• Wallace provided a copy of the CTAS Summary of Receipts report from January to December 2020.
• Reviewed treasurer and clerk’s Disbursements Ledgers (compared Fund/Account/Object Codes); board members selected 3+ disbursements to review and check.
1. #1524 reviewed: disbursement to Donald Swanstrom for meeting attendance- payroll/schedule was used to verify.
2. #1529 reviewed: disbursement to Lita Wallace- Election judge hours, office supplies and mileage claim used to verify.
3. #1515 reviewed: dispersed to Pequaywan Fire Department- no claim due to approval of board during a meeting (oral agreement, see minutes from 1/08/2020).
4. #1539 reviewed- disbursement to Lee Kaplan for township’s website annual renewal.
• Reviewed treasurer and clerk’s Receipts Ledgers (compare Fund/Account) – do direct deposit have triplicate receipts, verified that deposits are noted on the appropriate bank statement, board members selected and reviewed 3+ receipts.
1. #80320 reviewed- from ’20 MN DNR PILT- receipts shown by treasurer and confirmed in both clerk and treasurer’s ledgers.
2. #90120 and #90220 reviewed- 18 month certificate- receipts shown by treasurer and are broken down in books for placement into accounts.
3. #60320 reviewed- PNP Reimbursement for expenses incurred by the township during the Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP) election; email receipts for $1174.85 from the state auto deposit for placement into designated accounts.
• Reviewed Bank Statements to check that Cash Control Statement demonstrates same balance as the Bank Statement: Cash on hand balance of $183,114.48 on the December 2020 Bank statement shown by clerk matched the December 2020 Cash Control Statement.
• Verified that clerk and treasurer are balancing and reconciling bank statements (have the same balance), and Schedule 1 matched for both treasurer and clerk.

Swanstrom motioned to approve that all the records show no discrepancy, All the records matched to the penny; seconded by Kuettel, motion carried, 2-0-0.

Swanstrom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm, seconded by Kuettel; motion carried 2-0-0.

Respectively submitted by,
Amber Cruz, Deputy Clerk
Lita Wallace, Clerk

January 12, 2021 Township Board Meeting via teleconference

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Charles Kuettel


Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Douglas Dressen, clerk Lita Wallace, treasurer Raymond Barnes, deputy treasurer Lynne Scalzo, and deputy clerk Amber Cruz.

Guests: Pequaywan Fire & EMS Fire Chief Dale Brooks, Paul Klassen and Lisa Klassen

Clerk’s Report: Since the meeting was conducted via teleconference, the supervisors read the December 8, 2020 minutes from the town webpage. Dressen motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report:
Total Funds on hand as of 12/01/2020 (Includes Investments) – $170,204.59
Plus: Deposits – $13,795.77
Tax Apportionment – $12,799.39
Township Aid – $864.00
Interest on Accounts – $132.38
Less: Disbursements (December) – $885.88
Payroll – $614.88
Office Expense – $16.00
Worker’s Compensation Policy – $255.00
Total Funds on hand as of 12/31/2020 – $183,114.48
December Check # 1606 – 1613

January 2021
Claims (January) – $19,684.06 (includes $16,500.00 for Pequaywan Fire & EMS)
January Check # 1614 – 1626
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed.

Dressen motioned to approve the December 2020 Treasurer’s Report and Claims for January 2021, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.  As per Minn. Stat. 367.18, the township board has audited and approved the claim; (2) the clerk has indicated his or her approval that the board took the action indicated; (3) the treasurer indicates there is money available in the township’s account to pay the claims; and (4) the board has delegated the authority to issue the check.

Old Business

  • Township Board Meetings: February meeting will be held via teleconference.
  • March meetings (Annual Town Hall, Town Board, Board of Canvass) may be held via Zoom or in-person.
  • Board of Canvass meeting must be conducted within two days after the March Town Election (to certify the elected officer) by teleconference or in-person which will be discussed during February meeting.
  • If the Annual Town Hall and Town Board meetings are conducted in-person and if attendance reaches capacity (to maintain proper social distancing), the meetings will be tabled until warmer weather will permit an outdoors meeting. Levy is not due to St. Louis County until August so voting can be done in the spring. The two meetings will be discussed further during the February meeting. Brooks mentioned that the front area of the Pequaywan Firehall may be used if the weather is nice. Fire trucks may be taken out if there is no snow that day. Brooks also mentioned that he will test the Pequaywan Firehall for internet speeds for possible Zoom meeting usage.
  • New township officers: Amber Cruz and Lynne Scalzo where hired as the deputy clerk and deputy treasurer, respectively. Wallace sworn them in for the Oath of Office on January 9, 2021. Swanstrom motioned a $15.00/hour salary during their training phase up to March 9, 2021. On March 10, 2021, they will take over the clerk and treasurer positions and they will be paid the same salary as the present clerk and treasurer are receiving. Seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Swanstrom motioned to add Cruz and Scalzo as signatories for all the accounts with Superior Choice Credit Union, seconded by Dressen, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • One hundred forty two (142) letters were sent by Wallace via postage mail advising resident voters of mail-in balloting for March 2021 Town Election. Ballots will be mailed no later than February 9, 2021 with return address sent to Wallace. Pequaywan Ballot Board will review the ballots and will be opened and counted March 9, 2021.
  • Reminder for 2 meetings: Board of Audit Meeting and Budget Meeting scheduled on January 26 at 7:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Firehall – this is an Open Meeting (we will follow COVID-19 guidelines – must wear a mask, hand sanitizer provided, social distancing to limit number of people)

 New Business

  • Brooks reported that in the near future, the roof of the firehall will need replacement. The cost is being looked at, as well as, avenues for payment. The fire department is setting aside money for the repairs. He submitted a budget spreadsheet for the fire department from the last few years and requested the amount of $16,500.00 for 2022, same as in 2021, for contribution from the township.
  • Approval of Resolution #2020-001, appointing 2021 Election Judges. Swanstrom motioned to approve, Dressen seconded, motion carried 3-0-0.
  • Approval of Resolution #2020-002, Appointing the Absentee and Mail-in Balloting Ballot Board for 2021 March Town Election. Swanstrom motioned to approve, Dressen seconded, motion carried 3-0-0.
  • Conditional use permit application for short-term rental for a property located in the township that St. Louis County is considering a meeting on February 11, 2021: Wallace is to send information to the supervisors about the approved St. Louis County Provisions for Short Term Rental for review before responding.
  • Opening for an individual to manage trouble shooting the town’s webpages using WordPress: Swanstrom mentioned that he knows someone and that he will talk with the individual.
  • Requests have been made to reduce the speeds on Pequaywan Lake Road from the north end of the big lake to Pequaywan Inn. A survey of the residents may be conducted, as well as checking with St. Louis County and state level. The state controls the speed limit.



  • Letter from St. Louis County Planning Commission re-conditional use permit application located in 9335 Pequaywan Lake Road for short-term rental and consideration for a meeting on February 11, 2021
  • Emails from Phil Chapman of St. Louis County Elections re: (1) approval for mail-in balloting and various email responses to inquiries; (2) Town Clerk Election Guide; (3) Absentee Voting Administration Guide; (4) address label file and list of resident voters for sending letters and ballots to resident voters for town election; and (5) envelopes use for mail-in balloting
  • Email from Minnesota Association of Townships with information on how to use mail-in voting for the March township election
  • Weekly email newsletters re-COVID-19 from St. Louis County
  • December 2020 newsletter from Minnesota Association of Townships
  • Email from St. Louis County Land Minerals Department re-2020 Annual Noxious Weed Report to be filled out and submitted by January 31, 2020
  • Email from Office of the State Auditor stating that CTAS 2021 is now available including 2021 Tax Tables
  • Invoice of $65.18 from St. Louis County Auditors Office for services completed in the preparation and delivery of the Proposed Tax Notice
  • Resume from applicants for clerk and treasurer positions
  • Affidavit of Candidacy from Charles Kuettel for supervisor position
  • Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness as of December 31, 2020, received rom St. Louis County Auditor’s Office to be completed by February 1, 2021.


  • Resolution #2020-015, Authorizing Mail Balloting for 2021 March Town Election and Resolution #2020-008, Designating Annual Polling Place emailed to St. Louis County Elections
  • Workers’ Comp Survey mailed to MATIT
  • Emailed to St. Louis County a copy of Public Notice for the supervisor opening for March town election
  • Letters sent by postage mail to 142 resident voters re-mail-in balloting for March township election
  • Submitted the following documents via electronic filing to the State of Minnesota:  (1) Minnesota Unemployment Insurance; (2) Minnesota Sales and Use Tax; and (3) Minnesota Withholding
  • W-2s sent by postage mail to town officers
  • Deb Pomroy, Pequaywan Township Weed Inspector, completed and signed the 2020 Annual Township and City Report, co-signed by Kuettel, was submitted to the St. Louis County Agriculture Inspector
  • Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness as of December 31, 2020, sent to St. Louis County Auditor’s Office

Public Comment: None

Next Meeting: February 9, 2021, 7:30 p.m. via teleconference

Adjourn meeting: Dressen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m., seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk
Amber Cruz, Deputy Clerk

December 8, 2020 Township Board Meeting via teleconference

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Kuettel.

Attendance: Town officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Supervisor Donald Swanstrom, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes.

Clerk’s Report: Since the meeting was conducted via teleconference, the supervisors read the November 10, 2020 minutes from the town webpage. Dressen motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on hand as of 11/01/2020 (Includes Investments) – $171,717.42
Plus: Deposits – $135.50
Interest on Accounts – $135.50
Less: Disbursements (November) – $1,648.33
First Half Snowplowing Township Road – $1,121.25
Other Disbursements – $527.08
Total Funds on hand as of 11/30/2020 – $170,204.59
November Check # 1599 – 1605

Claims (December) – $885.88
December Check # 1606 – 1613
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed

Dressen motioned to approve the November 2020 Treasurer’s Report and Claims for December 2020, seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried, 3-0-0.

Old Business

  • West Branch Road update: a supervisor will check the plowing turnaround area with damages on newly planted trees
  • Future voting and meetings update:
    1. Location of the Annual Townhall and March Town Board meetings will be discussed at the January Town Board Meeting.
    2. There were 134 residents that voted during the November 3 General Election which was conducted by St. Louis County via mail-in voting.
    3. January meeting will be conducted via teleconference.
    4. Swanstrom motioned and Dressen seconded to schedule the Board of Audit Meeting and Budget Meeting on Tuesday, January 26, at 7:00p.m. Motion carried, 3-0-0. These are open meetings.
    5. Wallace reported that due to COVID-19, the municipal governing body may authorize mail balloting by resolution for the March 2021 town election. And also due to COVID-19, two of the election judges are not available to serve and back-up judges may also not be available. Due to the worsening situation with the virus and not knowing what it will be like in March, Dressen motioned to submit a resolution to conduct mail balloting during the March 2021 town election, Swanstrom seconded, motion carried, 3-0-0.
  • Update on the deputy clerk and deputy treasurer open positions:
    1. Discussion will include possible letter to township residents and the possible dismantling of the township if we can’t fill the open positions.
    2. Wallace reported that as of this date, there were no applicants for the deputy clerk/clerk position. Kuettel instructed Wallace to put together an advertisement for clerk position in the Duluth News Tribune, must reside in Duluth or surrounding area.
    3. Barnes reported that Lynne Scalzo applied for the treasurer position. Swanstrom motioned, Dressen seconded to accept the hire of Scalzo as treasurer-in-training, motion carried, 3-0-0.
    4. Kuettel presented a rough draft of a letter for residents requesting assistance in finding an individual to apply for the clerk position and explaining the possible scenario in case one is not found.
  • LBAE supervisor training: Kuettel had completed the training

New Business

  • Polling place and resolution for 2021 elections: Pequaywan Firehall has been designated as the polling place for March 2021 elections per Town Resolution # 2020-008, Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place
  • Report open town officer position/s to St. Louis County for March town election: one supervisor position is open



  • Newsletters via email from Minnesota Association of Townships re-polling place designation for 2021; and operational guidelines operating the township amid
  • Email from EDDMapS (Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System) coordinator confirming that a local EDDMapS verifier has verified that plant determinations submitted by Deb Pomroy, town’s Noxious Weed Inspector, on August 5, 2020, was correct and will be publicly available on maps and download
  • Schedule of SLCAT meeting for December 2020 to March 2021 meetings
  • Email from St. Louis County’s COVID-19 weekly partner communications with information on the new COVIDawareMN app that will notify the population if someone who’s been near them later test positive for coronavirus, COVIDaware MN | State of Minnesota COVID-19 exposure notification applicatio

Sent: None

Public Comment: None

Next Meeting, January 12, 2021, 7:30 p.m., via teleconference

Adjourn meeting: Swanstrom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m., seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

December 11, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.

Attendance: Town Officers – Chair Donald Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Number of resident/s present: 2, number of non-resident present: 2.

Clerk’s Report:  Kuettel motioned to approve November Minutes with corrections, Mead seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Cash on hand as of 11/01/2018 – $166,037.33
Plus: Deposits – $224.02
Less Disbursements (November) – $1,958.92
Total Cash on hand as of 11/30/2018 – $164,302.43
November Check # 1395 – 1404


Claims (December) – $1,549.60
December Check # 1405 – 1414

Kuettel motioned to approve November Treasurer’s Report and December Claims, Mead seconded, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Weed survey update: Deborah Pomroy, Weed Inspector for Pequaywan Township, provided a copy of a report, 2018 Annual Township Report Noxious Weed Control, submitted to St. Louis County. Pomroy reported that she completed inspection of 12 linear miles on both sides of Pequaywan Lake Road.
  • Determine what trees to plant on the township land and how to proceed: Mead reported that Red Pine, White Pine and Jack Pine are the advantageous trees to plant and possibly Tamarack in the low areas. Not recommended are Maple and Hardwood. About 100 trees may be planted per acre. We can also throw seeds (i.e. Oak) in the area. Need to leave open space for future use for a building. 500 trees may be purchased from DNR plus other possible sources.Pomroy mentioned that there was a study that Knapweed poisons the soil after five years of it growing on the same place and plants and trees could get killed. She suggested to purchase seed grass Sunflower Heliopsis, a plant that competes with Knapweed. Supervisors requested Pomroy to meet with them at the site for her professional opinion on what trees to plant and location according to soil condition.

New Business

  • Discussion on purchasing tax forfeited land adjacent to township property: The Township can purchase the land for $1,500-$1,700 per acre @ 3.5 acres; or submit a form to have it gifted to the township which will cost around $1,000. Mead motioned to submit an application to obtain ownership of the land using Tax Forfeited Procedures for the state land that borders on the north between the township land and Rossini, land that the county administers. Kuettel seconded, motion carried.
  • Update on reporting of township accounting practices: At the last Treasurer training that Barnes attended, he learned that the State are requiring townships to enter interest income in CTAS as investments. Most treasurers in attendance at the training stated that they have been entering interest income as interest and not investment. Many townships,  like we do, use Money Market as an extension of checking account but the State Auditor requires it to be entered as investments. This requirement is effective in 2018 transactions. In addition, Barnes mentioned that to make the switch in CTAS data entries beginning from January 2018 will require a lot of work.
  • Clerk Wallace requested to attend MAT Clerk/Treasurer Training (CTAS reporting, 2019 Board of Audit Meeting, and Annual Meeting ) at St. Michael MN: Mead motioned to approve, Swanstrom seconded, motion carried.
  • March Town Election – one Supervisor position open. Filing dates January 1-15, 2019, contact Clerk Wallace to request a form or print from AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY AND RECEIPT FOR FILING.



  • Email from St. Louis County re-final draft of its Comprehensive Land Use Plan
  • Email from County Ag Inspector re info for Local Weed Inspectors and Town Supervisors
  • Email newsletter from MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships re-upcoming training
  • Email from MN Department of Revenue via St. Louis Co Assessor’s Office re-training for Board of Appeal and Equalization
  • Email from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) re-October minutes and calendar of future meetings


  • Emailed a copy of Public Notice re- filing dates for March 2019 Pequaywan Township election to St. Louis County Elections Department

Public Comment

Next Meeting: January 8, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Kuettel  motioned to adjourn at 8:45 p.m., seconded by Mead, motion carried

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

November 1, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.


  • Supervisors Scott Mead and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of resident/s present – 3; Number of non-resident/s present – 1; guest Beth Peterson from St. Louis County

Clerk’s Report – The minutes from October meeting motioned for approval by Don, seconded by Scott, motion carried. (Don yay, Scott yay)

Treasurer’s Report

$255,926.34 — Total cash on hand as of 9/30/2016
$      3,449.60  — Add: Deposits
$    20,605.02 — Less: Expenditures (includes $19,870.00 Firewise charges)
$238,770.92       Total cash on hand as of 10/31/2016

Motion by Scott, second by Don, motion carried (Scott yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

  • Logging in township property – Contract for logging with Wastewood Recyclers is in process. Discussion: (1) use chipped wood to cover the walking path; (2) put signs that says “No motorized vehicle” to prevent ATV’s from driving in the land; (3) on the contract, list items that the township wanted done such as: (a) keeping pines, spruce, maple and smaller birch trees; (b) cut everything else – bigger birch, balsam and aspen; (c) charge $1.00 to make it a legal contract; (d) put together a procedure working on the land to the north; (e) add an end date to the contract – full year or end of summer. Note: lead person and rep of loggers – Beth Peterson, St. Louis County, Soil, Water and Conservation District
  • Action Plan for December meeting re-logging: finalize contract for timber sale; finalize conservation plan; acquire a driveway public access permit from St. Louis County Public Works to be able for loggers to access the logging area in the township land from Rossini Road; and contact Randy Roff of St. Louis County, to acquire access permit to the land owned by St. Louis County between Rossini Road and the township land for access to the logging area.
  • Discussion of road maintenance – the big issue is enlarging the turnaround by getting rid of the banks with plan of completing before winter 2017.
  • Treasurer Replacement – advertise in the Pequaywan Township and Pequaywan Association webpages; a resident interested in serving; inquire if the Treasurer in the nearby township would be interested in serving.
  • Reminder: General Election, November 8, 7am to 8pm, Pequaywan Firehall
  • Automark Public Accuracy Test – Sunday, November 6, 10:00 a.m.

New Business

  • Scott attended the St. Louis County Township Meeting in Cotton and reported that the meeting was comprised mostly of politicians introducing themselves within which none of them applies to our area.
  • Scott is planning to attend the Broadband part of the MAT Annual Meeting in St. Cloud on Friday, November 18 and is requesting if the township can pay for the $105.00 Registration Fee. He will cover transporation expense. Don motioned to approve, second by Scott, motion approved. (Don yay, Scott yay)


Received: Snowplow bill from St. Louis County in the amount of $1,006.25.

Public Comment – a resident is requesting if the township can be prepared to have a plan to answer questions for any township changes; i.e., dissolve township as was discussed at the last month’s meeting if a treasurer is not found or any other position in the township.

Claims and Payroll – Checks #1094-1096 in the total amount of $1,548.17.

Next Meeting:
December 13, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 8:35 p.m. by Scott, second by Don, motion carried. (Scott yay, Don yay)

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk