December 11, 2018 | Township Board Meeting

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chair Donald Swanstrom.

Attendance: Town Officers – Chair Donald Swanstrom, Vice-Chair Scott Mead, Supervisor Charles Kuettel, Treasurer Raymond G. Barnes, Clerk Lita Wallace.

Number of resident/s present: 2, number of non-resident present: 2.

Clerk’s Report:  Kuettel motioned to approve November Minutes with corrections, Mead seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Cash on hand as of 11/01/2018 – $166,037.33
Plus: Deposits – $224.02
Less Disbursements (November) – $1,958.92
Total Cash on hand as of 11/30/2018 – $164,302.43
November Check # 1395 – 1404


Claims (December) – $1,549.60
December Check # 1405 – 1414

Kuettel motioned to approve November Treasurer’s Report and December Claims, Mead seconded, motion carried.

Old Business

  • Weed survey update: Deborah Pomroy, Weed Inspector for Pequaywan Township, provided a copy of a report, 2018 Annual Township Report Noxious Weed Control, submitted to St. Louis County. Pomroy reported that she completed inspection of 12 linear miles on both sides of Pequaywan Lake Road.
  • Determine what trees to plant on the township land and how to proceed: Mead reported that Red Pine, White Pine and Jack Pine are the advantageous trees to plant and possibly Tamarack in the low areas. Not recommended are Maple and Hardwood. About 100 trees may be planted per acre. We can also throw seeds (i.e. Oak) in the area. Need to leave open space for future use for a building. 500 trees may be purchased from DNR plus other possible sources.Pomroy mentioned that there was a study that Knapweed poisons the soil after five years of it growing on the same place and plants and trees could get killed. She suggested to purchase seed grass Sunflower Heliopsis, a plant that competes with Knapweed. Supervisors requested Pomroy to meet with them at the site for her professional opinion on what trees to plant and location according to soil condition.

New Business

  • Discussion on purchasing tax forfeited land adjacent to township property: The Township can purchase the land for $1,500-$1,700 per acre @ 3.5 acres; or submit a form to have it gifted to the township which will cost around $1,000. Mead motioned to submit an application to obtain ownership of the land using Tax Forfeited Procedures for the state land that borders on the north between the township land and Rossini, land that the county administers. Kuettel seconded, motion carried.
  • Update on reporting of township accounting practices: At the last Treasurer training that Barnes attended, he learned that the State are requiring townships to enter interest income in CTAS as investments. Most treasurers in attendance at the training stated that they have been entering interest income as interest and not investment. Many townships,  like we do, use Money Market as an extension of checking account but the State Auditor requires it to be entered as investments. This requirement is effective in 2018 transactions. In addition, Barnes mentioned that to make the switch in CTAS data entries beginning from January 2018 will require a lot of work.
  • Clerk Wallace requested to attend MAT Clerk/Treasurer Training (CTAS reporting, 2019 Board of Audit Meeting, and Annual Meeting ) at St. Michael MN: Mead motioned to approve, Swanstrom seconded, motion carried.
  • March Town Election – one Supervisor position open. Filing dates January 1-15, 2019, contact Clerk Wallace to request a form or print from AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY AND RECEIPT FOR FILING.



  • Email from St. Louis County re-final draft of its Comprehensive Land Use Plan
  • Email from County Ag Inspector re info for Local Weed Inspectors and Town Supervisors
  • Email newsletter from MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships re-upcoming training
  • Email from MN Department of Revenue via St. Louis Co Assessor’s Office re-training for Board of Appeal and Equalization
  • Email from SLCAT (St. Louis County Association of Townships) re-October minutes and calendar of future meetings


  • Emailed a copy of Public Notice re- filing dates for March 2019 Pequaywan Township election to St. Louis County Elections Department

Public Comment

Next Meeting: January 8, 2019, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Kuettel  motioned to adjourn at 8:45 p.m., seconded by Mead, motion carried

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk