Meeting was called to order at 8:28 p.m. by Charles Kuettel.
Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen (via telephone), clerk Lita Wallace, deputy clerk Amber Cruz, treasurer Raymond Barnes and deputy treasurer Lynne Scalzo
Guests: Ted Wallace and Shane Stolp
Clerk’s Report:
Copy of February 9, 2021, minutes were provided to everyone in attendance. Swanstrom motioned to approve the minutes, Dressen seconded the motion, motion carried 3-0-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
February 2021
Total Funds on hand as of 02/01/2021 (Includes Investments) – $164,130.68
Plus: Deposits – $4,231.16
—–Town Road Aid – $1,448.21
—–Taconite Production Tax – $2,653.00
—–Interest on Accounts – $129.95
Less: Disbursements (February) – $2,323.43
—–Payroll – $1,447.68
—–MAT/SLC Dues – $469.56
—–Other Expenses – $406.19
Total Funds on hand as of 02/28/2021 – $166,038.41
February Check # 1627 – 1635 & 20121 (electronic withdrawal for checks)
March 2021
Claims (March) – $2,763.60
March Check # 1636 – 1651
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed
Swanstrom and Kuettel signed the financial papers. Swanstrom motioned to accept treasurer’s report, Dressen seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Old Business:
- Reminder: LBAE (Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) meeting scheduled on May 5, 2021, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., via teleconference
- Results for the Township Election: Charles Kuettel was elected as supervisor with 59 ballots/votes
- Motion to appoint Amber Cruz as clerk and Lynne Scalzo as treasurer effective March 10, 2021. Motion was brought by Swanstrom, seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
- Swanstrom motioned to hire Lita Wallace as the deputy clerk and Raymond Barnes as the deputy treasurer effective March 10, 2021, to continue the smooth training transition; and if needed, to provide back-up for clerk and treasurer duties. The motion was seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
- Two proposals were received for the open IT position for the Township website; one from Daisy Wallace and the other from Faster Solutions. Both proposals were cost comparable. Motion to hire Daisy Wallace for the IT position was given by Dressen, and seconded by Kuettel, motion carried 2-1-0.
- Update on the request to vacate part of River Road easement: This request is being looked into further. The Board is to inquire with the county on jurisdiction of the easement. Also, the utility companies will be contacted to find out their use of the easement
- Update on road grants: the township would need the approval of St Louis County which would require a survey and engineering work; this would require approximately $30,000 before the grant could be applied for
New Business
- Email from St. Louis County that Covid-19 vaccinations to those 65 and older is open
- 2022 Levy: Donald Swanstrom motioned to accept the 2022 Levy, Dressen seconded the motion, motion carried 3-0-0
$18,000.00 – Total General Fund
$16,500.00 – Fire and EMS$
$ 2,000.00 – Building and Property Maintenance
$ 3,600.00 – Road and Bridge (Ongoing Maintenance)
$15,000.00 – Road and Bridge (Capital Reserve)
$55,100.00 Total Levies - April Town Board Meeting and Reorganization Meeting are to be held via teleconference
- Email from St Louis County, news release on the County Board approving the funding of eight projects to combat aquatic invasive species
- Letter from the United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau on the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) as well as the Annual Response and Contact Update Form for the BAS
- Email from the United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau reminding about the 2021 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) March 1, 2021 deadline approaching
- Email from Brad Gustafson of the St. Louis County Government Services Center Planning and Community Developer on the Round 2 Applications for CDBG-CV and ESG-CV. Deadlines for the applications is March 22, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
- Voter Master List and roster from St Louis County Election for March Town Election
- Invoice from Minnesota Benefit Association in the amount of $224.00 for town officer’s life insurance
- Inquiry from North Shore Title verifying to confirm that the township does not have any assessments on properties at the township
- Email from Minnesota Office of State Auditor on the submission deadline of the 2020 State Auditor data files and financial statements
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships that included the February 2021 newsletter
- Emails from Cathy Rouleau of St Louis County Association of Townships (SLCAT) (1) double checking email addresses of those attending the SLCAT meeting on May 26, 2021; (2) February 24, 2021 meeting agenda;(3) minutes of the January 27, 2021 meeting
- Email from Minnesota Association of Townships on Legislative Update and Advocacy Alert
- Email from St. Louis County that “Anyone 65+ is now eligible for immediate vaccination with St Louis County Public Health, contact the vaccine scheduling (email is preferred): or Vaccine Scheduling line 218-726-2623”.
- Approved decision of the St. Louis County Planning Commission on conditional use permit for short-term rental
- Email to Lora Skarman at the St Louis County Assessor’s Office on the confirmation of the LBAE meeting date and time for Pequaywan Township as well as informing of the change of clerk to take place March 10, 2021
- Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) Annual Response and Contact Update Form was sent to the United States Department of Commerce U.S. Census Bureau with updated clerk information
- CTAS report for year 2020 submitted to the State of Minnesota Auditor’s Office
Public Comment
- Shane Stolp asked for clarification of the final decision from St Louis County on the short—term rental located in Pequaywan township
- Shane Stolp inquired on the light complaint that was mentioned in past meetings/minutes
Next meeting, April 12, 2021, is to be held at 7:30 p.m. via teleconference
Swanstrom motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m., seconded by Dressen, motion carried 3-0-0
Respectively submitted by,
Amber Cruz, deputy clerk
Lita Wallace, clerk