January 10, 2012 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

5 residents present

Next meeting set for February 14, 2012

Old business:

Broadband/Internet: A $4500 grant was received from Agstar and a $20,000 matching grant from Blandin was received. The matching was on a $20,000 St. Louis County loan available. All to go toward the feasibility study. At this time, the group is waiting on finalizing the money for the study.

Sulfide Mining: Mead proposed the township do a resolution. Fry is to put together a draft resolution.

New business:

PVFD: Rick Johnson from the PVFD gave the townboard a copy of the 2011 YE financial report along with the projected 2012 financial information. Along with this information, he stated the FD would be requesting at the annual meeting in March the same amount be funded for 2013 as was for 2012.

Meeting adjourned.

December 13, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Keith Stoneburner

Absent: Rick Fry

6 residents present

Next meeting set for January 10, 2012

Old business:

Broadband/Internet: The group met with county commissioners in the area.  Township passed a motion to set aside $500 to put toward a County feasibility study. Also, a motion passed that Scott be the Township representative on the issue.

Sulfide Mining: Mead proposed the township do a resolution. Fry is to put together a draft resolution.

New business:

Meeting adjourned.

November 8, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

3 residents present

Next meeting set for December 13, 2011

Old business:

Broadband/Internet: The group had a discussion with Peg Sweeney. The first step would be to have done a feasibility study, which costs about $8,000, up to $45,000-$60,000. Looking into grant money for this by December 1st deadline.

DNR samples from Pequaywan Lake: Report copy received – no invasive species reported.

Sulfide Mining: Discussion of property owner rights in regards to mining. Mead proposed the township do a resolution. Fry is to put together a draft resolution.

New business:

Meeting adjourned.

October 11, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

3 residents present

Next meeting set for November 8, 2011

Old business:

Broadband/Internet: Getting survey results and compiling data. There will be a meeting with Peg Sweeney to discuss.

DNR samples from Pequaywan Lake: Report is on its’ way to Mead.

New business:

There was discussion of sulfide mining.

Meeting adjourned.

September 13, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

6 residents present

Next meeting set for October 11, 2011

Old business:

Logging of township land: Contract was signed. Copy was given to clerk for township file.

New tax assessor: Motion made and passed to use St. Louis County as the tax assessor service for this year. Clerk to give notice to Jan Jackson on the township decision.

Broadband/Internet: Letters/questionnaires ready to mail out. Emailed questionnaires out to those they could. Receipts turned in for postage and printing fees.

Leashing/controlling dogs: St. Louis County stated there are no leash laws to Freeman.

New business:

DNR was on Pequaywan Lake taking samples for water, vegetation, zebra mussels, spiny water fleas, Eurasion milfoil. Mead asked for a report copy of the results.

Meeting adjourned.

August 9, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

11 residents present

Next meeting set for September 13, 2011

Old business:

Logging of township land: Johnson Timber Harvesting gave a per cord price proposal to Freeman. The logging would be done next spring. After logging is completed and funds paid to the township, replanting will be discussed. Motion made and passed to approve contract.

New tax assessor: Kerry Walsh from St. Louis County and Jan Jackson were present to each discuss their side to why Pequaywan should choose their service for the new tax assessor. They also discussed cons against the other and it was decided for St. Louis County to send the township and Jan Jackson a list of issues that the county has against the Jan Jackson company on their job performance. Those issues and rebuttal from Jan Jackson will be reviewed and decision made on a choice.

Broadband/Internet: Citizen Helgen and Strom have completed the marketing info and survey to send out to all township residents and cabin owners as best can be done with email/address information they have. A request made from Strom to the township to help cover printing and postage expense around $50. Motion made and passed approving that request.

Jean Duluth Road re-surfacing is to begin in August.

New business:

A resident asked the township about any laws the township has on leashing/controlling dogs. The township cannot enforce any laws such as that. The resident asked if the township could obtain information from St. Louis County on their laws for leashing/controlling dogs. Freeman agreed to contact St. Louis County to see what information he could get.

Meeting adjourned.

July 12, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

7 residents present

Next meeting set for August 9, 2011

Old business:

Hwy 44 road speed issue: Discussion of having 40 mph warning signs coming from the south.

Logging of township land: Logger Johnson gave a quote, Freeman will get more concrete information on the contract.

New tax assessor: Jan Jackson and son Larry attended the meeting to present themselves as a choice in the new assessor decision. Question asked after they left the meeting on if they are bonded for their job as assessor.

Broadband/Internet: Citizen Helgen is creating a flyer in difference between current and high-speed. An interest survey needs to be completed as part of being included in the Lake county internet upgrade.

New business:

A resident asked if the township would draft a letter to the St. Louis County asking them to resurface Jean Duluth Rd. Mead is to draft the letter.

3 citizens did a view of the two Pequaywan lakes for water iris plants in the lakes. A couple clumps were found in big Pequaywan and many more in little Pequaywan.

Meeting adjourned.

June 14, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

Absent: April Smitke

Next meeting set for July 12, 2011

Minutes from the May 10, 2011 meeting read and approved

Old business:

Follow up discussion on the Highway 44 road speed in the vicinity of the fire hall. The county feels that the current speed limit of 55 mph is correct and there is no need to post a slower speed.

New Business:

Motion was made by Supervisor Fry to sell the timber off the Township owned property with any proceeds going to replanting and capping of the seedlings. Motion approved unanimously.

Discussion of the high speed internet and that issue is still in the infant stage. A survey is needed to try and establish how many users desire the high-speed connection. Cost can be a factor.

Dan Dexter has authored a petition requesting a EAW, Environmental Assessment Worksheet, regarding the public access on Big Pequaywan Lake.

Petition representative:  Tim Spangenberg  218-525-2444 Res
5833 Morning Star Dr. 218-848-2023 Lake
Duluth, MN 55804 218-341-5348 Cell

Contact Tim for further information

Meeting adjourned.


May 10, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry

Absent: Keith Stoneburner

8 residents present

Next meeting set for June 14, 2011

Old business:

New business:

Resident Wilson brought up the discussion of logging the township land of the Rossini Rd. This is to be brought up at the Peq. Assc meeting to get feedback.

Residents of Pinewood and E. Shore Rd brought up the discussion of the land going up for auction sale by the County and if the township could step in to purchase the land before going to auction. It was said the township was not allowed by MN statutes to do this and recommended they discuss this with a surveyor and/or legal representation for exact property lines and other questions they may have.

The supervisor of N. Star township called Scott Mead about these areas excluded from the fiber optic progress from the Two Harbors direction. It was discussed of proposing a petition to notify those that people in the area are interested in being included. Resident Henry Helgen to follow-up on the information.

Meeting adjourned.

April 12, 2011 Township Board Meeting

Present:  Mark Freeman, Scott Mead, Rick Fry, Keith Stoneburner

3 residents present

Next meeting set for May 10, 2011

*Discussion of officers for the 2011-2012 year; Freeman will remain Chairman, Fry will remain road supervisor. After meeting clean-up will be done by Clerk. Rate of pay for election judges and outside meetings of supervisors is $15/hr; meeting pay will remain at $25.

Old business:

Update by Mead about the “bacteria” that kills Zebra Mussels and Quagga Mussels needs to work in a concentrated area. It would be very expensive to work in a lake.

Regarding the mining in northern MN: April 28th, 2011 there will be a sale of land in N. MN for the mining use.

Revisit the older issue on the speed limit in the area past the Pequaywan Inn: The County is to do a traffic survey in May and get back to Mark Freeman.

New business:

Notice of domain name renewal received from GoDaddy. No objections to renew the domain name and continue the website.

Mr. Kerry Welsh, Assistant St. Louis County assessor visited the meeting to discuss options the township has in hiring a replacement assessor for the area in Al Ringer’s retirement from the job.

Items discussed by Mr. Welsh included: appointing a certified assessor, schooling and training that is needed, a new software technology the county is using much like GoogleEarth. If an assessor is not chosen by Oct 1, 2011, the county will appoint one.

Local individual interested in taking over the assessor position, Tom Thompson, attended the meeting also to discuss his interest. He would be required to go through the schooling and training. In hearing some of the updated rules from the county asst assessor, he would like to speak with Al Ringer and let the township know of his final decision.

The township is to have a weed inspector.

Meeting adjourned.