February 11, 2025, Budget Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.


Town officers present: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair Jim Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Treasurer Raymond Barnes

Town officer absent:  Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp

Guests: Stephen Jones, Steven Mueller, Don Swanstrom, Ted Wallace

Discuss and set-up budget amounts for 2025:

Name of Fund 2025 Levy/Budget
General Fund $ 5,000.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance 5,000.00
Fire and EMS 15,000.00
Building/Property Maintenance Fund 0.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 35,000.00
Total $60,000.00

Discuss and set-up budget amounts for 2026/ Discuss levy recommendation for 2026 for presentation to the residents at the March Annual Town Meeting. Since the Fire department is asking for $30,000.00 levy in 2026, the township can pay them $3,000.00 from last year’s Fire and EMS budget balance and ask for $27,000.00 levy for 2026. The $3,000.00 will be put in Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) fund. It was discussed that we should build up this fund in order to be in a better position to apply for matching fund grants for road improvements

Name of Fund 2026 Levy/Budget
General Fund $ 5,000.00
Road and Bridges (On-going Maintenance 5,000.00
Fire and EMS 27,000.00
Building/Property Maintenance Fund 0.00
Roads and Bridges (Capital Reserve) 33,000.00
Total $70,000.00

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. by Dressen, seconded by Wilson, motion carried. Dressen yay, Wilson yay, Nelson yay.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

February 11, 2025, Town Board Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by chair Douglas Nelson.


Town officers present: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair Jim Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Treasurer Raymond Barnes

Town officer absent:  Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp

Guests: Stephen Jones, Steven Mueller, Don Swanstrom, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the January meeting minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Wilson motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Dressen, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Treasurer’s Report

January 2025
Total Funds on Hand 1/1/2025 $282,566.75
Plus: Deposits $1,515.76
–Interest on Accounts 931.40
–Tax apportionment 584.36
Less: Disbursements $1,865.66
–Payroll 317.22
–941 TAXES 1,250.01
–Other Expenses 298.43

Total Funds on Hand 1/31/2025 $282,216.85
Checks Written 2116-2123
February 2025
Expected Receipts
St. Louis County – 788.08
Checks Written 2124-2128 $1,292.12
No transfer to checking needed

Dressen motioned to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen ya

Old Business

  • There is no update on West Branch Road at this time
  • Update on Invasive Species grant request – none to report at this time
  • Township hiking trail and land usage was discussed. 1/3 of the people in attendance said they used the hiking trail. Folks are interested to have an area to snowshoe. Pequaywan Garden Club members suggested to designate an area for memorial tree planting which will not be on the way of any future building construction. Dressen suggested not to plant invasive maple trees and that the township will approve what will be planted and where. Dressen will continue mowing the grass.

New Business

  • Budget Meeting after Township Board Meeting today
  • Approve Resolution to Appoint Election Judges and Resolution to Appoint Absentee Ballot Judges was motioned by Wilson, seconded by Dressen, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.
  • Due to the Town Election from 5:00-8:00 p.m., Annual Town Meeting will start at 8:20 p.m. followed by the Town Board Meeting
  • Wallace requested help to set-up additional chairs and fold tables after the March 11 Town Election to get ready for the Annual Town Meeting
  • Absentee Balloting runs from February 7 to March 10 – for questions, contact Pequaywan clerk at peqclerk@gmail.com or St. Louis County Elections at 726-2385
  • Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) meeting scheduled on May 13, 2025 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Pequaywan Firehall
  • MAT Spring Training for town officers are scheduled on April 4 at the DECC



  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for January 2025 web maintenance and computer support in the amount of $62.50
  • Email from Microsoft re-automatic renewal of Microsoft 365 Family subscription for $129.99 on March 9, 2025
  • Follow-up invitation from Minnesota Association of Townships to town officers to participate in the 2025 Township Day at the Capitol
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office (forwarded from Department of Revenue with a list of trained board members to hold Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) meeting and dates of LBAE town meetings
  • Emails from St. Louis County Elections re-Absentee balloting information and instructions for clerks
  • Email from MATIT Worker’s Comp Payroll Audit Report for Pequaywan Township
  • Enail from St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office re-various meetings related to Disaster Training Opportunities for township and cities
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office re-LBAE meeting and other information


  • Clerk’s name and address sent to St. Louis County Assessor’s Office for them to use on the valuation notices sent to taxpayers who wish to mail appeals
  • Chair Nelson completed the online U.S. Census Bureau 2025 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
  • (Treasurer) Dec 2024 – (1) MATIT Work Comp; (2) Jan 2024 – 4th quarter Unemployment & 941 Federal Taxes, Annual Outstanding indebtedness, MN Withhholding, MN Sales & Use Tax to Department of Employment and Economic Development; and (3) Feb 2024 – CTAS report to the State of Minnesota

Public Comment Request: None

Next Meeting: March 11, 2025 at Pequaywan Firehall. March Town Election runs from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. so March Town Hall meeting will start at 8:20 p.m. followed by Town Board meeting.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. by Dressen, seconded by Wilson, motion carried. Dressen yay, Wilson yay, Nelson yay.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk

January 14, 2025, Board of Audit Meeting Minutes

Board of Audit Report – Year ending December 31, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chair Nelson.


Town Officers Present: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair Jim Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes

Town Officer Absent: Treasurer Carol Nelson

Township supervisors verified clerk and treasurer books match.

Township Supervisors verified claims and receipts at every meeting, so only a sampling of those documents was checked at this time.

Verified that Cash control statement from clerk and treasurer are the same. Verified that
12/31/24 bank balance matches.

Receipts – verified on clerks and treasurers reports and on bank statements.

2/7 – $1,832.85 – Town Road Aid from St. Louis County (Nelson)
7/19 – $735.00 – Township Aid from State of Minnesota (Dressen)
8/23 – $4,092.00 – Taconite Production from St. Louis County (Wilson)


2/13 – $475.42 -Lilita Wallace (Wilson)
3/12 – $13.94 – Deb Pomroy (Dressen)
8/13 – $2,054.00 Hanft Fride (Nelson)

The supervisors approved the reports presented by the clerk and the deputy treasurer.

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. by Dressen, seconded by Wilson, motion carried. Dressen yay, Wilson yay, Nelson yay.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk


January 14 2025, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Douglas Nelson


Town officers present: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair Jim Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes

Town officer absent: Treasurer Carol Nelson

Guests: Dan Ahonen, Katie Dellenbach, Dorothy Galenski, Tom Jackson, Stephanie Jones, Stephen Jones, Charles Kuettel, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Wilson motioned to approve the minutes, Dressen seconded, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Treasurer’s Report


Total Funds on Hand 12/1/2024 $273,596.96
Plus: Deposits $25,056.68
–Interest on Accounts 681.48
–Tax apportionment 23,640.20
–Township Aid 735.00
Less: Disbursements $16,086.89
–Payroll 2,062.65
–Other Expenses 1,524.24
–Fire & EMS 12,500.00
Total Funds on Hand 12/31/2024 $282,566.75
Checks Written 2096-2115

Expected Receipts – None
Checks Written 2116-2123 $1,865.66
No transfer to checking needed

Dressen motioned to approve the treasurer’s report, Wilson seconded, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road from Chair Nelson:

While researching how wide the West Branch Road easement is, Jim Wilson found his deed. The easement is 66 feet wide. I found a survey of my property and it has the same 66-foot road easement. This is exactly what John Wilson has been saying for some time. There have been questions about our right as a township to trim the trees and brush from alongside the roadway. The actual pavement in front of my house measured 25 feet. That means the shoulder easement is over 10 feet on each side within which we have been well within the limits of our authority for clearing. The last few properties on the road do not have the 66-foot easement and is only the width of the pavement. Jim also found the petition to create the road as a township road. It was created on February 2, 1978, with signatures of the property owners along West Branch Road. The petition was granted on March 7, 1978 by Alden Township. Pequaywan Township was not created until 1980.

Minnesota Association of Township (MAT) attorney has not answered my questions about creating a fine for road violations but I will keep trying.

I have completed the letter to the Township landowners along West Branch Road on the creation of the Subordinate Service District. After proofreading, I will be mailing it shortly.

  • Update on Invasive Species grant request: result of the decision will be sent to the clerk.
  • Discussion on Public Purpose Doctrine email from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) handed out by Doug Dressen last November 2024 meeting.

Public purpose doctrine is defined by the courts as “such an activity as will serve as a benefit to the community as a body and which at the same time, is directly related to the functions of government. The board is the road authority for the township. Courts consider road authorities to have both a common law and statutory duty to keep their roads reasonably maintained. The public purpose doctrine is based on constitutional provisions and states that public funds may only be spent for public purposes.”

  • March Town Election:
    (a) January 14 at 5:00 p.m. – deadline to submit Affidavit of Candidacy for Supervisor position
    (b) February 7-March 10 – Absentee Voting dates, contact clerk Wallace for questions at peqclerk@gmail.com
    (c) March 11, 2025, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall- town election
    (d) Donald Swanstrom submitted an Affidavit of Candidacy for the supervisor position.
  • Laptops update: Daisy Wallace activated Microsoft Office 365 on the four laptops. Updated Windows 11, created new user account, clean-up unnecessary files. Wallace reported that the laptop going to the deputy clerk is ready for transfer and her new laptop is working great. Barnes downloaded, installed and updated Bit Defender Total Security on the four laptops using his personal account and will not charge the township; and copied files to new treasurer laptop. Carol was having trouble accessing Microsoft Office 365 as it refers access back to the former treasurer’s personal email account wherein which Daisy had been advised and will work on it.

New Business 

  • Guest speaker from Pequaywan Fire  Department discussed next years’ budget requirements – the fire department is requesting $30,000.00 for 2026. They provided a list of proposed expenses for 2025 budget.
  • Weed Inspector contract pay rate increase request for approval from $20.00 to $30.00 – Dressen motioned to approve $30.00 pay rate to the Weed inspector, Wilson seconded, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay. The weed inspector specified that homeowners may request inspection on their property without charge.
  • New law requiring townships that administer absentee ballots to change their website to .gov – to be discussed at a later date. Deadline to change is June 2026.
  • Boundary and Annexation Survey – Nelson will review the old file
  • Board of Audit Meeting scheduled after the January Board Meeting
  • Due to the March Town Election from 5:00-8:00 p.m., March Annual Town Meeting will start at 8:20 p.m. followed by March Town Board Meeting



  • Email and postage mail from St. Louis County Planning and Zoning re-draft of the Floodplan Ordinance
  • Email from St. Louis County Elections re-new Affidavit of Candidacy form stating additional requirement that the candidate provide an ID with their home address in the township
  • Email from the Department of Revenue stating that the Board of Appeal and Equalization Training is live and available for all voting local and county board members
  • Email from St. Louis County to fill out the Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness for 2024 and return the completed form to them by February 1, 2025
  • Email from the U.S. Census Bureau re- 2025 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) – to review and update the legal boundary, name, and status information the Census Bureau has the townships
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for December 2024 web maintenance in the amount of $212.50
  • Postage mails from St. Louis County Elections, State of Minnesota, and Minnesota Association of Townships re-instructions, sample of election forms

Sent: None

Public Comment: None

The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Next Meetings: Pequaywan Firehall

  • February 11, 2025, 7:00 p.m., Town Board Meeting
  • February 11, 2025, Budget Meeting, after Town Board Meeting
  • March 11, 2025, 8:20 p.m. Annual Town Hall Meeting
  • March 11, 2025, Town Board Meeting right after the Annual Town Hall Meeting

Meeting was motioned to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. by Dressen, seconded by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk

December 10, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Vice-Chair Wilson.


Town officers Present: Vice-Chair Jim Wilson, Chair Douglas Nelson (by phone), Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson (by phone) Deputy treasurer Ray Barnes

Town officers absent:  Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Deputy clerk Shane Stolp

Guests: Dorothy Galinski, Charles Kuettel, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Nelson motion to approve the minutes, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay. Dressen yay.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on Hand 11/1/2024 $272,085.13
Plus: Deposits $3,180.51
–Interest on Accounts 3,060.01
–Road Permit 120.50
Less: Disbursements $1,668.68
–Payroll 1,209.26
–Other Expenses 459.42

Total Funds on Hand 11/30/2024 $273,596.96
Checks Written 2088-2095

Expected Receipts Apportionment $23,436.44
YE Adjustment 203.76
Checks Written 2096-2115 $16,086.89
No transfer to checking needed

Nelaon motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay.

Carol Nelson reported that she and Barnes finally were able to determine with the help of the State Auditor’s Office on how to correct the data entry of the Social Security tax deducted from the election judges’ salaries. This will enable the township to issue correct W-2 income to the judges. In addition, they will receive a refund for the Social Security tax deducted from their income. The township will receive refund from the Social Security office that was paid for the employee and township portion. The treasurer will submit an Amended Form 941 for this effect.

Old Business

  • FYI: Nothing to report on West Branch Road
  • FYI: On December 7th, Pequaywan Lake Area Fire Department had all their rigs burning the community pile at Rossini Road. The township thanks the Fire Department.
  • FYI: waiting for a response from Township Association lawyer for help with the idea on road limit violations.
  • Update on installing Microsoft Office for the two new laptops: Since C. Nelson prefer to have the installation done this month, Wallace asked approval from the board to have Daisy, our webmaster, do the installation. Nelson motion to approve, Wilson second. Wilson yay, Nelson yay.
  • Invasive Species RFP grant (Bonnie Dressen) – Bonnie is not present at the meeting, this is scheduled next month.
  • Proposed 2025 budget plans for Pequaywan Fire Department – Fire Chief Tom Getchell was not able to attend the meeting so is re-scheduled next month.

New Business

  • Candidacy Filing for supervisor position open for voting at March Town Election: Wallace reported that there is one open Supervisor position for the March Town Election. Supervisor Douglas Dressen’s term ends in March 2025.The Affidavit for Candidacy form is available by:
    (1) contacting clerk Wallace at peqclerk@gmail.com; or
    (2) access and print the form from https://www.sos.state.mn.us/media/1027/affidavit-of-candidacy.pdf

The Affidavit of Candidacy form must be submitted to the clerk between December 31, 2024 and by 5:00 p.m. on January 14, 2025. There is a new requirement for candidates to show proof of residence in the district in which they are filing for office,



  • Email from St. Louis County Elections re-instructions and information on March Town Elections
  •  Workers’ Compensation invoice from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 ($276.00) and Workers’ Compensation Audit information from MATIT Insurance
  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office that the Local Board of Appeal Equalization (LBAE) /Training by the Department of Revenue is now available online
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace for November web maintenance in the amount of $25.00


  • Re-sent updated list of town officers to St. Louis  County Elections
  • Sent Public Notice of Town Election 2025 timeline to St. Louis County Elections

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Public Comment Request:

Next Meeting:  January 14, 2025, 7:00 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Hall

Meeting was motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. by Nelson, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay.

Respectfully submitted by
Lita Wallace, Clerk

November 12, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Nelson.


Town officers: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes

Absent: Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp

Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Stephanie Jones, Stephen Jones, Deb Pomroy, Daryle Waldriff, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on Hand 10/1/2024 $276,228.12
Plus: Deposits $406.55
–Interest on Accounts 406.55
Less: Disbursements $4,549.54
–Payroll 1,268.45
–Other Expenses 931.17
–Payroll 941 Report 1,113.67
–St. Louis County 2024-2025- 1/2 Snow Plowing 1,236.25
Total Funds on Hand 10/31/2024 $272,085.13
Checks Written 2073-2087

Expected Receipts NONE
Checks Written 2088-2095 $1,663.68
No transfer to checking needed

Treasurer Nelson proposed opening two (2) CD’s at $50,000 each with the National Bank of Commerce. Nelson reported that she will be closing the CD’s with Superior Choice Credit Union.

Dressen motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road by Chair Nelson: On October 30th, we received notice from St. Louis County that our application for snow removal on the West Branch Road had been approved. This was a welcome notice after all the work that had been done removing trees, trimming edges and removing everything overhanging the road. I did a second ride along with Kelly Gronsorowski from St. Louis County and he said we did a really good job. Thanks goes to Jim Wilson, Brian Von Arb, Chris Sands, Jeff Somrock and Jim Hacking. We learned a lot from this project and will be able to do a more efficient job when we are required to do it next time. The residents along the West Branch Road stopped to talk to use and thank us for what we were doing. I received no complaint about cutting the trees that were a problem for the plow.

Kelly reminded me of the area that needs to be patched next year before he signs off on the plowing contract again. I am working with Kevin Smalley with Sinnot Blacktop to set up a game plan for next spring to do the repairs and possibly seal coat the patches that have been done in the past to extend their useful life. We are going to set up a meeting for next week and as soon as I have that information, I will advise everyone.

While working the ditches along the West Brand Road, I discovered a second culvert in a different location than the two main culverts. I have no history on this culvert as to when it was installed.

The Subordinate Service District has been on the back burner with most of our time being devoted to road maintenance. I will begin working on this again very soon.

  • Status of Invasive Species grant money by Bonnie Dressen – RFP due at 4:30 p.m. on November 22, 2024 – Bonnie has been working on it and will submit an RFP on the deadline date.
  • Update on election process and open hours for voting: Wallace reported that there were a total of 95 in person voting and 29 absentee voting. Forty five voters voted between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. almost half of the voters who voted in person. Due to this, the board decided that they are not going to propose any changes on the start time of voting for all state and federal elections which will remain at 7:00 a.m.
  • Purchase of a tarp for covering burn pile. 20 X 20 medium duty at Northern Tool costs $29.99 (20 x 30 HD costs 89.99): For this purpose, an agreement between Daryle Waldriff and the board to purchase a 20’x100′ tarp from Waldriff for $125.00.
  • Setting a fine for violation of load limits tabled from last month: D. Nelson said that he contacted the MAT attorney Steve Fenske, General Counsel for advise on this matter but have not hear back as of yet. Again, I will keep you updated as I receive information. Looking to implement this in spring.
  • Laptop estimate costs – Barnes proposed buying two HP laptop for $630.00 each which will be for the clerk and treasurer. The laptops now in possession of the clerk and treasurer will be transferred to the deputies. The board requested for Wallace to contact John Wall to help install Microsoft Office.  Dressen motion to approve purchase of two laptops for $630.00 each, second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.


  • FYI: 2024-2025 Snow plowing contract of West Branch Road with St. Louis County was approved after the supervisors with community help cleared the trees and brush along the road as required by the county
  • CTAS/Social Security Tax: in the past elections, Social Security were taken from election judges’ salary. C. Nelson and Barnes are working with the State’s CTAS folks on how to correct it in CTAS.
  • Discussion on distance of the easement: (Action) – Wilson will locate his deed to check what is says about easement.
  • Signs will be posted in the township that says:

“Pequaywan Lakes Area Association
Wake Boats are Prohibited on Pequaywan Lake
Thank you”

New Business

  • Minnesota Association of Townships is inviting officers to join them for “Township Day at the Capitol” on January 27, 2025. They will pay registration fee.



  • Various election information materials from St. Louis County including Absentee Ballot voter names, rosters and other items needed for the General Election on November 5.
  • Email from St. Louis County re-new proposed ordinance which prohibits the operation of cannabis businesses.
  • Invitation to participate on the Township Day at the Capitol.


Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Public Comment Request: None

Next Meeting, December 10, 7:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

Meeting was motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. by Dressen, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Respectfully submitted by
Lita Wallace, Clerk

October 8, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Nelson.


Town officers: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes

Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Charles Kuettel, Deb Pomroy, Daryle Waldriff, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: Copies of the minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on Hand 9/1/2024 $278,559.14
Plus: Deposits $418.23
–Interest on Accounts 418.23
Less: Disbursements $2,749.25
–Payroll 2,093.42
–Other Expenses 220.83
–Hanft Fride 435.00
Total Funds on Hand 9/30/2024 $276,228.12
Checks Written 2055-2072
Void check 2053 – paper jam

Expected Receipts NONE
Checks Written 2073-2086 $3,313.29
No transfer to checking needed

Treasurer Nelson requested to have a blank check signed by officers for snow plowing as it might be due before the November meeting.

Dressen motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and the request to sign a blank check, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road cleaning for St. Louis County Snow Plow contract for 2024-2025 by Chair Nelson: “I did a ride along with St. Louis County Road Supervisor Kelley Gronsorowski on the West Branch Road to survey the work that has been done to renew our plowing contract. He informed me it was not sufficient and pointed out where more work was needed before he would give his OK. They want all the small trees, overhanging trees and anything that might interfere with the snow plow. He wants a 25′ wide corridor with nothing leaning or growing in that zone. I want to thank especially Jim Wilson for his dedication to getting this work done. At one point, he was on the road cutting trees and brush for eight straight days. As he would say not full eight hour days but several hours each time. Neighbors along the West Branch Road came out to help including Chris Sands, Jim Hacking and Brian VonArb. We greatly appreciate their help as this is a very large project to satisfy the county. Supervisor Doug Dressen got estimates to have private contractors do the work as follows: Rick’s Tree and Stump at $22,548.75; and Duluth Tree Service at $39,430.00. John Wilson sent a crew he has worked with called Treety Outdoor Services and they gave us a bid of $9,000.00. None of these were in the budget we set last meeting which was $4,000.00 so we elected to do it ourselves at a huge savings for the township. Kelley Gronsorowski also pointed out a bad spot in the blacktop that will be a problem for the plow but said he will put it on next year’s list of repairs needed before contract signing. He said he would like the work completed by October 15 and then reinspect. So the work goes on!”
  • Invasive species grant money: St. Louis County is soliciting proposals to prevent the introduction or limit the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in St. Louis County. St. Louis County is the recipient of $707,992.00 grant aid funds for AIS prevention. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 2024. Bonnie Dressen volunteered to research if Pequaywan Lakes qualify.
  • Results of tree disposal from Saturday, October 5th report from Chair Nelson: “We had our second tree disposal site on October 5. Much smaller numbers than in the spring but we still had 11 loads of trees and brush delivered to the site. I want to thank the people who came and helped. Chuck Kuettel, Jim Wilson and Steven Jones who brought homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies made by his wife. Mark Freeman from the fire department has been discussing how and when to burn for us. He said this was a very valuable service provided by the township as it reduces fire materials from our home and accidentally starting a fire out of control. There was a discussion about putting a large tarp over some of the pile to keep off the snow so it would be easier to ignite and burn. The last attempts at burning the pile was unsuccessful as the wood was too wet and would not ignite. I will price out a tarp.”

A resident mentioned that he has some huge tarps he can sell to the township. The supervisors will check it out.

  • Vehicle axle weight limit of 7-ton axle: There is a sign at the entrance to Pequaywan Township at West Branch Road regarding this restriction. An overweight permit can be requested for a fee. A question and discussion arises as what to do if an individual is caught without a permit. A suggestion to contact the town lawyer and table the issue for next meeting to determine how to enforce it.
  • Wake boats: Dressen motion to support that the township put up a sign stating “Wake boats are prohibited in Pequaywan Township” as recommended by DNR (Department of Natural Resources. Some residents  volunteered to donate signs. Second by Wilson, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

New Business

    • 2024 General Election Information (Absentee voting, election date, polling place, time, election judges, Public Accuracy Test) – Wallace reported the following: (1) Absentee Voting information has been posted on posting places. (2) General Election is scheduled on Tuesday, November 5, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Firehall. (3) Election judges are Shane Stolp, Bonnie Dressen and Jane Strom. (4) Public Accuracy Test will be scheduled after the ballots are picked up from the county when available for pick-up. To answer a question whether a township can start later than 7:00 a.m. The answer is yes, if the township has less than 500 voters and election can start no later than 10:00 a.m. It must be approved by the voters during the  March Annual Meeting. Wallace mentioned that she researched the time voted during the last few years from 2006 to 2024, the voters approved a start of 7:00 a.m. Nelson instructed Wallace to add the topic for discussion in next year’s March Annual Town meeting.
  • Acquisition of two new laptops for the clerk and treasurer. Also Adobe Acrobat software for the use of the clerk. If a purchase is made, the current laptops used by the clerk and treasurer will go to the deputy clerk and deputy treasurer. The laptops used by the deputies were purchased in 2015 and the ones used by the clerk and treasurer were purchased in 2017 or 2018.



  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace, web administrator, in the amount of $25.00 for the month of September
  • Invoice from Deborah Pomroy, Noxious Weed Surveyor, in the amount of $480.00 and $32.23 for mileage during the period of July 12 to July 27, 2024
  • Various emails from St. Louis County Elections re-General Election information and pick-up of election ballots and other materials
  • Email from St. Louis County Planning and Zoning that RFP (grant) for Aquatic Invasive Species is now open
  • Email from St. Louis County Auditor’s Office confirming receipt of the 2025 Levy Form

Sent: None

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Public Comment Request: Lake Loss Directory. This request was declined as it is a Pequaywan Lake Association business and not township business.

Nelson motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m., Dressen second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Next Meeting, November 12, 2024, 7:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk

September 10, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Nelson


Town officers: Chair Douglas Nelson, Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp, Deputy Treasurer Ray Barnes

Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Dorothy Galinski, Stephanie Jones, Stephen Jones, Charles Kuettel, Deb Pomroy, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report: Copies of the minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Treasurer’s Report

Total Funds on Hand 8/1/2024 $270,992.50
Plus: Deposits $10,266.25
–Interest on Accounts 416.90
–DNR – payment in lieu of taxes 5,757.35
–Taconite Production 4,092.00
Less: Disbursements $2,699.61
–Payroll 310.66
–Other Expenses 379.95
–MATIT 1,009.00
–Hanft Fride 1,000.00
Total Funds on Hand 8/31/2024 $278,559.14
Checks Written 2042-2054
Void check 2053 – paper jam

Expected Receipts NONE
Checks Written 2055-2072 $2,749.25

Dressen motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

Old Business

  • Chair Nelson update on West Branch Road (Pequaywan Township Road #2412): Slowly making progress on the Subordinate Services District. I have created a database with every property owner along the township portion of West Branch Road, a total of 66 names with 80% seasonal cabins (53) and 20% residents (13). I am working on a letter survey to explain what we want to do and get their input. I will keep you posted on the survey results.
  • Snow plowing contract report by Chair Nelson: Our application for renewal of the West Branch Road plowing contract has been returned back to us labeled rejected: “Following improvements needed to be made before they will approve the application.” County plow supervisor wants a 25′ wide corridor with all overhanging trees trimmed or removed. That’s the width of the pavement plus a 2 foot shoulder. I have been working with Kelly Gronsorowski from St. Louis County as he is the supervisor for the West Branch Road. He is asking that we have the work completed no later than October 15th and contact them for reinspection. There are several people who have said they would help but it will be a major task. The plow truck itself is 12′ high and they want any branches cut off that if covered with snow could hit the truck. This entails riding in the back of a pickup truck with a pole saw. Kelley explained they experienced broken hazard lights and antennas. The lights cost over $500.00 each and $100.00 for antenna plus labor to install. I want to explore hiring this out, maybe anyone who has done this for the township in the past. I request we set a budget not to exceed $4,000.00. We need approval now as the work needs to be done ASAP and we can’t wait until the next meeting to agree to the funding. There is money in the West Branch Maintenance Fund that can be used.

Nelson motion to approve $4,000.00 for the contract to trim the trees as required by St. Louis County, Dressen second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Dressen, yay, Wilson yay.

A few folks have given contact information on companies that can do the project.

  • Wake boat update: Talked with DNR. Suggested to post sign on the road and something for the Pequaywan Lake Association to do. The township cannot make a law or enforce it until the county make the law. All that the township can do is support the Association with a petition letter. The petition letter will go to Commissioner Nelson, then DNR, then the State Legislature. Before a petition letter can be created, the board needs a petition letter from the Association.
  • Hiking trail update: Dressen reported that he cleaned up the area around the Boy Scout picnic table.
  • Fall burn pile drop off will be on October 5, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location is on the township property in the corner of Rossini Road and Pequaywan Lake Road. Requirements are: (1) maximum diameter must be 10 inches; and (2) branches must be de-limbed or separated from the trunk.
  • Weed report: Deb Pomroy reported that she finished surveying West Branch Road and six hours of weed survey in the hiking trail. She plans to do the northeast corner of the township next. Noxious weeds found in the township were: Spotted Knapweed, Common Tansy, Japanese Barberry, Siberian Peashrub, Common Buckthorn, and Bush Honeysuckle.

New Business

  • Brush on the side of the road: There was discussion on clearing the brush on the side of the township road. Equipment rental is $100.00-$180.00. No action taken.



  • Email from St. Louis County Assessor’s Office re-list of LBAE certified supervisors
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace, Web Admin, in the amount of $25.00


  • 2025 Levy form emailed to St. Louis County Auditor’s Office

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Public Comment Request: Lake directory loss

Next Meeting, October 8, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk

August 13, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. by Chair Nelson.

Town officers: Chair Douglas Nelson , Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Treasurer Carol Nelson, Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp
Town officer absent: Deputy treasurer Raymond Barnes
Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Dorothy Galinski, Stephanie Jones, Stephen Jones, Marcia Sands, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the July 9, 2024 minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes with correction, second by Wilson, motion carried. Wilson yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Treasurer’s Report

JULY 2024
Total Funds on Hand 7/1/2024 $238,380.53
Plus: Deposits $37,672.88
–Interest on Accounts 402.22
–First Half – Tax Apportionment 35,937.76
–State of MN – PNP Reimbursement 597.90
–State of Mn – Town Aid 735.00
Less: Disbursements $5,060.91
–Payroll 509.92
–US Treasury – 941 taxes 1,543.08
–Fire & EMS 2,500.00
–Other Expenses 507.91
Total Funds on Hand 7/31/2024 $270,992.50
2030-2039 Checks Written

Expected Receipts $5,757.35
MN DNR- payment in lieu of taxes ?
St Louis Cty – Taconite
Void checks 2040-2042 $2,699.61
Checks Writte 2043-2054
No transfer to checking needed

Wilson motion to approve, Nelson second, motion carried. Wilson yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Old Business
• West Branch Road Update by Chair Nelson.

“A recap of my conversation with Rashma Brewer, Engineer for State of Minnesota in-charge of LRIP (Local Road Improvement Program) grant programs. We scored in the middle of all the applications:
(1) We were strong in noting Safety Issues Now.
(2) Maps.
(3) Pictures.
(4) Letters of support.

Scored low:
(1) Not detailing future maintenance and matching funds available.
(2) Need ability to maintain and operate road in the future.
(3) Need greater community benefits.
(4 Compelling narrative – tourist destination, etc.
(5) Higher traffic counts.
(6) Not project ready.
(7) Right of way acquisition in advance not done.
(8) Joint with county.
(9) Seasonal usage like winter snowmobile trails.
(10) Logging operations using road for access.
(11) Access to state land for ATV’s, etc.

Status of (Subordinate Service District):
(1) Create list of all current landowners along the township West Branch Road.
(2) Send questionnaire to all owner’s requesting their help attendance at a special meeting to discuss details and share ideas.
(3) Create Citizen Task force to work on details.
(4) Secure required 50% approval of all landowners and create signed petition for township clerk to review.
(5) Consult with engineers to determine scope of work to make sure we properly spend money wisely.
(6) Interview several black top companies to get their input.
(7) Determine length of time and amount of annual assessment to budget for the needed replacement.
(8) Work with County Auditor to determine each new levy based on current property values.
(9) Present proposal to Pequaywan Board of Supervisors for their approval.
(10) Present final approval to County Auditor for implementation.”

• Wake boat – a resident presented information about the damages of having a Wake Boat in Pequaywan Lakes with the Pequaywan Lake Association requesting the board to implement to stop the use of Wake Boats in Pequaywan Lakes. There was discussion and was tabled.

• State Primary Election on August 13, 2024: 32 residents voted out of 143. Chair Nelson congratulated the election officials for their hard work and long Marathon Day. A total of 15 hours worked.

New Business
• Shane Stolp as new Head Election Judge – Nelson motion to approve Shane Stolp as the new Head Election Judge, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.
• St. Louis County reclassification of Tax Forfeited Land – Dressen motion to approve, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.
• Dressen motion to approve for the clerk to renew the online snow plowing contract with St. Louis County, Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.
• Notice from Pequaywan Firehall re-filing cabinets – Wallace reported that the Pequaywan Firehall requested to dispose of the township filing cabinet that is no longer needed as they need space in the Firehall for upcoming training in October attended by other fire departments. Wallace also reported that Supervisor Wilson took out the filing cabinet for disposal.
• Public Comment request: Chair Nelson’s response: “For Public Comment Protocol, we have established procedure of one comment per citizen of about two minutes at the end of the meeting. Notify the clerk (Lita Wallace, peqclerk@gmail.com) in advance of your desire to speak and specify the topic. As noted at the Public Comment section of the Agenda, Bonnie Dressen has requested that attendees be allowed to speak on each item in the agenda. The answer is NO. We will continue to operate under the current rules voted by the supervisors. That being said, there will be exceptions to the rule when the supervisors decide and agree they would like more information from the citizens on a particular issue. A case in point would be a discussion on the Wake Boat Surfing issue. When we get to that issue I will invite you to comment.”


• Email from Minnesota Department of Revenue stating the 2025 amounts for Town Aid
• MAT District 10 Meeting scheduled on August 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in Grand Lake Town Hall 5287 Highway 53, Saginaw MN
• Email from St. Louis County Public Works stating that the online snow plowing contract is ready for renewal

• Submitted Final Town 2025 Levy to St. Louis County in the amount of $60,000.00

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.

Public Comment Request: Bonnie Dressen requesting that attendees be allowed to speak as each item is addressed on the agenda.

Next Meeting, September 10, 2024, 7:00 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

Dressen motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m., Wilson second, motion carried. Nelson yay, Wilson yay, Dressen yay.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk

July 9, 2024, Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice-Chair James Wilson.

Town officers – Vice-Chair James Wilson, Supervisor Douglas Dressen, Clerk Lita Wallace, Deputy Treasurer Raymond Barnes
Town officers by phone – Chair Douglas Nelson and Treasurer Carol Nelson
Absent: Deputy Clerk Shane Stolp
Guests: Bonnie Dressen, Charles Kuettel, Kristin Larsen, Deb Pomroy, Jim Stewart, Ted Wallace

Clerk’s Report

Copies of the June 11, 2024 minutes were distributed to attendees and they were given time to read it. Dressen motion to approve the minutes, second by Wilson, motion carried. Wilson yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Treasurer’s Report

JUNE 2024
Total Funds on Hand 6/1/2024 $239,421.10
Plus: Deposits $413.79
-Interest on Accounts 413.79
-Misc Items
Less: Disbursements $1,454.36
-Payroll 1,310.56
-Other Expenses 143.90
Total Funds on Hand 6/30/2024 $238,380.53
Checks Written 2019-2029

JULY 2024
Expected Receipts
SLC – First Half Taxes $35,937.76 MN –
PNP reimbursement $597.90 Checks Written 2030-2039 $5,060.91
No transfer to checking needed

Dressen motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, second by Wilson, motion carried. Wilson yay, Dressen yay, Nelson yay.

Old Business

  • Update on West Branch Road by Nelson – culvert was flooded but did not go up to the road. There is another opportunity to apply for funding in 2025. In 2024, 119 applied and 18 were granted. Requirement is 1000 amount of traffic.

New Business

  • Discuss banning wake boats – Wake boats plow the water and leave a wave big enough for people to surf. It ruins the beach line. Further discussion is tabled for next month
  • For information – St. Louis County Licensing Committee recommendation on registration and operation of cannabis business.
  • Weed Inspector Update – Deb Pomroy will start conducting the inspection soon. She is available to conduct inspection in Pequaywan residents property if they need help identifying weeds in their property without charge.
  • Election changes/Revised Resolution for Election Judges – Wallace reported new election changes. There are now only two major political parties, Republican and Democrats. Starting August election, clerks are no longer allowed to serve as Head Election Judge or election judge.
  • Introduce new Head Election Judge – Head Election Judge is Deb Pomroy and new Election Judge hired is Jane Strom.
  • Change time of August Board meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. due to election which runs until 8:00 p.m.
  • Mark your calendar for election dates, Pequaywan Firehall, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    August 13, 2024 – State Primary Election
    November 5, 2024 – General Election
  • Clerk Wallace and Deputy Clerk Stolp completed the 5-hoour Clerk Training for State Primary Election conducted by St. Louis County Elections
  • St Louis County Licensing Committee voted unanimously that the St. Louis County Board enact a county-wide moratorium prohibiting legislation and operation of cannabis business through December 31, 2024.



  • Invoice from Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance and Bond Trust in the amount of $1,009.00 for Inland Marine Policy for coverage of equipment, computers, OmniBallot etc
  • Invoice from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) for $30 in the purchase of two extra Town Government Manual for supervisors.
  • Invoice from Daisy Wallace in the amount of $150 for services during the month of June (Web administration and Google group email special project).
  • Letter from St Louis County Licensing Committee that they voted unanimously that the St. Louis County Board enact a county-wide moratorium prohibiting legislation and operation of cannabis business through Deember 31, 2024.
  • Various emails from St. Louis County Elections re-Head Election Judge training and information and instructions about the August and November elections.
  • Email from St. Louis County, MN Sheriff’s Office requesting report of damage to public infrastructure due to the storm in June 2024.

Sent: None

Public Comment: The Public Comment section is a courtesy extended to persons wishing to address the Board. If you wish to comment during the Township Meeting, follow the protocol below. One public comment per citizen which is limited to two minutes. Submit request by the first Saturday of the month to peqclerk@gmail.com with your full name and comment information. The board can either address the issue, assign someone to address the issue, or do nothing.


Next Meeting: August 13, 2024, 8:3 0 p.m., Pequaywan Firehall

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Clerk