December 14, 2021 Township Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Charles Kuettel.
Town Officers: Supervisor Charles Kuettel, supervisor Donald Swanstrom, supervisor Doug Dressen, clerk Amber Cruz, and treasurer Carol Nelson
Guests: Raymond Barnes
Clerk’s Report
The Following changes were made to the November 9, 2021 Minutes: under Clerk’s report, public comment was changed to read as follows: “under Old Business, in reference to the easement on Moose Lake Road, the wording was changed..”
Motion to accept the November minutes, to include the change, was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0.
Motion to accept the clerk’s report was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0.
Treasurer’s Report
Total Funds on hand as of 11/01/2021 (Includes Investments) $185,255.87
Plus: Deposits $67.44
Interest on Accounts $67.44
Less: Disbursements $494.75
Payroll $261.75
Other Expenses $233.00
Total Funds on hand as of 11/30/2021 $184,828.56
November check # 1729-1734
Deposits (December) $0
Claims (December) $1065.46
December check # 1735-1743
No transfers to the Checking Account will be needed at this time
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0
Old Business
- Update on deputy treasurer, deputy clerk and election judge openings: Letters have been mailed. Waiting until the first of the year to do interviews/hire.
- Update on the township website: The map of the township parcel needs to be updated. The contact list needs updated with current contact information. A review on the portion about protocol for masks, etc. needs to be done.
New Business
- Board for Pequaywan Inn: Motion to approve the purchase of a new board with approval of size by the owner Nick was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0
- Upcoming meetings: Monthly Board meeting is to be held on January 11, 2022. The Board of Audit meeting is to be at 7 p.m. on January 25, 2022 followed by the Budget meeting at 7:45 p.m.. The Schedule for March 8, 2022 will be as follows:
- Election 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Annual Board Meeting 8:30 p.m.
- March Board Meeting 9 p.m.
- Board of Canvass Meeting 9:15 p.m.
Motion to approve meeting times and dates was provided by Dressen. Motion was seconded by Swanstrom, the motion carried 3-0-0
- Email from the Minnesota Association of Townships on Veterans Day, thanking veterans for their service
- Email from Kristin Fogard of St Louis County AG Inspectors containing the 2021 Township and City Year End Invasive Report
- Email from Phil Chapman of St Louis County Elections with information on the VEGA – 3 Grant Application
- Email from the Minnesota Association of Townships containing the November newsletter
- Email from Cathy Rouleau of St Louis County Association of Townships with the tentative agenda for the SLCAT agenda for the 12/01/2021 meeting
- Email from St Louis County Elections with election information for the 2022 March Township elections, as well as a reminder on upcoming deadlines
- Invoice in the amount of $12.50 from Daisy Wallace for the Township website administration.
- Email from Jon Blevins of St Louis County Elections with a reminder of an upcoming deadline
- signed consent form back to Frontier Communications
- letters of the open deputy clerk, deputy treasurer and election judge positions to residents of Pequaywan Township
- updated contact information and an updated township officer list to the Minnesota Association of Townships
Public Comments
Dressen was asked by a Pequaywan resident if there were any objections to having the township trailed groomed for cross country skiing. The board has no objections.
Next Meeting January 11, 2022 at the Pequaywan firehall. The location will be reassessed 2 weeks prior to January 11, 2022 Township Board meeting. Any changes in location will be made at that time in accordance with Minnesota Association of Townships and the State of Minnesota
Motion to adjourn the meeting was provided by Dressen. The motion was seconded by Swanstrom, motion carried 3-0-0
Meeting was adjourned by Kuettel at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Amber Cruz, Clerk