Present: Mark Freeman, Rick Fry, Scott Mead, Keith Stoneburner
5 residents
Next meeting set for Jan 13, 2009
November meeting minutes read and approved by board.
Old business:
Invasive Knapweed – Scott attended a county board meeting and discussed with Keith Nelson this issue. The feedback was that they are tracking the mulch for future reference and the county would not be doing anything about the issue at this time. Pequaywan township will still plan to work on this issue this spring.
New business:
Resident Ted Wasnick asked what his next step is with the issue of re-zoning his land, he had not heard from anyone on what to do next. Rick said he would give a call to Scott Smith to get information.
Rick brought up just as an awareness point the concerns about the non-ferrous mining in the Ault and Fairbanks area.
Meeting adjorned.