Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.
Present: Chair-Supervisor Scott Mead, Supervisor Lee Kaplan, Supervisor Don Swanstrom, Treasurer Ray Barnes and Clerk Lita Wallace. Others in attendance: two residents and one non-resident.
Clerk’s Report: Minutes of January meeting was presented and reviewed. Motion by Mead to approve the minutes, Swanstrom second. Mead yay, Kaplan yay, Swanstrom yay, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Mead motion to approve the January Meeting for December 2017 Treasurer’s report, Lee second. Mead yay, Kaplan yay, Swanstrom yay, motion carried.
January 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Total Cash on hand as of 12/31/2017 – $267,976.28
Plus: Deposits – $240.50
Less Disbursements (January) – $15,740.29
Total Cash on hand as of 01/31/2018 – $252,476.49
January Check # 1305 – 1313
February 2018 Treasurer’s Report
Claims (February) – $1271.29
February Check # 1314 – 1317
Old Business
- March Town Election is scheduled on Tuesday, March 13, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at Pequaywan Fire Department. If unable to vote on March 13, you can vote by Absentee voting on Saturday, March 10, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., at the Town Clerk’s Office, 3081 Little Cloquet River Road, Duluth.
- Annual Meeting and Town Meeting will follow after Town Election at approximately 8:15 p.m.
- Mead motion and seconded by Swanstrom to approve a bid submitted by KTM Paving for repair of West Branch Road costing $98,700 for the repair plus $3,500 mobilization fee for moving their equipments and to cap expenses up to $115,000.00. Mead yay, Kaplan yay, Swanstrom yay, motion carried.
New Business
- Approval of February 2018 Claims
- Budget discussion – for CTAS purposes, same amount will be used for 2018
- Financial audit of 2017 books – supervisors reviewed and approved the CTAS financial reports provided both by the treasurer and clerk which were pre-reconciled
- LBAE (Local Board of Appeals & Equalization) meeting scheduled May 9, 5-6 p.m. Pequaywan Fire Department
Correspondence Received
- Louis County 2018 Fee Schedule for Plowing – $975.00/per mile per year commencing October 1, 2018
- SLCAT (St Louis County Association of Townships) re-Resolution on St. Louis County Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Email from SLCAT: (1) December 2017 and January 2018 Meeting Minutes; (2) Letter and Resolution to reinstate MAT General Counsel Kent Sulem; and (3) SLCAT Lobby Day participation form, March 21, 2018
- Master List for upcoming Township Elections in March
- St Louis County Election Department – 2018 Caucus Locations (contact the Auditor’s Office at 218-726-2385or if there are questions) –
- Office of State Auditor required annual financial reporting of town activities to the State
- St Louis County Ag Inspector – form to fill out by the Town Designated Weed Inspector
- St. Louis Co. Planning and Community Development Department – Land Use Permit Summary issued in 2017
- Minnesota Benefit Association – Township Officer benefit program
- Social Security Administration – online access by treasurer
- Minnesota Benefit Association – life insurance statement
- Minnesota Association of Township ($161.60) and St. Louis County Association of Township ($307.12) Dues (note: this bill was paid in January but since the clerk in-charge of depositing the check was ill, it was not cashed right away)
- LBAE (Local Board of Appeals & Equalization) meeting scheduled May 9, 5-6 p.m. Pequaywan Fire Department
Correspondence Sent
- Completed and signed form sent to St. Louis County for grant permission to access township land in their process of setting up timber sale in Sections 18 and 20 of the county land
- Mailed two Absentee Ballots
Public Comment
Next Meeting: March 13, 2018, after the Annual Meeting, approximately 9:15 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road
Motion to Adjourn: Kaplan motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m., second by Swanstrom. Mead yay, Kaplan yay , Swanstrom yay, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk